Pushing the Limit: Possible First Photo of Extrasolar Planet

Sir Ulli

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Though announcements of planets around other stars have become almost routine, with over 130 reported so far, until now they've all been camera shy. That may have changed today, when the European Southern Observatory (ESO) released an image of a dim red point of light near a brown dwarf or “failed star” named 2M1207, located 230 light years from Earth in the constellation Hydra. “The thrill of seeing this faint source of light in real-time on the instrument display was unbelievable,” says Christophe Dumas, one of the team of European and American astronomers who made the discovery. “Although it is surely much bigger than a terrestrial-size object, it is a strange feeling that it may indeed be the first planetary system beyond our own ever imaged.”

“If the candidate companion of 2M1207 is really a planet,” says Benjamin Zuckerman of UCLA, another member of the team, “this would be the first time that a gravitationally bound exoplanet has been imaged around a star or a brown dwarf.” And imaging a planet beyond our solar system, according to SETI Institute Senior Astronomer Seth Shostak, has long been the goal of planetary scientists. “Direct imaging of an extrasolar planet – that is, actually seeing it on a photograph – is a kind of holy grail for those hunting for other worlds,” says Shostak. “Consequently, there’s a lot of pressure to be the first to do so. It would be exciting if this one pans out, as none of those found in the past has remained uncontested.”

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Das erste Foto eines fernen Planeten?

Astronomen melden eine möglicherweise sensationelle Entdeckung: Erstmals könnte ein Planet in einem fremden Sonnensystem fotografiert worden sein. Die Forschung wäre der Entdeckung einer zweiten Erde damit einen entscheidenden Schritt näher gekommen.

Sir Ulli
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