Omega Treiber v2.6.75 für ATI-Karten


Grand Admiral Special
Mitglied seit
Von <a href="" target="b">OmegaDrivers</a> gibt es mal wieder einen neuen Treiber f&#252;r ATI-Karten. Der v2.6.75 basiert dabei auf dem Catalyst 5.10a. Folgende Neuerungen sind dabei: <ul><i>v2.6.75

[*] Based on the Catalyst 5.10a Beta drivers.

[+] Added support for x1800 cards.

[+] Enabled Adaptive AA by default for x1800 cards, disabled for the rest.

[+] Added 1280x800 resolution for both laptop and desktop cards.

[*] Reconstructed some tweaks to prevent any future compatibility issues.

[F] Fixed some minor resolution conflicts for laptops and integrated chipsets.

[F] Fixed a "Deja-Vu" problem in the installer related to Multires. =D

[+] Added the option to uninstall ATT, separate from the Omega uninstaller in the Start Menu.

Known Issues:
Some of the settings for both D3D & OGL will not be synchronized between ATT and the normal ATI CP, you must only use one of them to make changes, the best option is to use ATT since the ATI CP does not support changes to AI and in order to use the advanced D3D/OGL features. Changes made in ATT will work on games and such but the changes will not be reflected in the normal ATI CP since ATI stores the registry values that the CP reads separate from the actual values in the registry.

Note: Since these drivers include a non-standard version of ATT, I would recommend that if you have any previous version of ATT installed, please uninstall it before installing these drivers, not doing so may cause unknown problems.

What's new for ATI Tray Tools?

[+] Added option in atitray.ini to enable old I2C control method. Used prior 750 build.

[+] Added option in atitray.ini to turn on OLD BIOS detection procedure

[+] Added support for F75363/F75363SG sensors

[+] Added new option to configure quality of Adaptive AA. You can select from two modes. Performance and Quality.

[+] Added new option to enable "High Quality AF". Enabling this feature may impact performance. This feature is not supported by all ATI graphics cards. (it seems only R5xx series can handle this feature)

[+] Added experimental support for Digital Flat Panels and Mobile LCD Panels.

[F] Fixed error when ATT tries to read clocks and unable to start if clocks equal 0 even if overclocking was disabled.

[F] Fixed error in Game Profile creating procedure when the game name contains ampersand chars

[F] Fixed bug with wrong BIOS detection procedure

[*] Redesigned Direct3D and OpenGL configuration dialog boxes

[*] Updated TV/Display module. Added experimental support for old Radeon boards (less than 9500)

[*] Improved ATT shared memory update procedure</i></ul><b>Download:</b> <a href="" target="B">Omega Treiber f&#252;r ATI-Karten v2.6.75 Win2k/XP (20.3 MB)</a>

Danke an gub f&#252;r den Hinweis


Offenbar gibt es ein paar Probleme mit den neuen Omega-Treibern. So gesehen auf <a href="" target="b">Driverheaven</a>. Daher gilt insbesondere hier die Parole "Benutzung auf eigene Gefahr!" bzw. der alte Leitspruch "never touch a running system".

Danke an Ferengie f&#252;r den Hinweis
Jetzt nicht mehr! :) Danke, aber bitte das nächste mal per PM. :-*
Oh, sorry. War mein erster Kommentar! Danke f&#252;r den Hinweis, werde es in Zukunft per PM machen.
Danke aber f&#252;r die Neuigkeit! Immer aktuell, immer gut... ;D

Zuletzt bearbeitet:


Offenbar gibt es ein paar Probleme mit den neuen Omega-Treibern. So gesehen auf <a href="" target="b">Driverheaven</a>. Daher gilt insbesondere hier die Parole "Benutzung auf eigene Gefahr!" bzw. der alte Leitspruch "never touch a running system".

Laut sollte das das Problem durch die Version 2.6.75a gefixt sein:


Ok, the update is up now, the new version is 2.6.75a, sorry for the problems with the original release, but please download and update to the new one since there are tons of internal changes.
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