Der BOINC-Entwicklungsfred

es hat sich was getan > 7.0.36

Ja, aber Linux fehlt *kopfkratz

Windows 32 und 64
MacOS und MacOSX

Preliminary Change Log 7.0.34 --> 7.0.35:
•client: if a project has excluded GPUs of a given type, allow it to fetch work of that type if the # of runnable jobs is <= the # of non-excluded instances (rather than 0).
•client: If OpenCL detection gets an error for a platform or device, finish detection of the remaining platforms and / or devices.
•client: print log msgs (enabled by task_debug) if the client times out on quitting or aborting a task, and has to kill it.
•client: change the way project disk share is computed. Allow projects to report "desired disk usage" (DDU).
If the client learns that a project wants disk space, it can shrink the allocation to other projects.
•client: streamline the console detach process under Windows.
•client: fix bug that broke file signing with X.509 certificates. From matszpk. Fixes #1168.
•client: work around a nasty bug which crashes OSX (!) on some dual-gpu MacBooks with CUDA.
•client: initialize memfree and memtotal before use for Nvidia cards. It appears that the Nvidia API was only setting 32-bits of the 64-bit value. The remaining 32-bits were whatever was on the stack.
•client: Don't support CUDA on dual-GPU MacBooks with automatic GPU switching to save battery power.

Preliminary Change Log 7.0.35 --> 7.0.36 (Windows and Macintosh release):
•client: take GPU exclusions into account when making initial work request to a project.
•client: put some casts to double in NVIDIA detect code. Shouldn't make any difference.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
ein Dailybuild zur Problembeseitigung

Manchmal gibt es besondere Probleme, dafür wird ein Build der Exe erstellt damit der Betroffene es testen kann. Ist das Problem beseitigt kommts mit in den Source und wird später ein "vollständiges" Boincpaket ....

Machen die in Berkeley ab und zu ... - nicht immer kann/wird ein vollständes Paket dh Boinc Manager, Boinc Core sowie die Zusatzapi's mit Setup erstellt ;)
Herzlichen Dank!


ein Dailybuild zur Problembeseitigung

Manchmal gibt es besondere Probleme, dafür wird ein Build der Exe erstellt damit der Betroffene es testen kann. Ist das Problem beseitigt kommts mit in den Source und wird später ein "vollständiges" Boincpaket ....

Machen die in Berkeley ab und zu ... - nicht immer kann/wird ein vollständes Paket dh Boinc Manager, Boinc Core sowie die Zusatzapi's mit Setup erstellt ;)
So wie es aus sieht ist SVN tot dh wird nicht mehr gepflegt - nu gehts mit GIT weiter ...

naja zu 7.0.38 gibts noch keine Beschreibung; 7.0.37 war nur internes Build ???
ich habe festgestellt, dass die 7.0.38 unter Win 7 x64 keinen Eintrag im Startmenü erstellt.

Hat einer ähnliche Erfahrungen gemacht, oder ist das nur bei mir so?

ich habe festgestellt, dass die 7.0.38 unter Win 7 x64 keinen Eintrag im Startmenü erstellt.

Hat einer ähnliche Erfahrungen gemacht, oder ist das nur bei mir so?

Hast recht
Etwas Changelog:

Preliminary Change Log 7.0.36 --> 7.0.38:
• client: Initialize the total mem size_t.
• client: enforce excluded app at startup.
• win compile fix.
• scheduler: fix bug that cause NCI to be sent even when client is not requesting work.
• client: parse the <vbox_window> option in cc_config.xml
• Client/manager: if a GPU app is suspended because a GPU-exclusive app is running, show an appropriate message.
• client: message tweak.
• A bunch of tweaks from Steffen Moller, e.g. using MAXPATHLEN.
• Mac: Fix build breaks.
• client: MAXPATHLEN tweak.
• Manager: fix "exclusive GPU app running" message logic.
• client and API: improve the way an app checks for the death of the client.
Old: heartbeat mechanism
Problem: if the client is blocked for > 30 secs (e.g. because it takes a long time to write the state file, or because it's stopped in a debugger) then apps exit. This is bad if the app doesn't checkpoint and has been running for a long time.
New: the client passes its PID to the app.
The app periodically (10 sec) checks that the process still exists.
For backward compatibility (e.g. new API w/ old client, or vice versa) the client still sends heartbeats, and the API checks heartbeats if the client doesn't pass a PID.
The new mechanism works only if the client's PID isn't assigned to a new process within 10 secs of the client exiting. Windows 2000 reuses PIDs immediately, so check for Win2K and don't use this mechanism if so.
TODO: For Unix multithread apps, critical sections aren't currently being enforced. Need to fix this by masking signals.
• Win compile fixes. For now, include psapi.lib in various project properties. Try to figure out a different way.
• MGR: We don't save Simple View's width & height since its window is not resizable, so don't try to read them back.
• lib: don't clear entire APP_VERSION struct in APP_VERSION::parse_coproc()
• MGR: Fix references to the taskbar events which are now included in the stock wxWidget library,
• MGR: Fix the logging class which changed for the new wxWidgets.
• MGR: Add missing references winspool.lib in the linker.
• Add missing references to psapi.lib for various build configurations.
• client: change work fetch policy to avoid starving GPUs in situations where GPU exclusions are used.
• client: fix bug in round-robin simulation when GPU exclusions are used.
Note: this fixes a major problem (starvation) with project-level GPU exclusion. However, project-level GPU exclusion interferes with most of the client's scheduling policies. E.g., round-robin simulation doesn't take GPU exclusion into account, and the resulting completion estimates and device shortfalls can be wrong by an order of magnitude.
The only way I can see to fix this would be to model each GPU instance as a separate resource, and to associate each job with a particular GPU instance. This would be a sweeping change in both client and server.
• SCR: Fix bug in X11 screensaver.
• Mac: Fix icons in Simple View Task and Project selection combo boxes.
• Mac: Fix Quit command in Simple View and a crash bug with Quit AppleEvent.
• WINSETUP: Add the account manager auth logic from the 6.8 installer to current generation installers.
• WINSETUP: Make whether or not to create start menu items configurable via the command line. Useful for mass deployment installs.
• Add missing files and fix project files.
• Slight tweaks to the installer. Installer tried picking up the wrong font file.
• Fix assert in Simple Preferences: use window foreground color for CTransparentStaticLine if skin does not specify <static_line_color>
• Fix assert in SkinManager when file referenced by <application_logo> tag is missing.
• Mac: Work around wxMemoryDC::Clear() bug in drawing Simple View background.
• Mac: Work around apparent bug in wxWidgets 2.9.4 which failed to render wxNoteBook pages.
• VBOX: Change the way elapsed_time is calculated in vboxwrapper.
Previously: elapsed_time was just incremented with the value of the polling period each iteraction through the main loop. This introduced issues when vboxmanage lagged for whatever reason. This lag could go as high as 5 seconds. Over the timespan of a day this could increase the wall clock time of a task a great deal.
Now: elapsed_time is incremented with the time it took to execute the main loop.
• VBOX: Increase elapsed_time if we were forced to sleep after executing the main loop.
• Mac: Work around apparent refresh bug in wxCarbon 2.9.4 wxGenericListCtrl
• Win: Fix rendering of CBOINCTaskCtrl buttons on Windows. On Windows with wxWidgets 2.9.4, buttons don't refresh properly unless they are children of the wxStaticBox, but on Mac the layout is wrong unless the buttons are children of the parent of the wxStaticBox.
• Fix more bad wxFlexGridSizers, etc. in Attach Wizard, Advanced Preferences. Fix assert caused by Clear() of empty Project Categories wxComboBox.
• Fix bad wxFlexGridSizer in CDlgGenericMessage.
• Fix assert due to missing wxOK calling SafeMessageBox() in ProjectInfoPage.
• VBOX: Remove timeouts for creating and deleting snapshots.
• client: fix bug in handling proxy info in cc_config.file.
• client: if exiting because of exit_after_finished flag, write state file before exiting so we don't restart the job later.
• client, Unix: make Curl sockets close-on-exec, so that app processes don't inherit them.
• client: fix bug that makes client exit if a slot dir contains finish file on startup.
• GUI RPC: expose TIME_STATS info (e.g. on_frac) in the binding of the get_state() RPC.
• client: move client_start_time and previous_uptime from CLIENT_STATE to TIME_STATS, so that these are also visible in GUI RPC
• scheduler RPC: move uptime and previous_uptime into <time_stats>
• client: condition an RR simulation message on <rrsim_detail>
• boinccmd: show TIME_STATS info in --get_state
• VBOX: Don't report any error messages when unregistering the VM.
VirtualBox 4.2 no longer requires certain commands to be executed to unregister a VM while older versions do. Just ignore any error codes, if it becomes a problem we can always make it conditional on what version of VirtualBox is installed.
• VBOX: Make deleting a snapshot a non-terminal event.
Deleting stale snapshots now consists of enumerating the existing snapshots and deleting all but the most recent snapshot. This fixes the problem where, for one reason or another, a snapshot could not be deleted at one point in time. The wrapper would just continue to create new ones and was unable to successfully deal with the older ones. Disk space would eventually run out.
• client: message tweaks for failed app startup.
• Fix MinGW build: only works on top level.
• VBOX: Cleanup log a little bit.
• VBOX: Cleanup all the snapshots before unregistering the VM.
• VBOX: Make adjustments to the clean-up procedure for Vbox 4.2.
• client/manager: move the conditional define of MAXPATHLEN from boinc_win.h to filesys.h, so that the client will hopefully build on Hurd, which doesn't define MAXPATHLEN.
• client: in checking reasons for not requesting work, look at backoff last. Otherwise the user can get a misleading message if they update a project that's backed off.

hab den Teil, der den Start-Menu-Item-Bug verursachte mal markiert ... wird im .40er Build behoben (hoffentlich)

und nu der .39er Linux/Mac Only Teil

Preliminary Change Log 7.0.38 --> 7.0.39:
• VBOX: Do not count the sleep time as part of the elapsed time when the VM is supposed to be suspended.
• VBOX: Ugh, if sleep_time is greater than zero, increment elapsed_time by the poll interval.
• Some C++ files in client had execute permissions (??). Clear them.
• a bunch of skin files had execute permissions (??). Clear them.
• remove execute permissions from various files that shouldn't have them.
• Linux: add slide-show screensaver (from David Coss).
• Mac: update Xcode project for building boinc_zip
• Mac: add slide-show screensaver to example_app Xcode project and Mac example_app build scripts example app: fix compiler warnings in slide_show.cpp
GPU-Boincing für Ivybitch's geht langsam los

mehr in Fred
So 7.0.40 ist da

Windows 32 / 64
Linux 32 / 64

Preliminary Change Log 7.0.39 --> 7.0.40:

•Mac: update Xcode project for building boinc_zip.
•Mac: add slide-show screensaver to example_app Xcode project and Mac example_app build scripts
example app: fix compiler warnings in slide_show.cpp
•client: Win build fix.
•add Visual Studio project for slide_show
NOTE: (David) this currently doesn't build because boinc_zip is missing. I'll fix this soon.
•client: fix bug where, when updating a project, we fail to request work even though higher-priority projects are marked as no-new-tasks or are otherwise ineligible for work fetch.
•build fixes for OpenBSD, from rustyBSD.
•client: TIME_STATS fields go in <time_stats> part of state file.
•client: fix typo.
•WIN: Introduce updated project files for the boinc_zip library used by the slide_show project.
•WIN: Adjust the slide_show project so that it will build both 32-bit and 64-bit versions and use the boinc_zip library.
•VBOX: Add the ability to specify both the type and model of disk controller to use. It can be specified by adding the following tags to vbox_job.xml:
Executing vboxmanage --help will list the available options in the storeagectl section.
•compile fix for FreeBSD.
•remove deprecated MAC address code.
•client: if a project has 64 or more ready-to-report tasks, report them.
64 is chosen a bit arbitrarily, but the idea is to limit the number of tasks reported per RPC, and to accelerate the reporting of small tasks.
•Mac: remove deleted files from Xcode project.
•WIN: Fix Debug configuration which was corrupted.
•client: if a project is anonymous platform, don't send list of alternate platforms in scheduler RPC.
•client: fix uninitialized vars in CPU feature detection (from RustyBSD).
•client: when reset a project, clear its scheduler URL list (force a reload of the master page).
•Mgr: Fix Windows hangs and simplify code for notices display.
•Fix compiler warnings.
•client: add "client app configuration" feature; see
This lets users do the following:
1) limit the number of concurrent jobs of a given app (e.g. for WCG apps that are I/O-intensive)
2) Specify the CPU and GPU usage parameters of GPU versions of a given app.
Implementation notes:
- max app concurrency is enforced in 2 places:
1) when building the initial job run list
2) when enforcing the final job run list
Both are needed to avoid possible starvation.
- however, we don't enforce it during RR simulation.
Doing so could cause erroneous shortfall and work fetch. This means, however, that work buffering will not work as expected if you're using max concurrency.
•client: add the above to VS project.
•fix mysterious problems in Windows build.
•Fix build configuration on Windows.
•client: bug fixes for app config feature.
•client: add new files app_config.cpp,h to Xcode project.
•Fix file permissions.
•client (Win) preallocate large files to avoid file fragmentation when you write to them incrementally. (workaround for shoddy filesystem design)
•lib: Win compile fix for boinc_allocate_file()
•Mgr: Fix some rare issues on Windows (including a possible memory leak) when switching to a client on a different computer after trying to display notices without an Internet connection.
•Fix corrupted line endings.
•client: if <dont_check_file_sizes> is set, don't check file existence at startup .
•Mac installer: add missing pclose() (from RustyBSD).
•OpenCL: Add definition of GPU_TYPE_INTEL to match definitions of GPU_TYPE_ATI and GPU_TYPE_NVIDIA.
•OpenCL: Change type argument of new boinc_get_opencl_ids() API from char* to int; it now accepts PROC_TYPE_NVIDIA_GPU, PROC_TYPE_AMD_GPU or PROC_TYPE_INTEL_GPU.
•OpenCL: First pass at adding support for Intel Ivy Bridge GPUs.
•lib: add size info to messages when realloc() fails in MFILE.
•MGR: Fix two potential security issues with browser.cpp where the query to the cookie database could have been abused. At present neither of the two parameters originate as user input so using it as an attack vector isn't very high. Prevent the functions from being exploited in the future in case the routines were ever used in a different way.
•VBOX: Fix build break introduced by the previous vbox commit.
•client: strcasestr doesn't exist on Windows. (Rom)
•client: strcasestr does exist on Windows in lib/str_replace.cpp, but I just needed to #include "str_replace.h". This is preferable because it handles INTEL as well as Intel and intel. (Charlie)
•fix typo in GUI RPC.
•OpenCL: Add peak FLOPS computation for Intel Ivy Bridge GPUs.
•Mac: remove deleted files from Xcode project. (Checked into 7.0.40 tag)
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Das hört sich interessant an:
•client: add "client app configuration" feature; see
This lets users do the following:
1) limit the number of concurrent jobs of a given app (e.g. for WCG apps that are I/O-intensive)
2) Specify the CPU and GPU usage parameters of GPU versions of a given app.
Implementation notes:
- max app concurrency is enforced in 2 places:
1) when building the initial job run list
2) when enforcing the final job run list
Both are needed to avoid possible starvation.
- however, we don't enforce it during RR simulation.
Doing so could cause erroneous shortfall and work fetch. This means, however, that work buffering will not work as expected if you're using max concurrency.
Japp - 7.0.41 war für heute angesagt ;)

Windows 32 / 64

Rest soll später kommen

Changelog fehlt noch, jedoch wurde einiges an der Ivybitch-OpenCL-Front getan *lol*

Windows 32 und 64

noch immer kein Changelog und auch keine Linux oder Mac Builds ...
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
wichtig für die POEM-Frage und andere ist aber dies hier:;a=commit;h=8f8809d46c8363395a2a7a7865cb075dae531db3

- server: Add a default plan class for the Intel GPUs.


Hardcoretester testen die Windows-Daily-Builds !!

die enthalten nur den Boinckern (boinc.exe) dh Sicherung der installierten boinc.exe machen und die vorhandene Exe ersetzen und danach Boinc starten ... nicht wundern ist derzeit auf 7.1.0 ;D
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Dann müssen die Projectbetreiber nur noch ihre BOINC Server Software updaten!
so 7.0.42 Teil 2:

Endlich auch für Mac und MacOSX

aber noch kein Linux und kein Changelog *noahnung*
Ich teste es nachher zu Hause mal aus.

Bei OSX gibt es immer noch den Fehler:
Couldn't get Device IDs for platform #0: error -1
No usable GPUs found
Oben Unten