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Donnerstag, 25. April 2002

00:32 - Autor: Nero24

Sledgehammer heißt Opteron

Nun ist es also raus: das Top-Modell der kommenden 64-Bit Hammer-Familie, bisher bekannt unter dem Namen Sledgehammer, wird den Namen AMD Opteron tragen:
    The AMD Opteron™ processor is based on AMD’s 8th-generation processor core, which will represent the landmark introduction of the industry’s first x86-64 technology. The AMD Opteron processor is designed to provide investment protection, running existing 32-bit applications with unsurpassed performance, and offering customers a seamless transition to 64-bit technology.

    The AMD Opteron processor will also incorporate the breakthrough HyperTransport™ technology, which helps to eliminate or reduce system bottlenecks, enable better efficiency, and increase throughput to improve overall system performance. With three HyperTransport interconnects, the AMD Opteron processor will be able to provide up to 19.2 gigabyte/second aggregate bandwidth for server systems, which is up to six times the throughput of the majority of today’s server processors.

    In another key milestone, AMD announced today it is collaborating with Microsoft to incorporate 64-bit support for the future 8th-generation AMD Athlon and AMD Opteron processors into the Windows® operating system. AMD Opteron processors are also planned to be supported by 64-bit operating systems from major Linux vendors.
Abgeleitet wurde der Name übrigens, wie wir bereits vor zwei Wochen spekuliert haben, aus dem Lateinischen und bedeutet schlichtweg Das Beste:
    “The origin of the AMD Opteron brand name means, simply, the best. In choosing this name, AMD is conveying that the processor will give users the option to run either 32-bit or 64-bit applications, with optimal performance on both,” said Ed Ellett, vice president of marketing for AMD’s Computation Products Group.
Der zweite Teil unserer Spekulationen bezüglich des kleinere Clawhammer mit gemutmaßtem Namen AMD Metaron (Wendepunkt) dürfte jedoch nicht aufgehen (thx @pipin). In der brandneuen AMD Roadmap ist der Clawhammer als AMD Athlon verzeichnet. Das Original der Pressemitteilung gibt's im übrigen bei AMD.

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