Pidgin 2.2.1 veröffentlicht


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Der OpenSource Multiprotokoll-Messenger Pidgin - früher bekannt als Gaim - wurde in der Version 2.2.1 veröffentlicht.

Pidgin unterstützt derzeit folgende Protokolle:
<ul><li>AIM</li><li>Bonjour</li><li>Gadu-Gadu</li><li>Google Talk</li><li>Groupwise</li><li>ICQ</li><li>IRC</li><li>MSN</li><li>MySpaceIM</li><li>QQ</li><li>SILC</li><li>SIMPLE</li><li>Sametime</li><li>XMPP</li><li>Yahoo!</li><li>Zephyr</li></ul>
<blockquote><i><b>Release Notes</b><br>2.2.1 is out. It fixes a crash that can be triggered remotely on MSN in 2.2.0. If you are using 2.2.0, you should upgrade immediately. See our <a href="" target="b">security advisory</a> for details.<br><br><b>Changes Version 2.2.1</b><br><a href="" target="b"></a></i><br><br><i>libpurple:</i><ul><li><i>A few build issues on Solaris were fixed.</i></li><li><i>Cancelling the password prompt for an account will no longer leave it in an ambiguous state. (It will be disabled.)</i></li><li><i>Fixed an erroneous size display for MSN file transfers. (galt)</i></li><li><i>Fixed multiple memory leaks, particularly in XMPP and MySpace protocols</i></li><li><i>Fixed remembering proxy preferences and status scores</i></li><li><i>Gmail notifications are better tracked</i></li></ul><i>Pidgin:</i><ul><li><i>Fixed keyboard tab reordering to move tabs one step instead of two.</i></li><li><i>You should no longer lose proxy settings when Pidgin is restarted.</i></li><li><i>Fixed detection of X11 when compiling</i></li></ul><i>Finch:</i><ul><li><i>Pressing 'Insert' in the buddylist will bring up the 'Add Buddy' dialog.</i></li></ul></blockquote>

<b>Download:</b><ul><li><a href="" target="b">Pidgin 2.2.1 (Windows)</a></li><li><a href="" target="b">Pidgin 2.2.1 (Linux & Source)</a></li></ul>

<b>Links zum Thema: </b><ul><li><a href="" target="b">Release Notes und Changelog</a></li></ul>
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