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Mittwoch, 21. März 2001

19:43 - Autor: Tom

MemTach v.0.80 Alpha

Weil den Jungs von der Memory Benchmark von SiSoft Sandra nicht mehr genügt hat, haben sie ein Tool namens "MemTach" programmiert, welches mehr und detailliertere Infos ausspuckt:

"The "standard" memory benchmark used by CPUReview has been the Stream benchmark - which is also embedded in the Sandra benchmarking suite.

Stream does a wonderful job of showing sustained memory bandwidth for the type of memory accesses done by its algorithms - but how about other measurements?

I wanted to be able to also measure the best achievable performance - as well as the worst possible performance. I wanted to be able to analytically determine the performance characteristics of the memory subsystem in systems I test. Ideally, I should be able to determine the L1 size, L2 size, memory paging organization and miss penalties by analyzing the performance of certain test routines."

Download: MemTach v.0.80 Alpha
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