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Mittwoch, 15. Juni 2011

20:06 - Autor: Dr@

AMD Catalyst 11.6 WHQL Desktop- und Notebook-Grafiktreiber

AMD Catalyst Software
AMD hat den WHQL-zertifizierten Catalyst 11.6 veröffentlicht. In der Juni-Ausgabe des Treiberpaketes hat sich das Treiber-Team erneut auf das Fixen von bekannten Bugs konzentriert. Zudem kann jetzt auf den "Llano"-APUs das neue Feature "AMD Steady Video" zur Stabilisierung von verwackelten Aufnahmen genutzt werden. Als weiteres neues Feature wird aufgeführt, dass der Windows Media Player ab sofort die UVD-Einheit auch zur Beschleunigung von Videos verwenden kann, die als Codec MPEG-4 part 2 nutzen. Eine vollständige Liste der vom Treiber unterstützten Hardware sowie sämtlicher behobener und bekannter Probleme kann den offiziellen Release Notes entnommen werden.

Seit dem AMD Catalyst 11.3 bietet AMD zusätzlich zur bekannten Catalyst Software Suite auch eine Version mit bereits integrierter OpenCL-Laufzeitumgebung an, die notwendig ist, wenn auf der Grafikkarte oder APU OpenCL-Kernel bzw. per OpenCL-beschleunigte Programme ausgeführt werden sollen. Das hier zum Download angebotene AMD Catalyst 11.6 Treiberpaket enthält bereits die Laufzeitumgebung des AMD Accelerated Parallel Processing (APP) SDK 2.4. Daher sollte vor der Installation eine eventuell vorhandene ältere Version des AMD APP SDK deinstalliert werden.

AMD Catalyst 11.4 Software Preview

Was ist neu?
New Features:
  • AMD Steady Video
    • Steady Video is currently an AMD exclusive feature based on AMD APP Technology
    • By applying advanced algorithms behind the scenes, users do not have to deal with shaky or unstable video ever again!
    • Capabilities scale with hardware and are end user controlled

  • Image Stabilization brought to YouTube!

  • Decode Acceleration of MPEG-4 part 2 content
    • AMD has enabled decode acceleration of MPEG-4 part 2 content in Microsoft video player applications (through MFT support) for all AMD Radeon 6000 Series

Performance Enhancements:
Performance highlights of the AMD Catalyst 11.6 release includes:
  • Performance gains in Crysis of up to 7% on AMD Radeon HD 6000 series single card configurations.
  • Performance gains in F1 2010 of up to 8% in DirectX 11 mode on AMD Radeon HD 6000 series products in single and Crossfire configurations.
  • Performance gains in Far Cry 2 of up to 5% on AMD Radeon HD 6000 series products in single and Crossfire configurations.
  • Performance gains in HAWX of up to 8% on AMD Radeon HD 6000 series products in single and Crossfire configurations.
  • Performance gains in the Unigine OpenGL tests of up to 10% on AMD Radeon HD 6000 series single card configurations.

Resolved Issues for the Windows 7 Operating System
This section provides information on resolved known issues in this release of the AMD Catalyst 11.6 software suite for Windows 7. These include:
  • Flashing titles are no longer displayed when playing F1 2010 in a Crossfire environment.
  • Video playback no longer intermittently displays a black screen when using Windows Media Player.
  • Graphics and Gaming scores are now correctly computed in the Windows Performance Index.
  • A BSOD error is no longer generated randomly when Crossfire is enabled/disabled after video/LCD overdrive settings are changed on HD 6900 series products.
  • Crossfire is now correctly enabled when playing The Witcher 2 on HD 6800 series products. (when used with AMD Catalyst 11.5 CAP 5 release)
  • Screen tearing is no longer randomly seen when playing Riddick 2 at high performance settings and with Crossfire enabled.
  • The game Kings Bounty now renders correctly.
  • The game Empire Total War now no longer displays random flickering and in-game buttons display correctly.
  • Google Earth now performs smoothly in OpenGL mode.
  • Crossfire is now correctly enabled when playing Cars 2 on HD 6900 series products.
  • Sid Meyers Civilization V no longer displays intermittent graphical corruption when played in DirectX 10 mode in a Crossfire environment.
  • Heaven 2.1 running in DirectX 11 mode no longer displays intermittent graphical corruption in a Crossfire environment.
  • Crossfire is correctly enabled when playing LEGO : Pirates of the Caribbean on HD6800 and HD 6900 series products.
  • Poor performance is no longer experienced while Playing Heroes of Newerth and when the cursor is moved to the top right or bottom right corner of the screen.
  • Mouse cursor corruption (in the upper right portion of the screen) should be resolved

Resolved Issues for the Windows Vista Operating System
This section provides information on resolved known issues in this release of the AMD Catalyst 11.6 software suite for Windows Vista. These include:
  • The screen no longer briefly flashes green while changing screen resolution and playing a BluRay title using PowerDVD 10.

Resolved Issues for the Windows XP Operating System
This section provides information on resolved known issues in this release of the AMD Catalyst 11.6 software suite for Windows XP. These include:
  • World of Warcraft no longer randomly crashes or fails to launch when using an A-Series APU.
  • Random graphics corruption is no longer observed while playing World of Warcraft.
  • Playing Dead Rising 2 no longer causes the system to hang.
Auch der AMD Catalyst Mobility für alle ATI Mobility Radeon Grafikkarten ab der HD 2000 Serie und die aktuellen AMD Radeon HD 6000M wurde ebenfalls aktualisiert. Folgende Notebooks werden allerdings offiziell von dem Treiberpaket nicht unterstützt:
  • Any notebook launched after this driver release.
  • Switchable Graphics enabled notebooks using Intel chipsets.
  • Toshiba notebooks (please check with your notebook OEM for driver support for these notebooks)
  • Sony VAIO notebooks (please check with your notebook OEM for driver support for these notebooks)
  • Panasonic notebooks (please check with your notebook OEM for driver support for these notebooks)

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