A modern day tale of David & Goliath


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Unter dieser &#220;berschrift hat Rahul Sood - Pr&#228;sident und CTO (Chief Technology Officer) von <a href="http://www.voodoopc.com" target="b">VoodooPC</a> - sich Gedanken zum Zweikampf zwischen Intel und AMD gemacht.

Darin schildert er seine Erfahrungen mit Intel, die vor einigen Jahren an VoodooPC herantraten, da sie ihre CPUs als "Ultimate Gaming CPU" propagieren wollten. Die intensive Zusammenarbeit endete nach dem Intel-Liebling Dell seinen eigenen Gaming-PC herausbrachte.

Das Gebaren von AMD schildert er dagegen komplett anders:<ul><i>"AMD has always had this awesome grassroots approach to the industry, and their relationship building is on a completely different planet from Intel&#8217;s. AMD has never tried to apply pressure on us to change the &#8220;ratio&#8221; of AMD/Intel on our systems. AMD has always called on us in good times and in bad, and they&#8217;ve always addressed any issues we&#8217;ve had within minutes of blurting out an email. It&#8217;s not one or two people either; it&#8217;s the corporate culture at AMD that is completely different than Intel. I can site many examples, and yet that would be redundant because I&#8217;m not alone in this assessment."</i></ul>Gleichzeitig sieht er einen Wandel in der Akkzeptanz von AMD durch deren technologische Fortschritte.<ul><i>"AMD&#8217;s own confidence in their product is causing manufacturers and OEMs to think twice before they blindly create new platforms. AMD has also caught the attention of major ODMs in Taiwan, many of whom who rarely gave them a second look in the past. In fact, I just had a conversation with a motherboard manufacturer in Taiwan who was planning on designing a specific type of motherboard for us &#8211; when I mentioned the AMD Turion they were sold."</i></ul>Den kompletten Blog-Eintrag, in welchem Rahul Sood auch seine zwiesp&#228;ltige Meinung zu AMDs Kartellklage gegen Intel zum Ausdruck bringt, k&#246;nnt Ihr <a href="http://voodoopc.blogspot.com/2005/10/modern-day-tale-of-david-goliath.html" target="b">hier</a> lesen.
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