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Dienstag, 23. Februar 2010

19:27 - Autor: KIDH

OpenTTD 1.0.0-RC1

Das freie Simulationsspiel OpenTTD ist 1.0.0-RC1 verfügbar. Damit ist es unwahrscheinlich, dass bis zum Erscheinen von Version 1.0.0 noch weitere Funktionen hinzugefügt werden - Vorrang hat jetzt das Bugfixing.

Wer Mitte der 90er schon am PC gespielt hat, kennt sicher noch Chris Sawyer's Transport Tycoon Deluxe. Die freie Implementierung namens OpenTTD macht es möglich sich diesen Klassiker wieder einmal anzuschauen. Bisher benötigte man dafür immer noch die Original-Grafiken und -Sounds, also auch eine Lizenz des Originals. Mittlerweile sind aber die Projekte OpenGFX und OpenSFX, welche für freie Grafiken und Sounds sorgen, so weit, dass man ohne die Originaldateien auskommen sollte. Für die letzte stable Version 0.7.5 benötigt man allerdings immer noch Dateien vom Original.

Weiterhin ist OpenTTD nicht nur ein einfacher Klon, sondern bringt auch viele Neuerungen mit. So gibt es einen integrierten Multiplayer-Modus, der IP-basierte Spiele mit bis zu 255 Teilnehmern zulässt und auch dedizierte Server unterstützt. Darüberhinaus sind zahlreiche Erweiterungen im Spiel vorhandener Objekte verfügbar.

Im Gegensatz zum Original läuft OpenTTD nicht nur unter DOS und Windows, sondern auch unter Mac OS X, Linux, BSD, OS/2 und auf weiteren Plattformen.


  • 1.0.0-RC1 (2010-02-18):
    - Feature: Allow to select different land colours for the smallmap (r19064)
    - Feature: [NewGRF] Action 3/2/1 (i.e. new graphics) support for rail types (r19056)
    - Feature: Add zoom-out to smallmap (r19039)
    - Add: [NoAI] AIOrder::[GS]etStopLocation to get/set the stop location of trains in a rail station (r19014)
    - Change: Move home directory to a better place in Haiku [FS#3625] (r19151)
    - Change: Do not load the 'new game' NewGRFs when you are certain the savegame would not have been saved with them, i.e. do not load the 'new game' NewGRFs for TTO savegames (r19044)
    - Fix: Invisible depots draw the track, so also draw the overlays (r19154)
    - Fix: [v]seprintf should return the number of added characters excluding '\0' on truncation [FS#3627] (r19149, r19148)
    - Fix: [YAPF] Look-ahead for multitile waypoints 'made up' data that should not go into the cache, causing desyncs in MP [FS#3619] (r19141)
    - Fix: Report a more useful error when failing to build a bubble generator (r19137)
    - Fix: Resize station cargo widget when needed to display all accepted cargo types [FS#3617] (r19123)
    - Fix: [NewGRF] Industry property 0x17 was interpreted incorrectly and in some cases circumvented the density difficulty setting (r19120)
    - Fix: removing towns (in the scenario editor) that had stations/depots refer to them or vehicles were on the town's road could cause a crash [FS#3616] (r19119)
    - Fix: In the order window the Non-stop dropdown was not enabled for depot and waypoint orders and some buttons were raised too soon [FS#3593] (r19118, r19117)
    - Fix: Do not crash on broken lng file and prevent it from happening again [FS#3611] (r19113, r19112)
    - Fix: Not all news data was properly freed when starting a new game [FS#3614] (r19105)
    - Fix: The BeMidi driver was broken [FS#3610] (r19097)
    - Fix: Crash when one of the items in the news_display group in the config file has no value (r19096)
    - Fix: Crash when a baseset has an empty metadata field (r19095)
    - Fix: Possible read/write after free when the client triggered the server to close the connection [FS#3599] (r19072)
    - Fix: Remove Bidi control characters from the reordered text so they are not drawn [FS#3604] (r19067)
    - Fix: [NewGRF] Settings that are part of the "TTPatch flags" can cause desyncs if they are changed in network games (r19066)
    - Fix: When banning yourself via rcon do not send the 'command response' to the client as the connection has already been terminated [FS#3598] (r19054)
    - Fix: Mass stopping/starting/autoreplacing gave empty errors when there were no vehicles [FS#3577] (r19024)
    - Fix: City airport introduction date had become 5 years later (r19023)
    - Fix: Loading old (0.1-ish) savegames failed (r19022)
    - Fix: Do not NULL the pointers when saving the savegame on an error during saving; the savegame is still valid, so do not make it invalid [FS#3570] (r19021)
    - Fix: When removing roads, the player was also charged for removing the foundations [FS#3591] (r19016)
  • Readme [.txt]

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