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Mittwoch, 1. September 2010

08:05 - Autor: KIDH

Cygwin 1.7.7-1

Der kostenlose API-Wrapper Cygwin ist in der Version 1.7.7-1 verfügbar. Mit Cygwin lässt sich unter Windows eine Unix/Linux-ähnliche Umgebung erzeugen, wobei die cygwin1.dll die grundlegenden APIs bereitstellt und sich somit angepaßte Unix/Linux-Programme unter Windows ausführen lassen, die mitgelieferten Tools erzeugen die passende Optik.

Die neue Version fügt einige Funktionen hinzu und behebt eine große Anzahl an Fehlern.

Cygwin 1.7.7-1 läuft unter Windows ab Windows 2000, für Windows 95, 98 und Me steht noch die ältere Version 1.5.25 zur Verfügung.

  • cygwin-Mitteilung:
    I just released 1.7.7-1. This release fixes a bunch of bugs, some of them freshly introduced with 1.7.6. It also introduces a very few
    number of new features.

    Most notably it partially reverts a backward incompatibility which affects Cygwin applications which also call native Win32 functions to do part of their job.

    Unfortunately this goes hand in hand with a regression, kind of. So far it was possible in Cygwin 1.7.x to remove a directory which was the current working directory (CWD) of another Cygwin process, or even the CWD of the process itself. This Linux-like feature had to be dropped, because the implementation could result in strange handle problems on Vista and later, and the workaround in 1.7.6 introduced more problems than anticipated.

    So we're back to Win32-like behaviour, which is, rmdir returns with "Device or resource busy" when trying to remove a directory which is CWD of a Cygwin process. Fortunately this behaviour is covered and explicitely allowed by the POSIX standard, so we're still on firm ground, standards-wise.

    I think this goes without saying, but please have another look into the documentation at It contains a couple of improvements and the description for new features and changes from old behaviour.

  • Release Notes / erweitertes Changelog

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