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Donnerstag, 16. September 2010

22:19 - Autor: Nero24

ATI Catalyst 10.9 WHQL Grafiktreiber

AMD ATI Premium Graphics
AMD hat den WHQL zertifizierten ATI Catalyst 10.9 Grafiktreiber veröffentlicht. Zusätzlich zu den üblichen Fixes (siehe Release-Notes), die ein paar Fehler im Zusammenspiel mit diversen Computerspielen und der Wiedergabe von Videos behoben, wird der Treiber benötigt, um dem kommenden Internet Explorer 9 (Beta verfügbar) die Direct2D-Beschleunigung zu ermöglichen.

Die What's new Liste von AMD liest sich wie folgt:
Performance improvements over last month’s ATI Catalyst™ 10.8 driver:

* STALKER: Call of Pripyat Benchmark – depending on the model, screen resolution, anti-aliasing and whether you are using ATI CrossfireX™ technology, here’s an example of some performance improvements we’ve noted in our labs:

o up to 20% on ATI Radeon™ HD 5870 graphics
o up to 12% on ATI Radeon™ HD 5770 graphics
* The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena
o up to 4% on ATI Radeon™ HD 5770 graphics
o up to 5% on ATI Radeon™ HD 5850 graphics
o up to 6% on ATI Radeon™ HD 5970 graphics

ATI Catalyst™ Application – Updated ATI CrossFireX™ Profiles

* Aliens Vs. Predator – Profile update
* Battlefield: Bad Company 2 – Profile update
* F1 2010 – Profile update
* Kane & Lynch 2 – New profile

Resolved issue highlights:

* UVD clocks will now return to normal speeds after switching from High Definition to Standard Definition content
* Flickering is no longer visible while running 3D games on HDMI displays with Quad CrossFireX™ enabled
* Mesh corruption is no longer visible in “The Chronicles of Riddick 2: Assault on Dark Athena” when SSAO in-game settings are set to “high”
* ATI CrossFireX™ now functions properly, and in-game Anti-Aliasing can now be enabled in “StarCraft II”
* Adobe® Flash Player will no longer display green screen after resume from sleep
* Negative ATI CrossFireX™ scaling on “Final Fantasy-XIV” no longer occurs
* Intermittent performance drops no longer observed with hardware cursor enabled in “World of Warcraft” game running in extended mode

Resolved issue highlights:

* UVD clocks will now return to normal speeds after switching from High Definition to Standard Definition content
* Flickering is no longer visible while running 3D games on HDMI displays with Quad CrossFireX™ enabled
* Mesh corruption is no longer visible in “The Chronicles of Riddick 2: Assault on Dark Athena” when SSAO in-game settings are set to “high”
* ATI CrossFireX™ now functions properly, and in-game Anti-Aliasing can now be enabled in “StarCraft II”
* Adobe® Flash Player will no longer display green screen after resume from sleep
* Negative ATI CrossFireX™ scaling on “Final Fantasy-XIV” no longer occurs
* Intermittent performance drops no longer observed with hardware cursor enabled in “World of Warcraft” game running in extended mode
Eine komplette Liste aller behobener sowie bekannter Fehler kann den offiziellen Release Notes entnommen werden.

Download:Links zum Thema:Anwender von Windows XP benötigen das .NET Framework für die Installation des CCC.

Danke ThW für den Hinweis.

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