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Dienstag, 21. Juni 2005

19:12 - Autor: Campari

Winamp 5.093 erschienen

Die Entwickler von Nullsoft haben eine neue Version 5.093 des Media-Players Winamp zum Download bereitgestellt. Zwar handelt es sich nur um ein Bugfix-Release, doch wollten wir euch ob der Fülle der geschliffenen Kanten dennoch über die neue Version informieren:
    - Fixed: OSD stays onscreen in DirectDraw Mode *
    - Fixed: Fullscreen video OSD doesn't reappear after using Pause *
    - Fixed: ML Playlist > Select all (no delete key)
    - Fixed: Vis data for in_mod (and possibly other input plugins) *
    - Fixed: msvcp60.dll now linked static
    - Fixed: Small intermittent bugs in gen_ml and gen_ff
    - Fixed: Greater than 2 channel vis data now works
    - Fixed: Media Library problems with parentheses/brackets in artist or album names
    - Fixed: Ripping CDs with trailing ellipses (...) in artist or album name
    - Fixed: Better video flipping for YUV colorspace videos (eg. vp6)
    - Fixed: Saved mute settings with modern skin.
    - Fixed: Drag and Drop from external applications *
    - Fixed: Open File Dialog always-on-top *
    - Fixed: Crossfade on start *
    - Fixed: Freeze when switching audio tracks in a multi-audio stream *
    - Fixed: Fullscreen switching with scaled video window *
    - Update: Dynamic Online Media can now alert users to live events (can disable)
    - New: Winamp Protocols now registered, for direct browser support
    ...(icy:// sc:// shout:// unsv:// uvox://)
Download:Vielen Dank skelletor für den Hinweis

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