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Mittwoch, 6. März 2002

16:29 - Autor: Nero24

GeForce 4 Problem: EPoX nimmt Stellung

Bezüglich der Probleme, die neue VisionTek GF4 Ti4600 bzw. das nVidia GeForce 4 Referenzboard auf dem EPoX EP-8KHA(+) zu verbauen (wir berichteten), hat EPoX nun offiziell Stellung genommen und uns ein Schreiben zukommen lassen:
    EPoX Computer Co., Ltd., a leading developer and manufacturer of high end mainboard, storage and communication solutions is giving today an official press statement, regarding technical issues being discovered by users when using an EP-8KHA, EP-8KHA+ and a VisionTek GF4 Ti4600 graphic card.

    Mr. Thomas Huang, VP of Research & Development Dept. of EPoX Computer said: “Regarding the high capacitor on EPoX motherboard EP-8KHA, EP-8KHA+, it was designed to optimize the stability of a DDR motherboard. While DDR solution was first introduced in the first quarter of 2001, according to the technical information the power consumption of the DDR memory will be much higher than SDRAM architecture. EPoX’s technicians decided to use switch circuit design. And the output end came important. After evaluating all the graphic cards sold in the market and ensure there was no mechanism conflicts, to keep wider tolerance in memory voltage and current, the bigger capacitors (1500μf/6.3V, LSR capacitors) was complemented to reserve big space and optimize the voltage stability. Each EP-8KHA and EP-8KHA+ even equipped with 2 of them.

    However according to the real experiences of using the selling DDR modules in the market, the power consumption is much lower than it was reported. In fact one 1500μf/6.3V, LSR capacitors is enough to handle it. In EPoX internal testing, the stability and overclockability is still very high without any influences.”

    By case users has difficulty in installing VisionTek GF4 Ti4600 graphic card on EPoX EP-8KHA+ and EP-8KHA, the first solution will be removing the CE6 capacitor. If users are not experienced in solder iron, they can use pliers to remove this component. If users are still confused with it or have any questions, they can contact any EPoX branch office in worldwide.
Oder kurz zusammengefaßt auf Deutsch: die EP-8KHA(+) Mainboards wurden im Hinblick auf wesentlich höheren Stromverbrauch durch die DDR-Technologie hin entworfen. Mittlerweile hat sich jedoch herausgestellt, daß die Boards stärker ausgelegt wurden, als notwendig. Daher ist in Wahrheit nur einer der beiden Kondensatoren notwendig. Der User kann den CE6 entfernen. Wer sich das nicht zutraut, kann sich auch an den EPoX-Support wenden. In jedem Fall sei es kein Problem, die Karte auf dem EP-8KHA+ zu betreiben.

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