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Sonntag, 14. Juli 2002

06:01 - Autor: Desti

Xabre Grafikkarten kommen mit Wallhack

Scheiterte Asus im Mai 2001 Grafikkartentreiber mit integrierten Cheatfunktion zu etablieren, versucht sich nun SiS/ECS daran. Die neuen Xabre Grafikkarten haben im Treiber einen speziellen Modus, mit dem sich Wände transparent darstellen lassen um dahinter verborgene Gegner zu sehen. Ein Beispiel, wie diese Aussieht, könnt Ihr im Review bei VR-Zone sehen.
    This is no doubt the most controversial setting where you have the ability to see through walls in games like Quake III and Counterstrike and many others. I don't have much comments on this but many game servers admins will not be too happy to see this feature especially cheat detection software is unable to track and cheaters might just buy this card and abuse this feature.
    Update : Some people just don't understand why i mentioning this in my review and may think i am trying to promote cheating here. If i don't mention this in this review, it will somehow threaten the future of online FPS gaming as this card gonna hit the mass market soon. Right now, you guys can help by leaving your comments in the forum so i can feedback and show it directly to the manufacturer and see if there is any way to turn this feature off perhaps as easy as just by updating the drivers.
Wenn Ihr mithelfen wollt, die Weiterentwicklung dieser Treiber zu verhindern, könnt Ihr euch bei der Petition "Remove The ECS Cheating Drivers" eintragen.

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