World Community Grid


Mitglied seit
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  • Docking@Home
  • BOINC Pentathlon 2019
  • SETI@Home Intel-Race II
  • THOR Challenge 2020
  • BOINC Pentathlon 2021
  • BOINC Pentathlon 2023

das Projekt wird ja auf der BOINC-Homepage neu aufgefuehrt, wobei es anscheinend bislang nur nen Linux Client innerhalb der BOINC-Struktur gibt.

Aus Interesse hab ich mir mal den eigenstaendigen Windows Client gezogen und bemerkt, dass das anscheinend was mit "United Devices" zu tun hat.

War das nicht das DC-Projekt was ziemlich in der Kritik stand, weil da Firmen mitwirkten und nicht klar war, wem nachher die Ergebnisse zu Gute kommen?

das Projekt wird ja auf der BOINC-Homepage neu aufgefuehrt, wobei es anscheinend bislang nur nen Linux Client innerhalb der BOINC-Struktur gibt.

Aus Interesse hab ich mir mal den eigenstaendigen Windows Client gezogen und bemerkt, dass das anscheinend was mit "United Devices" zu tun hat.

War das nicht das DC-Projekt was ziemlich in der Kritik stand, weil da Firmen mitwirkten und nicht klar war, wem nachher die Ergebnisse zu Gute kommen?

genau so war es, deswegen habe ich mich da erst gar nicht mit beschäftigt.

ich bin eh kein Freund von kommerziellen Projekten.

Sir Ulli
update habe dann doch noch was gefunden

WCG läuft unter Linux bei BOINC. Unter Windows benutzt es die, sprich den UD-Client (falls unter Euch auch ein Vor-BOINCler sein sollte...

und noch was seitens United Devices

Pharmaceutical giant Novartis [NYSE: NVS] will use the MetaProcessor platform on 1,000 personal computers throughout the Novartis network. MetaProcessor aggregates unused power from personal computers to run computing applications in life sciences and other industries, the release states.

Financial details weren't disclosed.

wenn schon ein grosser wie Novartis da einsteigt sagt das doch eigenglich alles...

btw Novartis ist einer der grössten Pharma Konzerne weltweit

neeeeeeeeeeeee, Danke, da rechne ich doch lieber nicht für den Commerz.

Sir Ulli
habe dann noch was gefunden, nachdem, meine negative Haltung ja bekannt ist

From the WCG Forums......

All of the members here are very loyal to the effort that we are trying to acomplish, which I can assure is 100% above board and is a genuine philanthropic venture for the good of humanity as a whole
There are members here from all over the world and I can assure you that a good portion of them have done their homework to insure that this project is living up to it's promises
The whole world is being a vehicle to move this project along
I can assure you that the results go into the public domain, and cannot be patented by anyone
That is a stipulation that this project is built on


I was concerned too. It took me a few minutes to track down exactly how this works. :-) The project is being run "on" the world community grid, for the Institute for Systems Biology, which is a non-profit organization.

So the information goes to not for profit things.


From the document that solicits researchers to use the grid ....

World Community Grid is designed as a resource for research done with a philanthropic or humanitarian purpose and will only be available to projects conducted for public and not-for-profit purposes... Results must be made available to the global research community by the sponsoring research organization and remain in the public domain. The results will also be available on World Community Grid’s website for volunteers and other visitors.

I'm not sure how it could be much more clear than that:
1). They will only allow it to be used by Non-Profit Organizations
2.) All results must remain in the public domain


"World Community Grid, with technology and funding provided by the IBM Corporation, is making grid technology available to public and not-for-profit organizations to use in humanitarian research that might otherwise not be completed due to the high cost of the computer infrastructure required in the absence of a public grid."


"Following the conclusion of the project, the research organization will make results produced by World Community Grid freely available to other research organizations within six months. The research organization also will provide results in a lay version for the World Community Grid community of volunteers and interested visitors to the web site."

I don't know how they can make more clear than that.

UD involvement was not with the World Community Grid, but

zur Info

ändert aber meine Meinung nicht

Sir Ulli
Oben Unten