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Montag, 24. Juni 2002

06:08 - Autor: Desti

Athlon MP 2100+ vs. Xeon 2.4GHz - Database Server Comparison

Bei AnandTech traten AthlonMP und Xeon an um zu zeigen was in ihnen steckt. Die Disziplin lautete: Datenbankserver. Trotz der deutlich niedrigeren Taktfrequenz des AthlonMP's hat er keine Probleme mit dem Xeon mitzuhalten und ihn teilweise zu überholen.
    Now it's time for the beast, the AnandTech Forums DB. With hundreds of users always logged on and thousands more just browsing the forums, this database gets a full workout. Now with over 92,000 registered users it has become a difficult task making sure our upgrade cycles keep up with the growth of the forums.
    Currently our Forums DB server is running on a dual Athlon MP 1800+ platform which gives it enough headroom for the foreseeable future.
    Looking at this chart should be clear enough why we went with the Athlon MP for our Forums
    DB server. Although the dual 2.4GHz Xeon setup is able to come within 5% of the new Athlon MP 2100+ platform, this wasn't always the case with the slower CPUs.

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