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Freitag, 18. Januar 2013

01:28 - Autor: Dr@

AMD Catalyst 13.1 Proprietary Linux Display Driver

AMD Catalyst Software
Neben dem monatlich veröffentlichten Windows Catalyst Treiber-Update hat AMD für die Grafikkarten-Serien Radeon HD 5000, HD 6000 und HD 7000 auch aktualisierte Linux-Treiber zum Download bereitgestellt. Für ältere Produkte der Serien Radeon HD 2000, HD 3000 und HD 4000 ist der Catalyst 12.6 Legacy der aktuellste verfügbare Treiber. Derzeit werden die Distributionen Red Hat Enterprise Linux suite, Novell/SuSE product suite und Ubuntu offiziell unterstützt. Weitere Informationen können den aktuellen offiziellen Release Notes entnommen werden - Wunder geschehen doch noch.

Was ist neu?

New Features:
The following section provides a summary of new features in this driver version.
  • XServer 1.13 support
  • Ubuntu 12.10 Production Support
Resolved Issues:
This section provides information on resolved known issues in this release of the AMD Catalyst Linux software suite.
  • [368958]: Driver release version is added to GL_VERSION
  • [367282]: Bblank VGA display after resume from suspend
  • [367245]: X crash for AMD PowerXpress A+I High-Performance mode on Ubuntu 12.10
  • [366820] Performance of Valve Linux games
  • [366805]: Segmentation fault when exit QtOpenGL applications such as AMD CodeXL
  • [366425]: Xserver getting exit upon resume from suspend on RHEL 5.8
  • [364107]: VariBright not working when change AMD PowerPlay settings in AMD Catalust Control Center:LE
  • [363638]: VariBright doesn’t work after resume from suspend on "Trinity" platform
  • [350759]: Flickering cursor when run some full-screen OpenGL games with CrossFire enabled
  • [347895]: OpenGL performance on "Southern Islands" ASICs
  • [344996]: 16 re-frames doesn’t work for H.264 @Level 5.1
  • [337240]: Corruption when resize the Konsole window
  • [304016]: One display goes black after changing from multi-display desktop from single independent

Known Issues:
The following section provides a summary of open issues that may be experienced with the AMD Catalyst Linux software suite.
  • [356966]: Tearing appears at the top/left corner with monitor rotation + Vsync is enabled
  • [350671]: Corruption may be experienced when running Unigine Tropics 1.3
  • [341497]: OpenGL Bitmap performance may be impacted in certain situations
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