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Donnerstag, 3. Juli 2008

14:42 - Autor: pipin

Opera 9.51

Gut anderthalb Monate nach Erscheinen von Opera 9.5 wird nun die Version 9.51 nachgereicht, die Sicherheitslecks schließt und die Stabilität verbessern soll.

Aus den Release Notes:
User Interface

* Fine-tuned the new Opera skin.
* Improved drag/drop of tabs.
* Fixed problems with search engines when upgrading from Opera 9.2x.
* Fixed a stability issue when printing or when in print preview.
* Added an option to toggle mouse flips in opera:config (User Prefs - Enable Mouse Flips).
* Textarea inputs now clear when no-cache is set.
* Saving of images is no longer recorded in transfers.


* Feeds now show the first time when you subscribe.
* Corrected a stability issue that could occur when clicking the drop-down to switch views.
* Adjusted thread expanding in Mail when receiving new messages.
* Corrected a problem where multiple views (access points) show for the same account.

Display and Scripting

* Corrected a stability issue with User JS.
* Style sheets now load when navigating in history.
* window.close() now functions after invoking a context menu and when closing Opera Dragonfly.


* Fixed an issue where canvas functions could reveal data from random places in memory, as reported by Philip Taylor. See our advisory.
* Fixed an issue that could be used to execute arbitrary code, as reported by Billy Rios. Details will be disclosed at a later date.
* Security status is now correctly set when navigating from HTTP to HTTPS.
* Corrected an issue related to OCSP and CRLs that would lower security.
o Note: This will take effect with the weekly update, or when checking manually for an update (Help > Check for Updates).


* Corrected a stability issue with Yahoo! Mail.
* TinyMCE 2.1.x editor now works properly.
* Printing of chat items has been improved.
* Reconnection of the IRC client has been adjusted and improved.
* Menus on now work properly.
* Eliminated unwanted line breaks in rich text editors.

Windows-specific changes

* Fixed a resource leak in the transfer window that could cause visual paint problems and other related problems.
* Command line parameters must now be specified before any URLs on the command line.

Da ein Sicherheitsleck zur Ausführung von Schadcode genutzt werden kann, ist ein Update dringend angeraten.

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