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Dienstag, 4. Februar 2003

15:27 - Autor: Nero24

Microsoft Windows XP SP1a erschienen

Mit einem Gerichtsbeschluß vom 21. Januar wurde Microsoft zur Auflage gemacht, die neuesten Runtime Routinen von Java-Schöpfer Sun in das Betriebssystem Windows XP zu integrieren. Bisher verfügen Microsoft-Betriebssysteme lediglich über eine alte Virtual-Machine, was die Verbreitung der neuen Sun-Entwicklungen behinderte, so das Urteil. Hier ein paar entscheidende Auszüge aus der Erklärung:
    Microsoft will not update or distribute the Microsoft VM in any future Microsoft products. Customers who already have the Microsoft VM may continue to use it on their computers.
    Microsoft is no longer able to provide an ‘Initial Setup’ package for the Microsoft VM. The ‘Initial Setup’ package enabled the Microsoft VM to be installed on a computer that did not have an existing copy of the Microsoft VM installed. Additionally Microsoft can only provide updates to the Microsoft VM on Windows Update and its ability to do even that through January 2004 is the subject of pending litigation with Sun. This means that ISVs, IHVs, and other Microsoft partners who have built solutions on the Microsoft VM may continue to distribute the Microsoft VM under license but will not receive updates to the Microsoft VM from Microsoft. Customers who require replacement copies of the Microsoft VM will need to contact the vendor who licensed them the solution built on the Microsoft VM. Those customers will be able to obtain updates for the Microsoft VM from Windows Update for as long as Microsoft is legally permitted to supply such updates. Developers who are currently building solutions using either Visual J++ or the Microsoft SDK for Java should check for more information.
    Microsoft will be distributing updated versions of Windows XP SP1. Future service packs will NOT include the Microsoft VM and will eventually include Sun's JRE. If you already have the Microsoft VM, it will NOT be uninstalled from your computer when future service packs of Windows are installed on your computer. However, future service packs will set the Sun JRE software as the default handler of "APPLET" tags which will require you to reset the default if you wish to use the Microsoft VM.
Das SP1a soll laut Heise identisch sein mit dem SP1, jedoch die alte VM nicht enthalten. Innerhalb der nächsten Wochen soll dann die Sun-Engine in Form eines weiteren Update hinzugefügt werden. Weitere Informationen dazu gibt's direkt bei Microsoft. Die Express-Installation ist über die Windows-Update Funktion verfügbar. Die 125 MB große Netzwerk-Installation gibt's hier.

  • Windows XP SP1a Network-Installation (HTTP)
  • Windows XP SP1a Network-Installation (ED2K)

  • THX TinyRK & cura für den Hinweis :)

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