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Sonntag, 31. August 2003

20:11 - Autor: Desti

xMule 1.6.0

Vom eDonkey Clienten xMule ist die Version 1.6.0 erschienen, ältere Versionen sollten nicht mehr benutzt werden.
    * Categories implemented.
    * Much better No Needed/High Queue Ranking sources handling
    * Shared files loading made 30x faster, now supports thousands of files.
    * Numerous possible security exploits fixed.
    * Generally, code is a lot clearner now.
    * Enhanced OS support: NetBSD, OpenBSD, Solaris.
    * New Extended Options:
    * Various A4AF functionality,
    * Drop No Needed Sources,
    * Drop High QR Sources,
    * Drop Full Queue Sources.

    malware's contributions:
    * Speed up the initial sharing by making KnowFileList a hash map.
    * Remove the assign to category context menu entry only if it was
    already there.
    * Reimplemented hashing thread.
    * Removed unused locks. As the NetBSD team pointed out they are
    causing problems on their system because it does core dump on
    unlocking a mutex that was not locked.
    * Made the title for systray the same as for the main dialog.
    * Never share a file twice.
    * Fixed endless loop in sending UDP packets.
    * Fixed a possibly exploitable bug as noticed by S. Esser from e-matters.
    * Fixed new downloads assigned to random category.
    * Check size of OP_SERVERSTATUS packet more strictly.
    * Make xmule not to send the MOD_VERSION information. This does avoid a
    problem with the LSD mod and other xmules.
    * Removed memory leak from hashing thread.
    * Minor fixes of problems detected by valgrind, mostly uninitialized

    Un-Thesis' contributions:
    * Implemented better GTK2 checks based on NetBSD team's and a Solaris user's
    * Converted embedded XPMs to PNGs and JPEGs for better memory usage.
    * FIXED: several bugs inherent in the source from previous devs/projects.
    * FIXED: several memory leaks.
    * Started refactoring the sourcecode.
    * Got his own connection shut down by MPAA on 19 Aug
    * Bringing website back to live.
    * Kept xMule alive.

    NetBSD team's contributions:
    * Fixed bug with the mutex protecting calls to gethostbyname.
    * Try to increase some resource limitation to the permitted maximum
Download: xmule-1.6.0.tar.gz

Thx @ Bullitt für den Hinweis ;-)

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