Führungskräfte von SUN im Chat


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In einem Chat haben sich gestern der Vorsitzende von SUN Jonathan Schwartz und andere Führungskräfte Fragen zu Produkten und dem Unternehmen gestellt. Eine Mitschrift findet Ihr <a href="http://sunchat.savvis.tv/post/20050512_archive/" target="b">hier</a>, nachfolgend ein paar Zitate aus diesem Chat:<ul><i>buggi1000 (Q): Guys, it seems to me, that your the only one in the server-industry that recognized the GREAT potential of the hole Opteron platform. Keep up the good work and we hope we could hear more exciting from this in the future. Be commited.
Jim Parkinson (A): We are completely committed. You'll see a pile of new products. Stay tuned. And AMD dual core rocks.

Antnee (Q): John Fowler often mentions AMD outperforming Intel, but is it not true that IA64 is far superior to x64? I understand that there is a development cost in building software for IA64 but still, isn't it the performance that you want?
John Fowler (A): Opteron outperforms IA64 in almost all cases. The only advantage that IA64 can sometimes have is in esoteric bencharks that require really huge caches. The reason Opteron does so well is that it has much lower memory latency than either Xeon or IA64. In the real world, you are mostly waiting for memory -- so lower memory latency is a huge advantage. We recently published benchmarks in which Opteron beat both IA64 and Power5. If you factor in price, the gap is even wider.

PeteK77 (Q): Why sell AMD if Intel outsells them? Branding seems to be the target not perfmormance.
John Fowler (A): AMD outperforms Intel by a wide margin right now. With their dual core server chips the performance/watt advantage is literally 3 to 1. AMD also allows us to build systems from 1 socket to 8 socket, and Intel is only up to 4 socket. If Intel makes better chips we will look at using them. Right now they don't. See anandtech.com or many other benchmark sites for how big the advantages are.

buggi1000 (Q): When are the new Opteron Galaxy Server ready for shipping?
John Fowler (A): Summer in the northern hemisphere. In the meantime, the existing V20z and V40z products support the fastest AMD CPUS including dual core

PeteK77 (Q): Any plans on selling Intel chips?
John Fowler (A): We don't actually sell any chips per se - but I think your question is around whether we are going to sell systems that use Intel. We are committed to the best possible performance in our x86 line. AMD presently wins virtually every single performance benchmark and most recently with the introduction of dual-core for servers, has extended their performance advantage relative to power/heat by a factor of 3 to 1 over Intel. We will constantly evaluate Intel technology and incorporate them into the product line when and if they have a more competitive product. Go see benchmarks on various sites like anandtech.com, you'll see what I mean.</i></ul>
Der technologische Vorsprung beträgt >6 Monate er wird jetzt breit bekannt, wirkt sich massiv wirtschaftlich aus und wächst derzeit noch.
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