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Mittwoch, 4. April 2001

21:10 - Autor: Tom

Gegrillter TBird 1 GHz *fg*

Eine sehr angenehme Abwechslung zu den "gewöhnlichen", bei der Lüfter(de)montage beschädigten DIEs gibt es bei zu bestaunen. Zu den Photos (Photo1; Photo2) gibt es eine ebenfalls sehr nette Geschichte ;):

"I thought I had seen enough fried T-Birds to say I had seen it all, but of course I was wrong J. We sell thousands of the things and I usually handle the local rma’s from customers who didn’t purchase over the net. We were able to deduce what happened with the evidence, which you’ll see in the pictures. As you are probably aware, the Asus A7V is designed to power down the system if it detects the cpu fan rpm stopping or spinning too slowly. Our customer had a A7V, 1 gig T-Bird and chrome orb. He returned home from being out of town for 4 days and wondered why his computer wouldn’t wake up from sleep mode. His power supply fan was still running but everything else was dead. The fan headers on his A7V failed while it was running so with no fan header it was unable to sense the orb fan not spinning and shut itself down. Power kept going to the cpu for a indeterminable period (possibly 4 days!). When he disassembled his stuff the core of the T-Bird separated and stayed stuck to the orb! The picture of the T-Bird could be better (lousy photographer -> me) but the one of the orb with the core stuck to it is nice and sharp. Of course I replaced the motherboard, cpu and fan for the customer."

Kurzform auf Deutsch: Man(n) lässt TBird 1 GHz System 4 Tage unbeaufsichtigt im Sleep Mode, und verlässt sich darauf, dass das Asus A7V Board das System komplett abschaltet, falls der Lüfter ausfällt oder eine zu niedrige Umdrehungszahl gemessen wird. Drehzahlsensor des A7V Boards fällt aus - genauso wie der Lüfter. System bzw. CPU wird also ohne aktive Kühlung höchstwahrscheinlich für 4 volle Tage mit Saft versorgt. Ergebnis: Siehe Photos ;)
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