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Samstag, 8. Oktober 2005

18:35 - Autor: AMD-Hammer

Microsoft verbessert Dual-Core Prozessor Performance

Microsoft reagiert nun endlich mit einem Hotfix für Windows XP nachdem bekannt wurde, dass das beliebte Betriebssystem starke Performanceprobleme bei der Verwendung von Dual-Core Prozessoren hat.
Die Probleme scheinen allerdings nur bei den aktuellen AMD Athlon 64 X2 Prozessoren aufzutreten, denn die Redmonder-Softwareschmiede hat nach dem Release des Hotfixes bekannt gegeben, dass der Erfolg des Hotfixes nur bei eingeschaltetem Cool'n'Quiet gewährleistet sei.
Microsoft bietet leider keinen direkten Downloadlink an und somit muss erst der umständliche Weg über das so genannte Support-Center gegangen werden.

Um zum Download zu gelangen müssen Sie folgende Einstellungen treffen:
  • You are using a Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 2 (SP2)-based computer
  • The Windows XP SP2-based computer has multiple processors
  • The multiple processors support processor power management features. For example, the multiple processors support Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI) processor performance states
  • The Windows XP SP2-based computer requires Windows XP SP2 to use the processor power management features
Possible decrease in performance during demand-based switching
Demand-based switching refers to the changing of ACPI processor performance states in response to system workloads. For example, demand-based switching can change voltage and frequency in response to system workloads. Windows XP processor power management implements demand-based switching through the Adaptive processor throttling policy. The Adaptive processor throttling policy dynamically and automatically adjusts the processor current performance state in response to the computers CPU use. The Adaptive processor throttling policy works without user intervention.

If you run Windows XP on a computer that has multiple processors, single-threaded workloads may move across available CPUs. This migration behavior is a natural artifact of how Windows schedules work across available CPU resources. However, if a computer is running with the Adaptive processor throttling policy, this thread migration may cause problems. For example, the Windows kernel power manager may not be able to correctly calculate the optimal target performance state for the processor. This problem occurs because the individual logical or physical processor core may appear to be less busy than the processor package actually is. On performance benchmarks that use single-threaded workloads, this artifact may become evident in the following ways:
• Decreased performance
• A high degree of variance between successive runs of the same benchmark tests
The hotfix that is described in this article includes changes to the kernel power manager. These changes make it possible to track CPU use across the processor package. This tracking helps calculate an increased target performance state.

Note This solution favors performance gains over power savings. Although benchmark performance scores may improve, battery life could be negatively affected. Therefore, this kernel policy change must be enabled in the registry to allow for maximum flexibility.

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