Download FileZilla


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  • Spinhenge ESL
Der freie FTP-Client Filezilla ist in der Version verfügbar. Mit dem kleinen Programm lassen sich z.B. Dateien über das FTP-Protokoll auf Webserver hochladen. Es unterstützt dabei das SSL/TLS-Protokoll (FTPS) für die verschlüsselte Übertragung aber auch die ebenfalls verschlüsselte Übertragung mittels SSH (SFTP). Neben der Unterstützung von neuen Standards wie IPv6 wird auch die Handhabung von Dateien mir mehr als 4GB Größe gewährleistet.

Filezilla läuft unter Windows ab Windows XP, Max OS X ab 10.5, Linux, *BSD und anderen Systemen.

<ul><li>Easy to use</li><li>Supports FTP, FTP over SSL/TLS (FTPS) and SSH File Transfer Protocol (SFTP)</li><li>Cross-platform. Runs on Windows, Linux, *BSD, Mac OS X and more</li><li>IPv6 support</li><li>Available in many languages</li><li>Supports resume and transfer of large files >4GB</li><li>Tabbed user interface</li><li>Powerful Site Manager and transfer queue</li><li>Bookmarks</li><li>Drag & drop support</li><li>Configurable transfer speed limits</li><li>Filename filters</li><li>Directory comparison</li><li>Network configuration wizard</li><li>Remote file editing</li><li>Keep-alive</li><li>HTTP/1.1, SOCKS5 and FTP-Proxy support</li><li>Logging to file</li><li>Synchronized directory browsing</li><li>Remote file search</li></ul>
<ul><li> (2010-08-16)<blockquote><i>Bugfixes and minor changes:<ul>
<li>Set a minimum size for column widths in directory lists and transfer queue</li><li>Fix build-time check for system TinyXML</li>
</ul></i></blockquote></li><li>3.3.4 (2010-08-12)<blockquote><i>Bugfixes and minor changes:<ul>
<li>Correctly handle symbolic links pointing to files in search dialog</li><li>Fix crash in options initialization</li></ul></i></blockquote></li><li>3.3.4-rc2 (2010-08-07)<blockquote><i>Bugfixes and minor changes:<ul>
<li>Fix issues with path names not properly terminated by separator</li><li>Fix loading of settings with empty values</li><li>Update status bar icons if changing theme</li></ul></i></blockquote></li><li>3.3.4-rc1 (2010-08-02)<blockquote><i>New features:<ul>
<li>Filter/search by modification date</li><li>Add "does not equal" option to size filter</li><li>Reduced memory consumption when working with very large queues and directory hierarchies</li></ul>
Bugfixes and minor changes:<ul>
<li>Fix bug in TinyXML that could lead to corrupt XML documents</li><li>Abort directory listing parsing if encountering a line with more than 10k characters</li><li>Fix stalling recursive operations if FileZilla gets disconnected</li><li>Set correct initial control state in site manager if there are no sites</li></ul></i></blockquote></li><li>3.3.3 (2010-06-14)<blockquote><i>Bugfixes and minor changes:<ul>
<li>Fix transfer statusbar regression introduced in the release candidate</li><li>Do not include IPv6 zone index in the argument to the EPRT command</li><li>Correct tab order in filter edit and search dialogs</li><li>*nix: Revert cursor changes</li></ul></i></blockquote></li><li>3.3.3-rc1 (2010-06-06)<blockquote><i>New features:<ul>
<li>Added "does not contain" filter condition to name and path filter types</li><li>Pressing Alt+Left or Alt+Up (Cmd+Left, Cmd+Up on OS X) in file lists enters parent directory</li><li>Pressing Alt+Down (Cmd+Down on OS X) in file lists transfers selected items</li><li>Pressing Alt+Right (Cmd+Right on OS X) in file lists activates selected item(s)</li><li>Add operating system information to about dialog</li><li>MSW: Auto-update check now transmits whether the operating system is 32bit or 64bit</li><li>Small performance improvements, mostly benefiting *nix users</li><li>OS X: Remember hidden state of toolbar, make quickconnect bar look more Mac-ish</li><li>Add option to display momentary transfer speed instead of average speed</li></ul>
Bugfixes and minor changes:<ul>
<li>Fix problem with rekeying of SFTP connections if not permanently trusting the server's hostkey</li><li>Certificate details dialog no longer changes size if selecting a different certificate in the chain</li><li>Some dialogs did not display icons using the correct size</li><li>Show "Not connected" instead of "Empty directory" in remote filelist statusbar if not connected</li><li>MSW: Replace some additional characters not allowed in filenames on MSW</li><li>MSW: Selecting files while holding Ctrl+Shift no longer shows incorrect values in the filelist status bars</li></ul></i></blockquote></li></ul>
<b>Download:</b><ul><li><a href="">FileZilla [Windows, Setup]</a></li><li><a href="">FileZilla [Windows, .zip]</a></li><li><a href="">FileZilla [Linux x86, .tar.bz2]</a></li><li><a href="">FileZilla [Linux x64, .tar.bz2]</a></li><li><a href="">FileZilla [Mac OS X / Intel, .tar.bz2]</a></li><li><a href="">FileZilla [Mac OS X / PowerPC, .tar.bz2]</a></li><li><a href="">FileZilla [Source, .tar.bz2]</a></li><li><a href="">FileZilla Prüfsummen [.sha512]</a></li></ul>
<b>Links zum Thema:</b>
<ul><li><a href="" target="b">Offizielle Internetpräsenz</a></li><li><a href="" target="b">Offizielles Support-Forum</a></li><li><a href="" target="b">Was ist Freie Software?</a></li></ul>
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