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Samstag, 18. Dezember 2004

18:53 - Autor: Toonfish

SpeedFan 4.19

Das beliebte Systemanalyse-Tool SpeedFan ist in der neuen Version 4.19 erschienen. SpeedFan zeigt Temperaturen, Spannungen und Lüfterdrehzahlen an, letztere kann man damit sogar steuern. Folgende Neuerungen gibt es:
    * fixed a bug in reading internal properties for some sensors
    * added ULi M1689 SMBus support
    * properly identified a different version of SMSC LPC47M172
    * improved IT8702F detection over the SMBus
    * trying to fully enable MANUAL PWM mode on SMSC EMC6D103
    * IT8712F support now may need you to enter CONFIG / ADVANCED to set the appropriate PWM MODE
    * fixed identification of S.M.A.R.T. and AAM for hard disks
    * added a new section in the help file to explain how to set Advanced Options for IT8712F and other chips
    * added a new tip if an IT8712F is found
Download: SpeedFan 4.19

THX Tino für den Hinweis.

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