Vom beliebten Folding@Home-Monitoring-Tool FahMon wurde gestern die Version 2.3.0 veröffentlicht. Es wurden vor allem Bugs beseitigt. Des Weiteren wurde das Tool internationalisiert und bringt nun Sprachdateien für Britisches Englisch, Französisch, Polnisch, Portugiesisch, Russisch und Schwedisch mit. Erstmals werden Installationspakete für Windows und verschiedene Linux-Distributionen angeboten.
Changelog 2.2.2 zu 2.3.0:
Replaced scons with GNU build system (makes it easier for packagers).
Altered image path to now use standard directory (like /usr/share/pixmaps/fahmon).
Altered message.log location to use ~/.fahmon/
Above changes mean FahMon can be run from anywhere on the system without worrying about being in the right directory first.
Automatically creates Application Menu shortcut using GNU build system.
Fixed typo that caused default file manager to be set to "Other" instead of "Konqueror" on a fresh install.
psummary parser altered to change the decimal point symbol on the fly, thus allowing non-english users to display "," instead of "."
Created new installer using NSIS
Documentation altered to fit with GNU build system.
Fixed regression that caused FahMon to lose settings on OS shutdown or logoff.
Added Double Gromacs B (DGROMACSB) core support.
Adapted asynchronous client detection to work with updated timezone conversion system. Asynchronous clients should no longer appear "hung" when "ignore asynchronous clocks" is enabled. This has the potential to display the state incorrectly for clients having very long frame times (close to 1 day). For the most accurate state detection, client clocks should be as in-sync as possible (use NTP).
Fixed some items on the preferences dialog that didn't automatically refresh the client list when the preferences were applied/saved.
The information panel now shows the full PRCG data for the current client (if readable).
The "effective" rate can now be used to calculate ETA and PPD. This bases the frame times on the total running time of the WU since it was downloaded, thus takes into account times when the client was not actually processing the WU.
Fixed bug which caused incorrect sorting by PPD when there were stopped clients in the list.
Double clicking on clients will open the folder containing that client.
Altered WU information panel to show deadlines as days, hours, minutes to match the ETA display.
Improved instance handling to raise the previous instance instead of producing a warning message. Uses DDE on Win32 and Unix sockets on Unix.
Made log processing routines more robust to cope with messy lines in FAHlog.txt created by the Windows SMP client.
Source package now contains all files necessary to build on Linux, MS Windows and OSX. However, they are only guaranteed to compile sucessfully on Linux. MS Windows can be made to work, OSX is unknown at this point.
FahMon is now internationalised, and comes with translations for: British English, French, Polish, Portuguese, Russian and Swedish.
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