hat das was zu bedeuten? (projekt 2609)


Vice Admiral Special
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  • Spinhenge ESL
moin moin!
gerade hat mein f@h-client ne fertige 2605 abgeliefert und sich nachschub geholt. aufgefallen ist mir ein "rejecting checkpoint" ganz zu anfang. habs unten markiert. hat das was besonderes zu bedeuten? hatte das noch nie.
[21:56:12] - Preparing to get new work unit...
[21:56:12] + Attempting to get work packet
[21:56:12] - Connecting to assignment server
[21:56:13] - Successful: assigned to (
[21:56:13] + News From Folding@Home: Welcome to Folding@Home
[21:56:13] Loaded queue successfully.
[21:57:45] + Closed connections
[21:57:45] + Processing work unit
[21:57:45] Core required: FahCore_a1.exe
[21:57:45] Core found.
[21:57:45] Working on Unit 06 [April 23 21:57:45]
[21:57:45] + Working ...
[21:57:45] *------------------------------*
[21:57:45] Folding@Home Gromacs SMP Core
[21:57:45] Version 1.73 (November 27, 2006)
[21:57:45] Preparing to commence simulation
[21:57:45] - Ensuring status. Please wait- Created dyn
[21:57:45] - Files status OK
[21:57:46] - Expanded 4014162 -> 21620008 (decompressed 538.5 percent)
[21:57:46] - Starting from initial work packet
[21:57:46] Project: 2609 (Run 1, Clone 47, Gen 3)
[21:57:46] Assembly optimizations on if available.
[21:57:46] Entering M.D.
[21:58:03] .5 percent)
[21:58:04] - Starting from initial work packet
[21:58:04] Project: 2609 (Run 1, Clone 47, Gen 3)
[21:58:04] Entering M.D.
NODEID=1 argc=15
NODEID=2 argc=15
NODEID=3 argc=15
NODEID=0 argc=15
      Written by David van der Spoel, Erik Lindahl, Berk Hess, and others.
       Copyright (c) 1991-2000, University of Groningen, The Netherlands.
             Copyright (c) 2001-2004, The GROMACS development team,
            check out http://www.gromacs.org for more information.

        This inclusion of Gromacs code in the Folding@Home Core is under
        a special license (see http://folding.stanford.edu/gromacs.html)
         specially granted to Stanford by the copyright holders. If you
          are interested in using Gromacs, visit www.gromacs.org where
                you can download a free version of Gromacs under
         the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) as published
       by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,
                     or (at your option) any later version.

[21:58:11] Rejecting checkpoint [COLOR="Red"]<-- das hier meine ich[/COLOR]
starting mdrun 'Protein'
500000 steps,  15000.0 ps.

[21:58:12] Protein: Protein
[21:58:12] Writing local files
[21:58:14] Extra SSE boost OK.
[21:58:14] Writing local files
[21:58:14] Completed 0 out of 500000 steps  (0 percent)


oder hats was mit der vorherigen wu zu tun? eine der cores scheint nicht 0, sondern 18 als returncode ausgespuckt zu haben
[21:41:13] Past main M.D. loop
[21:41:13] Will end MPI now
[21:42:13] Finished Work Unit:
[21:42:13] - Reading up to 3714144 from "work/wudata_05.arc": Read 3714144
[21:42:13] - Reading up to 1762336 from "work/wudata_05.xtc": Read 1762336
[21:42:13] goefile size: 0
[21:42:13] logfile size: 16912
[21:42:13] Leaving Run
[21:42:14] - Writing 5497792 bytes of core data to disk...
[21:42:14]   ... Done.
[21:42:20] - Shutting down core
[21:42:20] Folding@home Core Shutdown: FINISHED_UNIT
[0]0:Return code = 100
[0]1:Return code = 0, signaled with Quit
[0]2:Return code = 0, signaled with Quit
[0]3:Return code = 0, signaled with Quit
[21:42:32] CoreStatus = 64 (100)
[21:42:32] Sending work to server

[21:42:32] + Attempting to send results
[21:52:01] + Results successfully sent
[21:52:01] Thank you for your contribution to Folding@Home.
[21:52:01] + Number of Units Completed: 15

[0]0:Return code = 0, signaled with Quit
[0]1:Return code = 18
[0]2:Return code = 0, signaled with Quit
[0]3:Return code = 0, signaled with Quit
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Du solltest mal überprüfen, ob der client auch wirklich eine neue WU berechnet und nicht die alte wieder von vorne durchkaut.
die aktuelle ist ne 2609, davor hatte ich ne 2605, die inzwischen auch schon gutgeschrieben wurde.bislang sind keine weiteren probleme aufgetreten. so gesehen scheint inzwischen wieder alles i.o. zu sein. der schreck war aber anfangs nicht gerade unerheblich ;)
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