Winamp 5.51 veröffentlicht


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Die Entwickler von Nullsoft haben eine neue Version 5.51 des Media-Players Winamp zum Download bereitgestellt. Auskunft über alle Änderungen gibt das umfangreiche <a href="" target="b">Changelog</a>.

<blockquote cite=""><b><i>What's New in Winamp 5.51?</i></b><ul><li><i>A Completely Redesigned Interface, including Album Art</i></li><li><i>Multiple device support, including iPods</i></li><li><i>Access and Share Your Music and Videos with Winamp Remote</i></li><li><i>Play and Playlist the Best Music on the Web with Media Monitor</i></li><li><i>Get Artist & Concert News, Videos & more with Smart Search</i></li><li><i>Enjoy Dynamic Song Recommendations</i></li><li><i>Experience MP3 Surround Sound Support</i></li><li><i>Access to Thousands of Online Radio Stations, Videos and More!</i></li><li><i>50 FREE MP3 Music Downloads compliments of eMusic's 2-week Trial</i></li><li><i>Auto-Tagger provides automatic updates to file information</i></li><li><i>Control Winamp From Your Browser with the Winamp Toolbar</i></li></ul></blockquote>

Mit Winamp 5.5 wurde der Support für Windows 9x/ME Betriebssysteme eingestellt. Als Mindestvoraussetzung für die Nutzung von Winamp bedarf es Windows 2000 oder eines neueren Microsoft Betriebssystems. Zu Windows Vista machen die Entwickler folgende Anmerkungen.
<blockquote><i><b>Is Windows Vista supported?</b>

Yes, but there are currently a few known issues that the development team are working on. DirectSound hardware acceleration no longer exists on Vista (resulting in broken support for 5.1/7.1 speakers); Skinned scrollbars may not be displayed correctly; Video playback may be a bit flaky (most likely related to old/buggy video drivers or directshow codecs) or doesn't work at all with Aero enabled; and DWM/Flip3D displays the built-in Classic skin for all Modern skins. We hope to resolve most if not all of these issues in forthcoming Winamp releases.</i></blockquote>

<b>Download:</b><ul><li><a href="">Winamp 5.51 Full [Windows 2000/XP/Vista] (11,2 MB)</a></li><li><a href="">Winamp 5.51 Pro [Windows 2000/XP/Vista] (11,2 MB)</a></li><li><a href="">Winamp 5.51 lite [Windows 2000/XP/Vista] (3,0 MB)</a></li></ul>
<b>Links zum Thema:</b><ul><li><a href="" target="b">Winamp Versions History</a></li></ul>
Halb so wild, Vista ist ja erst ein Jahr auf dem Markt und Beta Versionen waren schon Monate vorher für jeden 08/15 Nutzer verfügbar. Da kann man von einem professionellen Software Entwickler natürlich nicht erwarten, dass er in diesem knappen Zeitraum seine Software entsprechend anpassen kann...

Zeit wirds das es neue Version gibt.
Die 5.5 kann ich nicht vernünftig nutzen. Sobald ich meine MP3 Sammlung importieren will schmiert WinAmp 5.5 reproduzierbar ab mit einem Fehler in der in_mp3.dll ab..

Egal ob ich nur einen Unterordner mit 20 MP3 importieren will oder den Hauptordner mit allen 23.000 MP3

Mal sehen ob der Bug jetzt weg ist.
Andernfalls geh ich zurück auf die Version 5.35 die bei mir fehlerlos läuft.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
mmh, mit Vista...

Warum auf die Programmierer meckern? Vielleicht ist ja nun mal wirklich schwieriger was vernünftiges unter Vista hinzubekommen. Keine Ahnung davon, aber das soviele Proggis erst sooooviel später herauskommen, kann dochnicht nur an der Unfähigkeit von denen liegen?!
meine für den Bug gab es ein Update für den 5.5

in_mp3 patch for Winamp 5.5
This update fixes/addresses the following issues:
-Crashing/lockups on some mp3's with corrupt id3v2 tags (info)
-ID3v2 tag not showing when ID3v1 tag reading is disabled in config
-Reading of metadata where more than one ID3v2 tag exists
-Deleting Lyrics3 tag in Alt+3 Editor also deletes ID3v1 tag
-Handling of ID3v2 with bad version/revision #'s
-MPEG Info not showing in Alt+3 for files with large ID3v2 tags
-Support for reading ALBUM ARTIST field if TPE2 not present
-Other misc. issues, mainly embedded album art related...
-Plus: Better optimization for older Pentium Pro/2/3 cpu's.

Note, if the Format Converter (Transcoder) no longer works after applying the above patch,
then you can use the slightly older first update patch instead [download],
which only includes some fixes for crashes with corrupt id3v2 tags,
but has none of the other fixes from the newer patch above

Aus History v. 5.51:
* Fixed: [in_mp3] Deleting Lyrics3 tag in Alt+3 Editor also deletes ID3v1 tag
* Fixed: [in_mp3] Handling of ID3v2 with bad version/revision #'s
* Fixed: [in_mp3] ID3v2 parsing crash with some mp3's
* Fixed: [in_mp3] ID3v2 tag not showing when ID3v1 tag reading is disabled in config
* Fixed: [in_mp3] MPEG Info not showing in Alt+3 for files with large ID3v2 tags
* Fixed: [in_mp3] Now only reads first ID3v2 tag if more than one is present
* Fixed: [in_mp3] Winamp UI freezes when loading certain corrupt mp3's

"möglicherw das meiste bereinigt"
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
meine für den Bug gab es ein Update für den 5.5

in_mp3 patch for Winamp 5.5
This update fixes/addresses the following issues:
-Crashing/lockups on some mp3's with corrupt id3v2 tags (info)
-ID3v2 tag not showing when ID3v1 tag reading is disabled in config
-Reading of metadata where more than one ID3v2 tag exists
-Deleting Lyrics3 tag in Alt+3 Editor also deletes ID3v1 tag
-Handling of ID3v2 with bad version/revision #'s
-MPEG Info not showing in Alt+3 for files with large ID3v2 tags
-Support for reading ALBUM ARTIST field if TPE2 not present
-Other misc. issues, mainly embedded album art related...
-Plus: Better optimization for older Pentium Pro/2/3 cpu's.

Note, if the Format Converter (Transcoder) no longer works after applying the above patch,
then you can use the slightly older first update patch instead [download],
which only includes some fixes for crashes with corrupt id3v2 tags,
but has none of the other fixes from the newer patch above

Aus History v. 5.51:
* Fixed: [in_mp3] Deleting Lyrics3 tag in Alt+3 Editor also deletes ID3v1 tag
* Fixed: [in_mp3] Handling of ID3v2 with bad version/revision #'s
* Fixed: [in_mp3] ID3v2 parsing crash with some mp3's
* Fixed: [in_mp3] ID3v2 tag not showing when ID3v1 tag reading is disabled in config
* Fixed: [in_mp3] MPEG Info not showing in Alt+3 for files with large ID3v2 tags
* Fixed: [in_mp3] Now only reads first ID3v2 tag if more than one is present
* Fixed: [in_mp3] Winamp UI freezes when loading certain corrupt mp3's

"möglicherw das meiste bereinigt"

Ups. Da gab es einen Patch?

Den habe ich wohl radikal übersehen.
Trotzdem danke für den Link. Auch wenn ich jetzt den 5.51er nutze.
Winamp 5.52 Released (security patch)

Jetzt sind auch die "Autoplay Funktionen" (Winamp Essentials Pack v5.51) in deutsch auszuwählen.

Winamp 5.52
* Improved: Better Unicode filename support for enc_*.dll audio encoders
* Improved: [ml_transcode] Unicode filename support
* Improved: [in_mp3] APEv2 tag support
* Improved: [in_flac] Support for reading/writing BPM metadata
* Improved: [nde] Optimized for faster mldb query results
* Improved: [vis_milk2] Pixel shaders now work on onboard Intel graphics chips
* Fixed: Comment field character limitation in Basic Info tab of File Editor
* Fixed: Playback Thread Priority middle setting resets to Lowest
* Fixed: [in_mp3] Ultravox streaming metadata stack overflow (Thanks: Secunia)
* Fixed: [in_mp4] Crash when attempting to play non-existent files
* Fixed: [in_vorbis] Crash when clearing existing metadata fields in File Info
* Fixed: [in_wave] Transcoding of floating point WAV files
* Fixed: [ml_transcode] Memory leaks
* Misc: More miscellaneous general tweaks and improvements
* Updated: Bento skin #118
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