Leben auf dem Mars doch möglich ?

Sir Ulli

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Exclusive: NASA Researchers Claim Evidence of Present Life on Mars


By Brian Berger Space News Staff Writer posted: 16 February 2005

WASHINGTON -- A pair of NASA scientists told a group of space officials at a private meeting here Sunday that they have found strong evidence that life may exist today on Mars, hidden away in caves and sustained by pockets of water.

The scientists, Carol Stoker and Larry Lemke of NASA’s Ames Research Center in Silicon Valley, told the group that they have submitted their findings to the journal Nature for publication in May, and their paper currently is being peer reviewed.

What Stoker and Lemke have found, according to several attendees of the private meeting, is not direct proof of life on Mars, but methane signatures and other signs of possible biological activity remarkably similar to those recently discovered in caves here on Earth.

Full Story at Space.com

Sir Ulli
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Neue Indizien für Leben?

Forscher wollen neue Hinweise auf primitives Leben auf dem Mars gefunden haben. Neben Methan soll in der Atmosphäre des roten Planeten auch Formaldehyd existieren, was sich ein Wissenschaftler nur durch die Existenz von Leben erklären kann. Außerdem existieren Gerüchte über ein Treffen bei der NASA, bei dem Beweise für bakterielle Lebensformen vorgelegt worden sein sollen. Was an den Gerüchten dran ist, bleibt abzuwarten.

ich wusste es ja schon immer :)

Sir Ulli
wohl etwas voreilig die Meldung von Space.com,

NASA Statement on False Claim of Evidence of Life on Mars

News reports on February 16, 2005, that NASA scientists from Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, Calif., have found strong evidence that life may exist on Mars are incorrect.

NASA does not have any observational data from any current Mars missions that supports this claim. The work by the scientists mentioned in the reports cannot be used to directly infer anything about life on Mars, but may help formulate the strategy for how to search for martian life. Their research concerns extreme environments on Earth as analogs of possible environments on Mars. No research paper has been submitted by them to any scientific journal asserting martian life.


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Sir Ulli
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