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Dienstag, 19. Juli 2005

11:34 - Autor: KairoCowboy

Winamp 5.094 released

Die Entwickler von Nullsoft haben eine neue Version 5.094 des Media-Players Winamp zum Download bereitgestellt. Neben zahlreichen Bugfixes enthält die neue 5.094 auch ein paar neue Features.

New: in_wm now handles bitrate and length extended info
New: New random number generation for playlist shuffle
Fixed: Security vulernability in id3v2 tags
Fixed: Winamp now shuffles playlists larger than 32,768 songs
Fixed: Fade on start now behaves properly
Fixed: separate directsound settings with multiple instances
Fixed: Winamp now supports adding URLs longer than 260 characters.
Fixed: Editing files created in iTunes no longer causes corruption.
Fixed: Length of long mp3's now reported properly
Fixed: gen_jumpex no longer crashes when DEP is enabled
Fixed: Sort selections in media library are now remembered.
Fixed: Album names with non-alphanumeric character behave better
Fixed: Fixed intermittent crash on seeking for some users
Updated: new libmp4v2.dll

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