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Donnerstag, 1. Juni 2006

01:14 - Autor: cruger

Creative Labs Soundblaster X-Fi Treiber 2.09.0001 Beta

Creative Labs hat ein neues Treiber-Paket für Soundblaster X-Fi veröffentlicht. Bei dem Treiber handelt es sich um eine offizielle Beta-Version.

Creative Labs X-Fi Serie war zuletzt aufgrund nachwievor vorhandener Probleme in den Schlagzeilen, die sich offenbar vor allem in Verbindung mit NVIDIAs nForce Chipsätzen bemerkbar machen (wir berichteten). Der nun bereitgestellte Beta-Treiber adressiert laut den Release Notes ausdrücklich nicht generell die Ursache für die sogenannten "crackling"-Probleme, also Geräuschartefakte wie "knistern" oder "knacksen", sondern behebt allenfalls einige spezifische Probleme.

Zudem ist der Treiber zeitlich auf eine Nutzungsdauer von 120 Tagen begrenzt.
Release Notes

This download is a beta driver for Creative Sound Blaster® X-Fi™. It is not fully tested. This download provides full OpenAL 1.1 support for gamers. For more details, read the rest of this web release note.

Take note of the following:
  • THIS IS AN UNSUPPORTED BETA DRIVER. There is no technical support for this driver.
  • We recommend that only experienced users install this driver. Do not install this driver for critical tasks. Users who are looking for stable drivers should wait for the final release.
  • This beta driver expires in 120 days from the time of installation. When this happens, users should install the latest Sound Blaster X-Fi driver available.
This download
  • Includes Creative Audio Console, which enables you to use the Sound Blaster X-Fi features and functions.
  • Does not address all the reported general "crackling" issues, but it does resolve some specific issues with crackling. Investigations with some motherboard manufacturers are ongoing, and we hope to provide a general solution soon.
  • Resolves some issues to improve your overall audio experience.
Added Feature:
  • Supports OpenAL 1.1
Game Fixes:

For Prey™
  • Resolves the issue of the computer not responding
For Quake 4™ (version 1.04)
  • Resolves the issue of the computer not responding when the error message "Quake 4 has encountered an error and needs to close" is displayed
  • Resolves the issue of mono speaker out in surround sound environments
  • Allows you to hear audio from speakers when you select the OpenAL X-Fi option as the audio driver
  • Allows audio channels to stream to correct speakers
For Battlefield 2™
  • Allows the Ultra-High Audio setting in a multi-player game
For Battlefield 2 (version 1.12)
  • Allows you to hear audio from speakers when the X-Fi audio driver option is selected
For Doom 3™ (version 1.3)
  • Allows you to hear audio from speakers when EAX 4.0 is enabled
  • Resolves the "pop" issue during the Chainsaw attack sound effect sequence
  • Removes "hiss" from the front left speaker
  • Allows panning
  • Plays the Ambient sound effects correctly
For Unreal® Tournament 2004 (version 3369)
  • Allows you to hear audio from speakers when running in hardware OpenAL mode (the System Driver check-box is cleared)
For Unreal Tournament 2004 (version 3355)
  • Allows reverb in native OpenAL mode
  • Allows music to play correctly during gaming in Native OpenAL mode
For Dungeon Siege® (version 1.11)
  • Resolves the issue of the computer not responding during benchmarking
Music or Movie Playback Fixes:
  • Resolves the issue of the computer not responding when DTS signal is passed through Creative MediaSource™ Player/Organizer
  • Removes X-Fi CMSS-3D Speakers distortion when playing DivX stereo content
Recording Fixes:

  • Resolves the issue where audio stops when you turn on the inputs in Cubase® LE
  • Resolves the issue of the computer not responding when the sample rate changes in Cubase
  • Resolves crackling during playback and monitoring at 1 ms
  • Resolves the issue where signal is lost when the sample rate changes in Cubase LE or SX3
For Audio Creation Mode
  • Removes distortion when recording to a 44.1 kHz multi-channel wave file in Audio Creation Mode with 44.1 kHz master sampling rate
  • Removes the pops and crackles during record monitoring and changing sample rates
For Microsoft® Windows® XP Professional x64 Edition
  • Resolves the issue where no audio is heard from your speakers occasionally when playing 3D MIDI files
  • Resolves the missing instrument issue when playing a MIDI file in all modes
For Cubase LE 1.09
  • Resumes normal playback of MIDI tracks when changing sampling rate
  • Resolves the "recording process aborted" issue during a 44 kHz multi-channel recording
  • Resolves the issue of the computer not responding when recording with Creative MediaSource Player/Organizer
  • Resolves SoundFont® issues where notes distort and change pitch during playback and recording
General Fixes
  • Allows your computer to quit Suspend mode when enabling "Automatically Enable Headphone Settings" even when headphones are not connected to your computer
  • Resolves the issue where no audio is heard when testing the X-Fi CMSS-3D Headphone in the Game Mode console
  • Resolves the noise issue when your computer quits Standby mode
Fixes for developers:
  • Allows effects to be loaded in EAX4.0 mode of your test program (EAX50ShowDSound)
  • Resolves the issue of the computer not responding when loading a 2D Sound in your test program (DSound50_OpenAL 1.1)
  • Resolves the issue where there is no upmix when switching effects
  • Resolves floating point offset issue in OpenAL
  • Resolves the issue of the computer not responding while using synchronous start through native OpenAL
  • Microsoft Windows XP Professional x64 Edition or Windows XP Service Pack 2
  • Sound Blaster X-Fi series audio device
  • Creative MediaSource DVD-Audio Player is unavailable for Windows XP Professional x64 Edition.
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