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Dienstag, 8. Juni 2010

17:41 - Autor: Nero24

VirtualBox 3.2.4

Die kostenlose Virtualisierungssoftware VirtualBox wurde in der Version 3.2.4 veröffentlicht. Nach dem Hauptrelease von vor ein paar Wochen ist dies das zweite Bugfix-Release (Version 3.2.1 und 3.2.3 wurden übersprungen). Folgende Fehler wurden seit Version 3.2.0 behoben:
This is a maintenance release. The following items were fixed and/or added:

* GUI: fixed a superfluous resize-event on powering-on VM for X11 (improvement for the 3.2.2 fix)
* Host-only/bridged networking: fixed guest-to-guest communication over wireless (3.2.0 regression; bug #6855)
* Storage: fixed a potential guest disk corruption with growing images (3.2.0 regression)
* Page Fusion: fixed shared module detection for Win64 guests
* 3D support: allow use of CR_SYSTEM_GL_PATH again (bug #6864)
* 3D support: fixed a host assertion for some multi-threaded guest applications (bug #5236)
* 3D support: fixed host crashes with nVIDIA drivers on WDDM startup
* OVF: fixed import of OVFs with a VM description (annotation) (3.2.2 regression; bug #6914)
* VRDP: fixed issues with secondary monitors (bug #6759)

VirtualBox 3.2.2 (released 2010-06-02)

This is a maintenance release. The following items were fixed and/or added:

* VMM: fixed rare invalid guest state guru meditation (VT-x only)
* VMM: fixed poor performance with nested paging and unrestricted guest execution (VT-x only; bug #6716)
* VMM: fixed occasional guru meditation during Windows 7 bootup (bug #6728)
* GUI: keep the status for remote control in sync with the actual state
* GUI: don't exit after a successful refresh of an invalid VM configuration
* GUI: fixed keyboard capturing bug under metacity (bug #6727)
* GUI: fixed crash during VM termination if a modal dialog is open
* GUI: default controllers names of New VM Wizard are synchronized with VM settings
* GUI: fixed superfluous resize-event on powering-on VM for X11
* GUI: fixed regression - missed USB item's tool-tip of USB devices menu
* GUI: Activate VM window on mouse-hovering for multi-monitor VMs
* VBoxSDL/Linux hosts: automated keyboard type detection (bug #5764)
* SATA: fixed crash during VM suspend under rare circumstances
* SATA: fixed crash during VM reset after a snapshot was taken
* Storage: fixed sporadic hang of SMP guests using SATA or LSI Logic SCSI and asynchronous I/O
* Virtio-net: fix for guests with more than about 4GB RAM (bug #6784)
* Page Fusion: fixed VBoxService crash with enabled Page Fusion on Win64 guests
* Page Fusion: added kernel module sharing
* HGCM: fixed memory leak which showed up if the Guest Additions were accessing a non-existing HGCM service
* Teleportation: several fixes
* Floppy: don't disable the host I/O cache by default
* USB: fixed 3.1 regression with certain devices (e.g. iPhone); Windows host only
* Serial: updated the guest device emulation to 16550A and reduced the probability for loosing bytes during transmission (bug #1548)
* NAT: re-fetch the name server parameters from the host on guest DHCP requests to handle host network switches more gracefully (bug #3847)
* NAT: fixed parsing of IPv4 addresses in CIDR notation (bug #6797)
* NAT: limit the number of name servers passed to the guest to four (non-Windows hosts only; bug #4098)
* NAT: fixed DNS transaction id mismatch (bug #6833)
* VDE: fixed changing the attachment during runtime
* Bridged Networking: fixed memory leak in the Bridged Networking driver for Windows hosts (bug #6824)
* Windows Additions: fix for NT4 guests (bug #6748)
* Windows Additions: re-introduced system preparation feature
* Linux guests: enable PAE for RedHat guests by default
* Linux guests: fix support for disabling mouse integration (bug #6714)
* Webservice: fixed a rare crash when calling IGuest methods from the webservice.
* OVF: fixed wrong hard disk UUIDs on export (bug #6802)
* OVF: fixed 3.2.0 regression importing legacy OVF 0.9 files
* 3D support: fixed OpenGL support for 64bit apps on windows guests
* 3D support: fixed various host crashes (#2954, #5713, #6443)
Die Version 3.2.x fügt eine Reihe an neuen Funktionen hinzu. So ist es nun auch möglich Apples Mac OS X als Gastsystem zu betreiben, auch wenn diese Funktion noch als "experimentell" bezeichnet wird. Weitere Neuerungen sind die dynamische Anpassung des RAM-Verbrauchs von VMs auf 64-Bit Hosts, CPU-Hotplugging für Linux- und Windows-Guests und oder die Emulation eines LsiLogic SAS Controllers.

Die Open Source Edition der Software kann, wie der Name vermuten lässt, als Source heruntergeladen werden, sie enthält allerdings nicht alle Funktionen der Closed Source Variante. Genaueres kann man auf der Projekt-Seite nachlesen.

VirtualBox ist für Windows, Mac OS X, Linux und Solaris verfügbar. Zu den unterstützten Gastsystemen zählen neben Windows, Mac OS X, Linux und Solaris auch OS/2, DOS und einige BSD-Derivate.

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