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Mittwoch, 29. September 2010

15:53 - Autor: Dr@

Foxit Reader 4.2

Foxit Reader
Der kostenlose PDF-Betrachter Foxit Reader ist in der neuen Version 4.2 für Windows erschienen. Das Programm stellt eine Alternative zum geläufigen Adobe Reader dar. Mit dem Foxit Reader können pdf-Dokumente durchsucht und vergrößert dargestellt sowie Inhalte in die Zwischenablage kopiert werden. Außerdem besteht die Möglichkeit in das geöffnete Dokument Kommentare einzufügen.

Das Programm läuft unter Windows ab Windows XP SP2, der Support für Windows 2000 wurde mit dieser Version eingestellt.

Foxit Reader

Was ist neu?
  • The following is a list of exciting new features in Foxit Reader 4.1:
    • Added a advanced set of professional features
      The New Reader 4.1 now includes Comments tools, Text Viewer & Text Converter, Form Filler, Spell Checker and Advanced Editing Tools; and it is still free. No additional licensing is required for more features with PDFs.
    • Enhanced Safe Mode Setting
      Supports Safe Mode settings during installation, streamlining the workflow and offering better protection with PDF File.
    • Bug Fixes:
      Fixed the crash issue when opening certain PDF documents.

  • The following is a list of exciting new features in Foxit Reader 4.2:
    • Verify the digital signature
      Foxit Reader 4.2 now features a PDF digital signature verification technology which uses an enhanced, yet ISO 32000 compliant, verification process that ensures the signature is real and neither the document nor the signature have been compromised. This new verification process provides a secure and reliable platform for exchanging electronics documents without putting the user at risk from falsified documents.
    • Enhance security with ASLR & DEP support
      Foxit Reader 4.2 continues to add features that increase security by making it harder for hackers to compromise a PDF document. The current version of the reader includes Address Space Layout Randomization, ASLR, which uses a random algorithm to determine a memory address used to store key file data. A second security feature is Data Execution Prevention, DEP, which simply prevents executing code from a non-executable memory location. ASLR and DEP combine to highly improve Foxit Reader Security and provide a stable platform for enterprise, business and consumer, Foxit Reader users.

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