Client Fragen ? Lifemapper als Service


Admiral Special
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moin, weiss jemand wie man den CLI 'versteckt' :]
am einfachsten ist es wenn du Lifemapper als Service laufen lässt,

Running the LifeMapper CLI Client as a Service in Windows NT/2000/XP

There are several reasons that you might want to run the LifeMapper CLI as a Windows service, rather than as a normal application. The most obvious is that it gets rid of the taskbar button, reducing clutter. The second is if you prefer, for whatever reason, to run the client in "stealth" mode, i.e., not visible to casual viewers. The final and possibly most useful reason is that when the LifeMapper CLI is running as a service, you are no longer required to be logged in to the machine for the LifeMapper CLI to run. This means that if something causes the machine to reboot, the LifeMapper CLI will resume processing even sitting at the Windows login screen. The following takes you through the process of setting up the LifeMapper CLI client to run as a Windows service.

This procedure makes a couple of fundamental assumptions. First of all, it assumes that you have already installed and configured the LifeMapper CLI(text-based) console client. If not, a trip to the LifeMapper web site will get you started. Secondly, it assumes that the path to the client is "C:\lifemapper\". If you have the LifeMapper CLI installed in a different directory, modify the instructions accordingly.

In addition to your LifeMapper CLI installation which is assumed to be installed in c:\lifemapper\, you will need the two small Microsoft programs in order to set up your service. Instsrv.exe is the program used to create a Windows service, and Srvany.exe is a program that allows almost any other program to run as a service. These files are available in Microsoft's Windows Resource Kit, at various internet sites, or you can just download them both here .

Step 1.
Put Instsrv.exe and Srvany.exe in your LifeMapper CLI directory.

Step 2.
From the Start button, go to Programs->Accessories, then click on Command Prompt. This will open a command window, where you'll need to change to your LifeMapper directory by typing cd\lifemapper, then pressing ENTER.

Step 3.
Type instsrv LifeMapper c:\lifemapper\srvany.exe and press ENTER. This will create a service called "LifeMapper". You can substitute a different service name if you wish. If the process is successful, you'll see the following message:

CreateService SUCCESS at creating:


You must now go to the Registry and the Services applet in the
Control Panel and edit them as per the instructions.

When you're done, just minimize the command window, as we'll be returning to it later in the process.

Step 4.
Open Regedit by clicking Start->Run, then typing regedit and pressing ENTER.

Step 5.
Navigate to the following registry key:

Step 6.
In the left pane of the registry window, click on the LifeMapper key. Then, in the right pane, right-click and choose NEW -> KEY. Name the key Parameters

Step 7.
In the newly-created Parameters key, right-click and choose NEW -> STRING VALUE. Name the value AppDirectory

Step 8.
Repeat Step 7 to create a second new string value. Name it Application

Step 9.
Repeat Step 7 to create a third new string value. Name it AppParameters

Step 10.
Double-click on the String Value "AppDirectory". This will bring up the Modify dialog box. Set the value for AppDirectory to c:\lifemapper\

Step 11.
Double-click on the String Value "Application" Set the value for Application to c:\lifemapper\lifemapper_cmd.exe

Step 12.
Double-click on the String Value "AppParameters" Set the value for Application to -q -e <your LifeMapper email address> -p 64
(NOTE: The above sets the client to quiet mode, with a low/idle priority. Feel free to add/change the options as you see fit. Just look at the readme.txt file included with the LifeMapper CLI for available options.)

Step 13.
Close Regedit

Step 14.
Stop your existing LifeMapper client(if it is running)

Step 15.
Return to the command window and type net start lifemapper, then press ENTER. If everything is configured correctly, you should see a message indicating that the LifeMapper service was started successfully. If you encounter any errors, the most common causes are that there is either a missing file, or one of the paths was entered incorrectly.

The newly-created LifeMapper service will now function as it always has in terms of processing, uploading, and downloading, and any monitoring software will continue to work normally.

If for any reason you should decide you want to remove the LifeMapper service, go to Control Panel->Administrative Tools->Services. Right-click on the LifeMapper service and choose STOP. After the service is stopped, open a command-prompt window, navigate to your folding directory, and type instsrv LifeMapper remove. This will completely remove the service from your system. You can still run your LifeMapper client as you did before, as a normal application.

Once the Lifemapper CLI is running as a service (using the instructions above) you may want to have an easy way to monitor the progressing WUs.

Monitoring Lifemapper CLI recipe - delicious! (approximately 15 mins in a pre-heated oven)

1. Download CoolMon (takes you to the d/l page, not the file).
2. Get CoolMon all set up and running (I'm not going into this, there are plenty of help files on their site, figure it out for yourself)! Once configured as you wish go to next step!
3. Right-Click the CoolMon icon in the system tray, and select "Display Items"
4. Add the following code to your CoolMon configuration pane:
Species: <NAME=FILEDATA FORMAT="C:\lifemapper\processing.txt,8,23">
Name: <NAME=FILEDATA FORMAT="C:\lifemapper\processing.txt,9,23">
% Complete: <NAME=FILEDATA FORMAT="C:\lifemapper\processing.txt,11,23">
Total WUs: <NAME=FILEDATA FORMAT="C:\lifemapper\processing.txt,7,23">
WUs cached: <NAME=FILEDATA FORMAT="C:\lifemapper\processing.txt,13,23">
Results cached: <NAME=FILEDATA FORMAT="C:\lifemapper\processing.txt,14,23">

5. Providing the Lifemapper CLI is installed in C:\lifemapper\ then this should work. Modify colors/styles as you wish (again, see CoolMon help files for this info).
6. Lastly, enjoy!

die letzten Lifemapper CLI zum download

Lifemapper Beta für Windows

Lifemapper Beta für Linux

aus den FAQ von TPR

Sir Ulli
danke Ulli, aber recht kompliziert :]
Hab das ganze mal als Batch mit reg Datei fuer die Importierung der Registry Schluessel zusammengefasst, das ganze scheint auch zu funktionieren, allerdings macht der Lifemapper Server mal wieder zicken und behindert ein richtiges Testen der Funktion, wenn die korrekte Funktion sichergestellt ist, werde ich das ganze zum Download bereitstellen. Man muss dann nur noch die E-Mail Adresse des Accounts eintragen, ansonsten laeuft das alles automatisch. :D

So Ray hat das gerade noch unter WinXP getestet und es laeuft.

So wer das Ganze mal testen will, wie immer auf eigenes Risiko ;)


die Dateien nach c:\lifemapperdienst (WICHTIG! nur in dieses Verzeichnis fuer ein Anderes Verzeichnis muessen die Dateien angepasst werden, Erklaerung dazu weiter unten) entpacken und die lm.reg bearbeiten, dort wo email steht die E-Mail Adresse des Accounts eintragen.

"AppParameters"="-e email"
nur email ersetzen das -e muss stehenbleiben

Danach install_lm_dienst.bat ausführen und neu starten.

Das ganze ist natuerlich nicht fuer Win9x Systeme.

Unter den Diensten in der Verwaltung sollte nun Lifemapper als Dienst auftauchen. Unter Eigenschaften/Anmelden/Datenaustausch zwischen Dienst und Desktop zulassen kann man das Verstecken des Client Fensters rueckgaengig machen. Einfach Haken wegnehmen und Dienst beenden und den Dienst neu starten.

Zum Anpassen der Verzeichnisse:

- Dateien des Zipfiles in gewuenschtes Verzeichnis entpacken.
- die install_lm_dienst.bat bearbeiten
in der Zeile instsrv LifeMapper c:\lifemapperdienst\srvany.exe Laufwerksbuchstaben und Verzeichnis anpassen.
- die lm.reg bearbeiten



"AppParameters"="-e email"

jeweils die Laufwerksbuchstaben und Verzeichnisse bei den ersten beiden Schluesseln anpassen. Unbedingt auf den doppelten \ achten!!!

Bitte um Feedback, obs wie gewuenscht laeuft.
Danke für deine Mühe, aber der Lifemapper Server hat mal wieder gerade so seine Probleme :(
morgen noch mal testen, der Client ist der nicht

Der Beta Client kann jetzt auch über die offizielle Lifemapper downgeloadet werden.

Sir Ulli
Client ist der

Hab das ganze bei dem Rechner meines Cousins noch mal getestet. *hust* ;D

Funktioniert wunderpraechtig, nach der Installation ist ein Neustart auch nicht notwendig, es reicht in die Diensteverwaltung zu gehen und den Dienst zu starten, beim naechsten Neustart wird der Dienst dann automatisch gestartet.

Ich habe nur bei den AppParameters noch ein -c 10 von Hand eingefuegt.

ich habe nun das alles befolgt, was hier geschrieben steht aber es ist immer noch nicht versteckt *noahnung*
Woran kann das liegen?

Hat sich erledigt. War ein kleiner hacken, der sich im Dienst eingeschlichen hat ;D

Coole sache das mit dem CoolMon. ;D
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