Download Paint.NET 3.5.7


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<div class="newsfloatleft"><a href=""><img src="" border="1" alt=" Logo"></a></div>Das kostenlose Bildbearbeitungsprogramm Paint.NET ist in der Version 3.5.7 verfügbar. Das Programm war ursprünglich als Ersatz für das Windows-eigene Paint gedacht, unterstützt heute aber die gängigsten Formate wie BMP, JPG, GIF, TIF, PNG, TGA, DDS und bringt sein eigenes mit (PDN) - weitere werden über Plugins unterstützt, beherrscht die Bearbeitung in Ebenen, bietet viele Effekte und eine unendliche History.

Paint.NET läuft unter Windows ab Windows XP SP3, Windows 2003 SP2 bzw. Windows Vista SP1 sowohl unter den 32-bit als auch unter den 64-bit-Versionen. Es wird dabei ein installiertes .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 und ein Prozessor mit SSE-Erweiterung vorausgesetzt, was bei allen CPUs ab dem Intel Pentium III bzw. AMD Athlon XP der Fall ist.<p style="clear:left;">
<center><a href=""><img src="" border="1" alt=" Logo"></a></center>

<b>Changelog:</b><ul><li>Paint.NET v3.5.7, released on February 20th, 2011
<blockquote>This update improves reliability of saving, further improves Copy/Paste functionality, and fixes some other miscellaneous bugs.

<ul><li>Saving an image is now fault-tolerant. If there is an error or crash while saving, the original file will be left alone.</li><li>Worked around a bug in some plugins that are incorrectly using the built-in Gaussian Blur effect. For example, Sharpen+. Now they won't crash.</li><li>Fixed a bug with Edit->Paste into New Image, where the new image would be 1 pixel too wide or tall, as reported at <a href="" target="b"></a></li><li>Fixed a bug with the Rectangle Select tool and Fixed Ratio selection, which would be off by 1 pixel, as reported at <a href="" target="b"></a></li><li>When pasting an image from Paint.NET into Paint.NET, it will be a little smarter about where it puts the image. Previously, if the location wasn't within the viewport, it would be placed at the top-left corner of the viewport. Now it will find the nearest point along the edge of the viewport to place the image.</li><li>The EXIF rotation ("orientation") metadata is now discarded when opening an image, which was causing aggravation with images that could then never be reoriented correctly using Image->Rotate</li><li>The EXIF metadata for JPEG thumbnail data are now correctly discarded.</li><li>Fixed a handful of memory leaks.</li><li>Fixed a typo in the Italian translation. In the setup wizard it was referring to "Pain.NET" (woops)</li></ul></blockquote></li><li><a href="" target="b">Full Version History</a></li></ul>
<b>Download:</b><ul><li><a href="">Paint.NET 3.5.7 [Installer in .zip]</a></li></ul>
<b>Links zum Thema:</b>
<ul><li><a href="" target="b">Offizielle Internetpräsenz</a></li><li><a href="" target="b">Offizielles Support-Forum</a></li><li><a href="">Microsoft .NET Framework</a></li></ul></p>
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