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Samstag, 28. April 2001

17:37 - Autor: Nero24

Abit KT7A Tweaking Guide

AMDWorld hat sich des Abit KT7A angenommen und einen ausführlichen Tweaking-Guide für das BIOS geschrieben. Besitzer eines KT7A, für die das BIOS ihres Mainboard bisher ein Buch mit sieben Siegeln war, sollten sich den gut dokumentierten (und auf einem schneller Server liegenden *heul*) Step-by-Step Bericht unbedingt ansehen. Hier ein kurzer Auszug:

"First thing is to get into your BIOS - I'm going to assume that you know how to do that. If you have an OEM machine (Dell, Compaq, H-P etc) then the possible changes you can make in BIOS are likely to be limited, so it may not be worth even trying these tricks. In this case I've used the "Load Failsafe Defaults" option to load all the least aggressive settings into BIOS. I've had to make a couple of changes then just so the system will actually boot up, but none of those changes will make any difference to the speed. Now I'm going to benchmark it, using the memory benchmark. This bench tests the ability of the system to transfer data in and out of RAM. Note that it is pretty much independant of CPU speed if all other settings, including the CPU multiplier, are the same. Anyway, here is our startpoin"

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