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Montag, 8. Juli 2002

14:26 - Autor: Desti

Low-End CPU Vergleich

Einen Vergleich aktueller Low-End Prozessoren bietet Digit Life. Die CPU's sind alle für unter 105 Euro erhältlich und so auch für den kleinen Geldbeutel attraktiv.
    As for the others tested models, I can say that they are useful in another low-end field, i.e. economical home or even semiprofessional computers. None of the contestants has any severe problems, the speed is low, as compared with the top processors, but they are good solutions for budget-minded people. I must note that in the tests the AMD Athlon XP was stronger than the Intel Celeron "Willamette-128", and the AMD Duron "Morgan" outpaced the Intel Celeron "Tualatin". The approximate price difference between them put the processors into the same order, except the Duron which costs cheaper than its performance. In future, when the old low-end wave will be actively replaced with the new one, the picture mustn't change much, and the choice will depend mostly on your own preferences and exterior factors.
Den ganzen Artikel findet Ihr bei Digit Life .

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