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Montag, 22. Oktober 2001

17:30 - Autor: Tom

Inoffizielle Voodoo4 / 5 Treiber für Win2K / XP Version Beta 1

Die Software Firma AE Software hat sich drauf und dran gemacht, selbst Voodoo4 / 5 Treiber für Win2K / XP zu coden. Die Version Beta 1 dieser inoffiziellen Treiber kann man nun downloaden. Hier ein paar Hintergrundinfos:
    "What are the Nfx Voodoo4/5 Drivers ?
    This are drivers brought to you by AE Software Technologies that have been specifically designed to be used with the latest Windows Operating Systems based on the NT Kernel. The Nfx Voodoo4/5 Drivers are compatible with Windows 2000 and Windows XP Home Edition/Windows XP Professional Edition.

    With what operating systems are this drivers compatible ?
    The Nfx Voodoo4/5 Drivers are compatible with Windows 2000, Windows XP Home Edition, and with Windows XP Professional Edition.

    How Nfx Voodoo4/5 Drivers perform ?
    This drivers includes special features to make the 3dfx Voodoo5 cards perform faster than they usually do. In some of our tests, we have found out that the drivers sometimes can perform up-to (if no more) 68fps more than using the official drivers. Compared to some drivers available on the web, the Nfx Voodoo4/5 Drivers perform 50% faster than other drivers available on the web for the Voodoo4/5 video card."
Download: Inoffizielle Voodoo4 / 5 Treiber für Win2K / XP Version Beta 1
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