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Mittwoch, 8. Juni 2005

09:38 - Autor: Nero24

Quicktime 7 für Windows Preview

Apple hat eine Vorabversion von Quicktime 7 auf die Server geladen. Folgende Fixes wurden implementiert:
    * H.264 video playback. Watch movies created with this state-of-the-art, standards-based codec, which delivers exceptional-quality video.
    * Surround sound. With QuickTime 7, your PC, and surround speakers, you can enjoy the full effect of your surround sound game or movie.
    * New and improved playback controls. Easily change settings including jog shuttle, playback speed, bass, treble, and balance.
    * Zero-configuration streaming. QuickTime automatically determines your optimal Internet connection speed and reconnects dropped connections.
    * Live resize. Playback continues smoothly as you change the size of the QuickTime Player window
Kernverbesserung dabei ist der Support von H.264, der höhere Qualität bei besserer Kompression erreichen soll.

Download: Quicktime 7 Preview [Windows]» Kommentare
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