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Dienstag, 20. Mai 2003

14:06 - Autor: Nero24

Neue "Geheimnisse des Opteron"

Die Webseite hat sich dem Thema Opteron und Athlon 64 angenommen ("The inner secrets of the AMD Opteron") und etliche Punkte herausgegriffen, die trotz des Serienanlaufs des Opteron und der Veröffentlichung der TecDocs noch immer im Dunkeln liegen.

Dazu gehört z.B. auch die Unterstützung des Opteron für DDR-II Speichermodule:
    The more thorny issue is DDR2. While DDR2 was long rumored as supported by the memory controller, our moles confirm that the standard will not work with current Opterons. It will take a new chip, presumably with a new memory controller, to support the standard. This will most likely happen with the .09 chips due early next year. The current controller is said to have most of the DDR2 functionality on board right now, but not all of it. The update should be a relatively minor one, and it will also support DDR, but not on the same motherboard. This chip should be available just as DDR2 becomes available at a reasonable cost.
Oder zum Thema Verlustleistung:
    The power consumption for the K8 models is extremely low. Exactly how low is open to debate however, because the publicly available data sheets for the K8 chips are curiously incomplete. There are, however, quite complete data sheets if you are willing to sign an NDA. Unfortunately, we are not. Whatever the exact numbers are, as Aces Hardware shows, the actual consumption is well below that of a comparable Xeon. Why AMD wants to hide this is beyond us, we would be shouting an advantage like this from every rooftop we could climb to. Even empirical testing shows that a 244 running at full steam, with only an aluminum heatsink (OK, it had a copper slug), is cool to the touch.
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