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Mittwoch, 16. November 2005

21:54 - Autor: cruger

Creative Labs Soundblaster X-Fi Treiber 2.07.0004

Creative Labs hat am 15.11.2005 ein neues Treiberpaket für die Soundblaster X-Fi Serie veröffentlicht, die zuletzt durch Probleme in Verbindung mit NVIDIAs nForce4 Chipsätzen negative Schlagzeilen gemacht hat (wir berichteten).

Das Paket beinhaltet Treiber sowohl für die Windows XP 32-Bit als auch 64-Bit Version.

  • Removes randomly occurring audio distortion that may occur after you install drivers and restart your computer.
  • Improves host CPU utilization performance when you play 3D/EAX games.
  • Improves the usability of the Bit-Matched Playback feature in Audio Creation Mode.
  • Resolves some MIDI/SoundFont® compatibility issues.
  • Restores EAX presets properly when you select default settings in Entertainment Mode.
  • Resolves the issue of a mode console sometimes not responding after you switch modes.
  • Restores proper functionality to the EQ sliders when you select EAX effects in Entertainment Mode.
  • Removes the error message that sometimes appears in THX Setup Console when you switch modes multiple times.
  • Resolves the issue of your computer not responding when you change the Reverb Aux effect in Audio Creation Mode.

Download: X-Fi Treiber v2.07.0004 (39,4MB)Danke an Sub für den Hinweis

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