Projektnews Spinhenge@home: Project News September 28, 2011


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When the 04_core_shell_nanoparticles series is finished, we will pause Spinhenge@home for about three month. We plan to upgrade the server hardware, the client and the server hardware. We also need some time to evaluate the results of the last two series (the *fe30_map_*_* and the core_shell_nanoparticles). Updates about our progress will be post on the news and our forum. We thank all users for the great support!!! Kind regards, Christian Schröder, Thomas Hilbig

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Aha, danke für die Info.
aus der Shoutbox:

03. November 2011 19:29
@BarryAZ & all: We're alive and working still on a new client. The server updates will come in december or january. More news later when we have enough time

We're working on porting our parallel scientific app to Spinhenge@home (BOINC). It's called CINOLA and calculate some more than our Spinhenge-App. The goal is that we will have only one app to support for our cluster and for Spinhenge@home. It's at the moment not so easy to implement all the BOINC stuff to the application. First tests looks very well. But we haven't yet implemented "checkpointing" and the "BOINC progress" in CINOLA and a new screensaver for the wrapper. CINOLA will run through a BOINC wrapper. It's much more easier than to develop than a standalone BOINC-App for our research field.
The app scales very good and in the same way on Windows and Linux. A Mac version is planned, but hard to develop because we haven't the man power yet.
In parallel we're working on a CUDA version of CINOLA. One of our cluster nodes has two NVIDIA Tesla M2050. When we have the CUDA version we will also distribute it for Spinhenge@home if it works.

I hope that's enough update about our actual work. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me.

· dommo on 04. November 2011 16:38:04

04. November 2011 16:43
Server-Update: The mysql-server crashed very hard. The hole linux was damaged. It will take some time to recover the server.

Wird wohl noch nen Moment dauern.

Danke an Major von SG:
Besonders dieser Satz lässt mich hoffen:
The app scales very good and in the same way on Windows and Linux.
Danke für die Info.

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