AMD Zulieferer für chinesisches Bildungsprojekt


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AMD hat zusammen mit seinen Partnern Lenovo und Dawning einen Auftrag für ein Bildungsprojekt in China für sich entscheiden können - namentlich das Hebei Long-Distance Education Project.

Ingesamt sollen 26.000 auf AMD Prozessoren basierende Systeme ausgeliefert werden, mit denen Räume in Bildungseinrichtungen mit jeweils 30 Desktop PCs, sowie einem Opteron Server ausgestattet werden sollen.

<a href="">Zur Pressemitteilung</a>
AMD Powers Hebei Province, China Long-Distance Education Project

Over 26,000 AMD processor-based systems implemented in one of the largest education projects of its kind

Beijing -- January 10, 2005 --AMD (NYSE: AMD) today announced that Lenovo, Dawning and AMD have jointly won one of China&#8217;s most ambitious long-distance education projects &#8211; the Hebei Long-Distance Education Project. As part of the win, AMD, Lenovo and Dawning will provide over 26,000 AMD processor-based systems, including AMD Sempron&#8482; processor-based Lenovo Qitian M 6200M PCs and AMD Opteron&#8482; processor-based Dawning Tiankuo A Series i200-A servers, to Hebei Education Bureau.

As a significant part of China&#8217;s &#8220;informatilization&#8221; initiative, which is designed to facilitate more effective communication across the entire country, long-distance education was selected by China&#8217;s Central Government as a way to improve nationwide education. Hebei Province was chosen to be the demo site for the launch of the long-distance education program, which began in October 2004.

&#8220;AMD is very pleased to contribute to China&#8217;s education development, together with Lenovo and Dawning, by supporting long-distance education in Hebei&#8217;s rural area. This is a breakthrough for AMD China that highlights overall momentum for AMD as well as our technically advanced products,&#8221; said Karen Guo, corporate vice president of AMD and president of AMD Greater China. &#8220;AMD will help hundreds of thousands of students improve their education by using our products to enhance their learning experience. This win is a testament to our commitment to develop the China market, and highlights our vision of succeeding with local partners.&#8221;

According to the project&#8217;s managers, hundreds of networked computer classrooms will be built. Every computer classroom will deploy one AMD Opteron processor-based server and 30 desktop PCs. At least 200,000 students will benefit from this project.

&#8220;The remote education project is a very important project for both the Hebei province and the whole country, as the Central Government chooses Hebei to be the demo site for nationwide remote education. After thorough-testing and evaluation, we believe AMD processor-based PCs and servers will provide tremendous benefits to our teachers and students,&#8221; said Mr. Yan Chunlai, assistant supervisor of Hebei Education Bureau.

By implementing AMD Sempron processor-based Lenovo Qitian M 6200 systems in the Hebei long-distance education project, Lenovo demonstrates its commitment to China&#8217;s education. Lenovo is one of the first PC manufacturers to launch AMD Sempron processor-based systems. The well-received Lenovo &#8220;Yuan Meng&#8221; PCs, based on AMD Sempron processors, offer users in China an opportunity to purchase a PC with performance and features designed to meet their daily home and business computing needs.

&#8220;Dawning and AMD jointly launched an extensive 64-bit computing marketing campaign in August 2004, and today Dawning&#8217;s AMD Opteron processor-based 32- and 64-bit computing server platform has penetrated several industries including education, government, meteorology, electricity and commerce,&#8221; said Mr. Li Jun, president of Dawning. &#8220;We believe we were chosen to support the Hebei long-distance education project because of our project operation experience, the advanced technology in our server systems combined with the AMD Opteron processor and our strong service team.&#8221;

About Hebei Long-Distance Education Project
The long-distance education initiative for elementary and middle schools in rural areas is an endeavor of tremendous strategic importance that focuses on driving the policy of enhancing national strength through technical and educational advancements and further improving education and people&#8217;s standard of living for rural areas. As a pilot province for the initiative, Hebei will put in place e-education programs in pilot municipalities including Zhangjiakou, Chengde and Baoding to improve quality and efficiency of education in the countryside. These programs are designed to introduce high-quality education resource-based advanced long-distance education model to drive education balance, bridging the gap between eastern and western China and enhancing the social and economic development in rural areas.

About the AMD Sempron&#8482; Processor
The AMD Sempron&#8482; processor family is redefining everyday computing for today&#8217;s value-conscious buyers of desktop and notebook PCs. The AMD Sempron and Mobile AMD Sempron processors are designed to offer best-in-class performance for the growing segment of PC users who want more from their PC at home, in the office, or on the go. This full-featured product line enables performance at the top of its class on home and business applications.

About the AMD Opteron&#8482; Processor
The world&#8217;s first 32-bit and 64-bit processor compatible with the x86 architecture, the AMD Opteron processor is based on AMD64 technology with Direct Connect Architecture. Direct Connect Architecture helps eliminate the bottlenecks inherent in a front-side bus by directly connecting the processors, the memory controller and the I/O to the central processor unit to enable improved overall system performance and efficiency. AMD was the first to announce the completion of an x86-based dual-core processor design and the first to demonstrate an x86-based dual-core processor for 32- and 64-bit computing. As more solution providers join the AMD64 ecosystem, the industry is approaching the day when 32-bit-only systems will become obsolete.

About AMD
AMD (NYSE:AMD) designs and produces innovative microprocessors, Flash memory devices and low-power processor solutions for the computer, communications and consumer electronics industries. AMD is dedicated to delivering standards-based, customer-focused solutions for technology users, ranging from enterprises and governments to individual consumers. For more information visit

AMD, the AMD Arrow logo, AMD Sempron, AMD Opteron, and combinations thereof, are trademarks of Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. Other names are for informational purposes only and may be trademarks of their respective owners.

nicht verwunderlich' oder? Aber auch eine gute Nachricht.

neax :)
Aktienkurs legt heute um über 3 % zu, aber wohl auch, weil Intel morgen seine Zahlen veröffentlicht...
Original geschrieben von Peter1984
Aktienkurs legt heute um über 3 % zu, aber wohl auch, weil Intel morgen seine Zahlen veröffentlicht...

-Predigtmodus an-
Du meinst den Aktienkurs in Deutschland der total irrelevant ist.

Geschlossen mit nem knappen Prozent im Plus.
-Predigtmodus off-
Warum ist der irrelevant? Der ist doch an den US-Kurs gebunden?!?
Original geschrieben von Peter1984
Warum ist der irrelevant? Der ist doch an den US-Kurs gebunden?!?

Aber die deutsche Boerse schliesst 2 Stunden frueher und kriegt deshalb nicht die komplette Tagesentwicklung mit.
Das stimmt wohl! :D Aber nach heute eh irrelevant... ;)
Oben Unten