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Mittwoch, 16. April 2008

23:01 - Autor: pipin

ATI Catalyst 8.4 Proprietary Linux Display Driver

Neben dem monatlich veröffentlichten Windows Catalyst Treiber-Update hat AMD auch aktualisierte Linux-Treiber zum Download bereitgestellt.

New Features

This release of the ATI Catalyst™ Linux driver introduces early look support for Ubuntu 8.04 which is also known as Hardy Heron.

Resolved Issues

The following section provide a brief description of resolved issues with the latest version of the ATI Catalyst™ Linux software suite. These include:

* Selecting Wait for vertical retrace in the AMD Catalyst Control Center - Linux Edition no longer results in the FPS of the application not matching the display's vertical refresh rate

* A black screen is no longer observed on some hardware when switching to the console or leaving the X window system when a Vesa framebuffer console driver is used. Further details can be found in topic number 737-30687

* Video Playback is no longer displays incorrect colors and additional shadow images when cropping or expanding a video file using a video player that utilizes the XVideo extension


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22:30 - Autor: pipin

ATI Catalyst 8.4

ATI hat sein CATALYST Grafikkarten- und Chipsatz-Treiberpaket in der Version 8.4 zum Download freigegeben. Voraussetzung für das CATALYST Control Center (CCC*) ist unter Windows XP ein installiertes Microsoft .NET Framework. Eine aktuelle Version des .NET Framework kann man über die Microsoft Windows Update Seite beziehen.

In der aktuellen Treiberversion findet man keine neuen Funktionen und es werden keine besonderen Performanceverbesserungen hervorgehoben. Dafür wurden zahlreiche Fehler beseitigt.

Die Download-Links führen zu den Support-Seiten, wo man die Treiberpakete einzeln (Windows XP) oder aber komplett (Windows XP & Vista) inkl. CATALYST Control Center (CCC*) beziehen kann.


Links zum Thema:

*) CCC = CATALYST Control Center; Erläuterung siehe hier.

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Mittwoch, 26. März 2008

13:34 - Autor: Nero24

Hotfix für ATI Catalyst 8.3 gegen 3D-Ruckler

Das Thema Mikroruckler bei Spielen nervt die Anwender von Multi-GPU Systemen seit jeher. Da die Last bei der Grafikberechnung auf zwei GPUs verteilt wird, kann es sein, dass eine GPU für eine Szene aufgrund höherer Komplexität länger braucht, als die andere. Diese Differenzen mussen regelmäßig synchronisiert werden. In ungünstigen Fällen kann es dabei zu leichten Verzögerungen kommen, wofür sich in der Berichterstattung der Begriff "Mikroruckler" eingebürgert hat. Diese Probleme sind Bauart bedingt und nur schwer zu eliminieren.

Bei ATI dagegen hatte sich mit dem letzten Catalyst-Treiber 8.3 offenbar ein Problem eingeschlichen, das "Intermittent stuttering issues" auch bei normalen Single-GPU Karten hervorrufen konnte. Gegen diese Ruckler hat ATI nun einen Hotfix veröffentlicht. Die unterstützten Produkte und Systeme:

    * Radeon™ HD3870 series
    * Radeon™ HD3850 series
    * Radeon™ HD2900 series
    * Radeon™ HD2600 series
    * Radeon™ HD2400 series
    * Windows Vista 32-bit Edition
    * Windows Vista 64-bit Edition
    * Windows XP Professional
    * Windows XP Home Edition
    * Windows XP Media Center Edition
    * Windows XP Professional x64 Edition
Download: ATI Catalyst 8.3 Hotfix " Intermittent stuttering issues"

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Mittwoch, 5. März 2008

22:01 - Autor: Nero24

ATI Catalyst 8.3 mit CrossFireX und Hybrid-Crossfire Support

ATI hat sein CATALYST Grafikkarten- und Chipsatz-Treiberpaket in der Version 8.3 zum Download freigegeben. Voraussetzung für das CATALYST Control Center (CCC*) ist unter Windows XP ein installiertes Microsoft .NET Framework. Eine aktuelle Version des .NET Framework kann man über die Microsoft Windows Update Seite beziehen.

Der Catalyst 8.3 beinhaltet den Support für CrossFireX und Hybrid-Crossfire, wie in den gestrigen CeBIT-News vermeldet.

New Features

Catalyst™ 8.3 introduces the following new features:

    * CrossFireX™ (Quad) Support 3 or 4 GPUs in CrossFireX™ Mode
    * Hybrid Graphics Support
    * DirectX 10.1 Support
    * Anti-Aliasing Enhancements
    * ATI Catalyst™ Control Center: HydraVision support for Windows Vista
    * Digital Panel GPU image scaling
    * Catalyst™ Control Center: Advanced Video Quality Controls
    * ATI Catalyst™ driver: Tessellation support

CrossFireX™ (Quad) Support 3 or 4 GPUs in CrossFireX™ Mode

This release of Catalyst™ introduces CrossFireX™ Quad support. Users with any combination of a ATI Radeon™ HD 3870, ATI Radeon™ HD 3850, and ATI Radeon™ HD 3870 X2 graphics accelerators running with 3 or 4 GPUs will be able to run in CrossFireX™ Quad mode (when used in a CrossFireX™ compatible PC). CrossFireX™ Quad will deliver significant performance improvements in a number of applications. Users can expect to see further DirectX 10 QUAD CrossFireX™ performance improvements in future Catalyst™ releases.

Users are now able to run in CrossFireX™ (Quad) mode while running in extended desktop mode on the Windows Vista desktop
Note: CrossFireX™ (Quad) is only supported under the Windows Vista operating system

Hybrid™ Graphics Support

This release of Catalyst™ introduces Hybrid™ Graphics support. Hybrid™ Graphics delivers a significant 3D performance boost for systems featuring an AMD 780G integrated graphics motherboard and an ATI Radeon™ HD 3400 series graphics accelerator.

Users can simply disable Hybrid™ Graphics to run in power saving mode (the ATI Radeon™ HD 3400 series features PowerPlay™ technology, which reduces power usage during low GPU activity). This feature provides support for up to four independent displays
Note: Hybrid™ Graphics is only supported under the Windows Vista operating system

DirectX 10.1 Support

This release of Catalyst™ introduces WHQL certified support for the DirectX 10.1 API found in Microsoft's Windows Vista Service Pack 1 update for all ATI Radeon™ HD 3000 Series products.

Anti-Aliasing Enhancements

This release of Catalyst™ introduces anti-aliasing support for all Unreal Engine 3.0 based games (running in DirectX 9 mode). Users can enable Anti-Aliasing for titles such as Gears of War and Unreal Tournament 3 by simply enabling Anti-Aliasing within the ATI Catalyst™ Control Center.

This release of Catalyst™ allows users to enable narrow tent and wide tent Anti-Aliasing custom filters while running in the CrossFire™ Super Anti-Aliasing modes, (for DirectX9 applications) providing an improved image quality experience.

ATI Catalyst™ Control Center: HydraVision support for Windows Vista

This release of Catalyst™ introduces HydraVision support for the ATI Catalyst™ Control Center under Windows Vista. HydraVision enables users to more efficiently organize multiple applications across single or multiple displays. High-lights include:

* HydraGrid - A new feature found in HydraVision that divides the Windows Vista desktop into user definable areas helping users to more easily move and organize multiple applications
* Hydravision Hotkeys - The ATI Catalyst™ Control Center Hotkey Manager can be used to quickly setup and define their HydraVision specific hotkey commands
* HydraVision Virtual desktops - Users can configure up to 9 virtual desktops, enabling users to manage and group multiple applications across user defined desktops. Application positions, desktop associations and display settings can be saved for every virtual desktop
* HydraVision Wizard - Using the ATI Catalyst™ Control Center Wizard, users can very quickly configure their HyrdaVision settings

Digital Panel GPU image scaling

This release of Catalyst™ introduces a new setting that allows users to enable GPU accelerated scaling for Wide aspect LCD displays. The new setting Maintain aspect ratio improves the display resolution image quality when scaling is enable by maintaining the wide panel aspect ratio (stops the image from looking distorted)

Catalyst™ Control Center: Advanced Video Quality Controls

This release of Catalyst™ introduces new advanced video quality controls which include:

* Edge enhancement, which adjusts the level of sharpness of video content
* De-noise, which removes ghosting artifacts while preserving details of the original video
Note: To turn off De-noise, you must drag the De-noise slider completely to the left (with a value of 0), followed by placing a check mark in the Enable check-box.

The new slider controls can be found in the All Settings page of the Avivo Video tab found in the Catalyst™ Control Center.
Note: This feature is only available under the Windows Vista operating system.

ATI Catalyst™ driver: Tessellation support

This release of Catalyst™ introduces Tessellation support in the Catalyst™ driver for the ATI Radeon™ HD 3800 Series of products. Tessellation has the potential to simplify development efforts and improve application performance by creating high polygon models from low polygon models all within the GPU.
Note: Applications must also be designed to take advantage of this feature.

Performance Improvements

The following performance gains are noticed with this release of Catalyst™.

    * Call of Juarez: Up to 20% improvement is noticed on ATI CrossFireX™ configured systems containing an ATI Radeon™ HD38x0 series of product
    * Company of Heroes DX10: Up to 17% improvement is noticed, especially at lower resolutions, on ATI Radeon™ HD38x0 products
    * Crysis DX10: Up to 15% improvement is noticed on all supported ATI Radeon™ products
    * Lost Planet DX9: Up to 36% improvement is noticed across all supported ATI Radeon™ products and in ATI CrossFireX™ configured systems
    * Shadermark 2.1: Performance scores increased up to 35% across all supported Radeon™ products and in ATI CrossFireX™ configured systems
    * Unreal Tournament 2004: Up to 10% increase in performance is noticed on systems containing an ATI Radeon™ HD2400, HD2600, or HD3400 series of products on in ATI CrossFireX™ configured systems


Links zum Thema:*) CCC = CATALYST Control Center; Erläuterung siehe hier.

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Mittwoch, 13. Februar 2008

22:50 - Autor: pipin

ATI Catalyst 8.2 veröffentlicht

ATI hat sein CATALYST Grafikkarten- und Chipsatz-Treiberpaket in der Version 8.2 zum Download freigegeben. Voraussetzung für das CATALYST Control Center (CCC*) ist unter Windows XP ein installiertes Microsoft .NET Framework. Eine aktuelle Version des .NET Framework kann man über die Microsoft Windows Update Seite beziehen.

Performance Improvements:
Performance improvements with this release of Catalyst™ includes Company of Heroes DX10 frame rates increasing as much as 20% across all of the ATI Radeon™ HD 2x00 series of products and on all ATI Radeon™ HD 3x00 series of products. These performance improvements are even larger (up to 30%) for CrossFire™ configurations.

Die Download-Links führen zu den Support-Seiten, wo man die Treiberpakete einzeln (Windows XP) oder aber komplett (Windows XP & Vista) inkl. CATALYST Control Center (CCC*) beziehen kann.


Links zum Thema:

*) CCC = CATALYST Control Center; Erläuterung siehe hier.

Danke an Jensematz für den Hinweis!

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Montag, 21. Januar 2008

15:43 - Autor: pipin

SystemRescueCd 0.4.3

SystemRescueCd, eine auf Gentoo basierende Linux Boot-CD, ist in der Version 0.4.3 erschienen. Mit der CD können zahlreiche Aufgaben rund um das Bearbeiten und Erstellen von Partitionen vorgenommen werden. Dabei werden zahlreiche Dateisysteme unterstützt.

Zu diesen gehören Ext2/Ext3, ReiserFS, Reiser4, XFS, JFS, VFAT, NTFS, ISO9660, Samba und NFS.

Das Changelog der aktuellen Version:

* Updated the kernel to Linux- with Reiser4 (rescuecd + rescue64)
* Updated the alternative kernel to Linux- with Reiser4 (vmlinuz2)
* Patched the kernel with a fix for sis190 network driver
* Updated the build files to catalyst-2.0.5 and genkernel-3.4.9
* Fix: patched gparted (refreshing the devices crashed the program)
* Fix: program /sbin/ip was not installed with sys-apps/iproute2 (wrong use)
* Fix: the lvm (Logical Volume Manager v2) initscript was broken
* Added boot option: dodebug enables verbose messages in the linuxrc script
* Added boot option: lowmem prevents non critical things to be loadded into memory
* Added x11-drivers/ati-drivers (better support for ATI cards in X.Org)
* Added x11-drivers/nvidia-drivers (better support for Nvidia cards in X.Org)
* Added ksh and tcsh shells (app-shells/ksh-93.20070628, app-shells/tcsh-6.15-r2)
* Added app-arch/pbzip2-1.0.2 (Parallel bzip2 compression for SMP computers)
* Added app-arch/lzma-utils-4.32.2 (compression tools based on LZMA)
* Added the missing mount-cifs tool (mount-cifs supports smbfs)

Download: SystemRescueCd-x86-0.4.3 (163 MB)

Link zum Thema: SystemRescueCd Homepage

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Mittwoch, 16. Januar 2008

22:19 - Autor: cruger

ATI Catalyst 8.1 veröffentlicht

ATI hat sein CATALYST Grafikkarten- und Chipsatz-Treiberpaket in der Version 8.1 zum Download freigegeben. Voraussetzung für das CATALYST Control Center (CCC*) ist unter Windows XP ein installiertes Microsoft .NET Framework. Eine aktuelle Version des .NET Framework kann man über die Microsoft Windows Update Seite beziehen.

New Features:
Catalyst 8.1 introduces MultiView™ support. This feature provides for hardware accelerated OpenGL rendering across multiple graphics adapters. MultiView™ will provide hardware accelerated 3D rendering in a system containing multiple graphics cards on an extended desktop arrangement. This feature will allow for the rendering performance and additional frame buffer resources to be evenly shared with the second and third graphics adapters. This allows for a 3D applica- tion to have the same performance running on a secondary or third display device as if it were running on the primary display device. This feature will be supported under Windows XP (32 and 64 bit versions), Windows Vista (32 and 64 bit ver- sions), and the Linux operating system.

ATI’s Folding@Home
Folding@Home is a distributed computing project designed by the Stanford Uni- versity. The application performs intensive simulations of protein folding. This simulation will help researchers uncover how certain diseases develop. Fold- ing@Home uses distributed computing to simulate protein folding, the workload is broken up into small work units and distributed across hundreds of thousands of computers over the internet. You can help find the cure to many different diseases!

For more information on Catalyst 8.1 (for Windows Vista, Windows XP, and Linux versions), including all of the resolved issues in this release, please see the Catalyst 8.1 release notes found in driver download section.

Die Download-Links führen zu den Support-Seiten, wo man die Treiberpakete einzeln (Windows XP) oder aber komplett (Windows XP & Vista) inkl. CATALYST Control Center (CCC*) beziehen kann.


Links zum Thema:

*) CCC = CATALYST Control Center; Erläuterung siehe hier.

Danke an nebula für den Hinweis!

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Freitag, 21. Dezember 2007

00:20 - Autor: cruger

ATI Catalyst 7.12 Proprietary Linux Display Driver

Neben dem monatlich veröffentlichten Windows Catalyst Treiber-Update (wir berichteten) hat AMD auch aktualisierte Linux-Treiber zum Download bereitgestellt.


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Donnerstag, 20. Dezember 2007

23:13 - Autor: cruger

ATI Catalyst 7.12 veröffentlicht

ATI hat sein CATALYST Grafikkarten- und Chipsatz-Treiberpaket in der Version 7.12 zum Download freigegeben. Voraussetzung für das CATALYST Control Center (CCC*) ist unter Windows XP ein installiertes Microsoft .NET Framework. Eine aktuelle Version des .NET Framework kann man über die Microsoft Windows Update Seite beziehen.

New Features:
Avivo™ Update
Catalyst™ 7.12 introduces an Avivo™ update. The update allows the ATI Catalyst ™ Control Center to reflect what is supported by the driver taking into account the graphics card installed in the system, and will not expose any video features that is not supported by the driver. The DirectX Video Acceleration (DXVA) driver will perform a profiling mechanism to query the graphics capability and the Catalyst™ Control Center queries the caps via the interface defined between the Catalyst™ Control Center and the DXVA components. This feature will be supported on ATI Radeon™ 9500 series products and above.

Enhanced ATI Overdrive support for the ATI Radeon™ HD 2900 Series
This release of Catalyst™ introduces an enhanced version of ATI Overdrive for the ATI Radeon™ HD 2900 Series. Users can now Overclock both GPU engine and graphics memory clock speeds in CrossFire™ mode (and over-clock single ATI Radeon™ graphics accelerators as well). This version of ATI Overdrive also includes a new stress test application to verify any over-clocking speeds users may have configured (either manually or through the auto-tuning tool) on their ATI Radeon™ HD 2900 Series of graphics accelerators.

Performance Improvements:

The following performance improvements are noticed with Catalyst™ 7.12:
  • 3DMark2005 performance improves 5% or more with largest gains noticed when Anti-aliasing and Anisotropic Filtering are disabled on systems containing either an ATI Radeon™ HD 2400 or ATI Radeon™ HD 2600 series of products
  • Company of Heroes DX10 performance improves up to 5% on systems containing an ATI Radeon™ HD38x0 series of product
For more information on Catalyst 7.12 (for Windows Vista, Windows XP, and Linux versions), including all of the resolved issues in this release, please see the Catalyst 7.12 release notes found in driver download section.

Die Download-Links führen zu den Support-Seiten, wo man die Treiberpakete einzeln (Windows XP) oder aber komplett (Windows XP & Vista) inkl. CATALYST Control Center (CCC*) beziehen kann.


Links zum Thema:

*) CCC = CATALYST Control Center; Erläuterung siehe hier.

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Dienstag, 4. Dezember 2007

21:13 - Autor: cruger

GPU-Z 0.1.2 veröffentlicht

Den Stellenwert, den das System-Informationstool CPU-Z im CPU-Bereich inne hat, will das ähnlich angelegte GPU-Z von techPowerUp bei Grafikkarten einnehmen. GPU-Z liefert technische Informationen zu Grafikkarten, beschränkt sich derzeit aber vor allem auf Produkte von AMD/ATI und NVIDIA und einige IGP-Chipsätze (u.a. von Intel).

Main Features
  • Support NVIDIA and ATI cards
  • Displays adapter, GPU and display information
  • Displays overclock, default clocks and 3D clocks (if available)
  • Validation of results
  • No installation required
  • Support for Windows 2000 / XP / Vista (both 32 and 64 bit versions are supported)
  • BETA SOFTWARE - please test and post feedback in the forums
  • .. and yes, the author of CPU-Z has granted us permission to use a name similar to his product. Thanks Franck.

Revision History 0.1.2
  • Added/improved device detection for certain models of: Rage Pro, Rage XL, RageII, RV280, RV515, RV516, R580, R600, Rage Mobility. i810G, i815G, i845G, i865G, i915G, i830GM, i910GL, i915GV, i855GM, i915GM, i945G. G84, G86, G92, G98, C51
  • Pressing F5 will now take a .GIF format screenshot
  • RV6xx clock reading will now always display high-performance clocks
  • Update check won't show up anymore when "Never" is selected
  • Update check can be aborted at any time during execution
  • Added mouse over tooltips for text boxes that could have too long text
  • Added experimental memory type and bus width detection for Intel integrated
  • Added PCI vendor PNY
  • Intel driver version is now properly detected on all operating systems
  • Added N/A to ATI GPU revision and other similar fields
  • Memory bus width detection improved for RV530, RV535, RV560, RV570, R520, R580, M56, M58, M66, M68
  • Added option to receive E-Mail with validation ID after submission
  • Fixed Catalyst version detection on XP64
  • Added detection for AGP cards running in PCI mode
  • Age setting now properly reflects author's age (Happy Birthday!)


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Mittwoch, 21. November 2007

23:56 - Autor: cruger

ATI Catalyst 7.11 Proprietary Linux Display Driver

Neben dem monatlich veröffentlichten Windows Catalyst Treiber-Update (wir berichteten) hat AMD auch aktualisierte Linux-Treiber zum Download bereitgestellt, die ab diesem Release ebenfalls als "Catalyst" benannt werden und nun auch der gleichen Versionierung folgen wie das Windows-Pendant, also jahres- und monatsbezogen (7.11 = Jahr 2007, Monat 11/Novermber).

Linux Catalyst 7.11 Release Highlights:

New features
Preview support for new Linux operating systems

This release of ATI Catalyst™ Linux introduces preview support for the following new operating systems:

  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4.6 (tested with Snapshot 6)
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.1 (tested with Snapshot 7)
  • Ubuntu 7.10
  • RedFlag 6.0 DT (tested with RC)
  • OpenSUSE 10.3 (tested with RC1)
Resolved Issues
  • Corruption for example in the Gnome Terminal or on the Gnome desktop background is no longer observed on XPress 1200 series graphics hardware.
  • The kernel module is now working on kernel version 2.6.23
  • An error message no longer appears during installation if dash is used as /bin/sh
For more information on Catalyst 7.11 (for Windows Vista, Windows XP, and Linux versions), including all of the resolved issues in this release, please see the Catalyst 7.11 release notes found in driver download section.


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23:16 - Autor: cruger

ATI Catalyst 7.11 veröffentlicht

ATI hat sein CATALYST Grafikkarten- und Chipsatz-Treiberpaket in der Version 7.11 zum Download freigegeben. Voraussetzung für das CATALYST Control Center (CCC*) ist unter Windows XP ein installiertes Microsoft .NET Framework. Eine aktuelle Version des .NET Framework kann man über die Microsoft Windows Update Seite beziehen.

Der Catalyst 7.11 ist der erste offizielle finale Treiber mit Unterstützung für AMDs neue ATI Radeon 3800 Serie (wir berichteten).

Highlights of resolved issues:
  • Bioshock: Pulling the lever in the chamber no longer results in the game failing. Further details can be found in topic number 737-30493

  • Bioshock, Lost Planet, and World In Conflict: Connecting certain dual link display devices to certain ATI Radeon™ 2x00 series of cards no longer results in limited display resolutions being available. Further details can be found in topic number 737-30090

  • Call of Juarez: Enabling CrossFire™ no longer results in flickering being noticed when playing the DX10 version of the game. Further details can be found in topic number 737-29540

  • Doom 3: Playing the game on a system containing an ATI Radeon™ HD 2600 series of product and running the Windows Vista operating system no longer results in display corruption being noticed when using the console commands. Further details can be found in topic number 737-29978

  • Fable: A black ring is no longer seen around the player character. Further details can be found in topic number 737-29939

  • Hellgate, Lord of the Rings, PT Boat, and World in Conflict: Corruption is no longer noticed when AA is enabled. Further details can be found in topic number 737-30487

  • Rainbow Six Vegas: Setting the display resolution to 1600x1200 and applying the in-game settings to high no longer results in corruption being noticed when using an HDMI display device. Further details can be found in topic number 737-28826

  • Roxio Creator Premier v9: MyDVD: Attempting to burn a DVD no longer results in the burn process failing at the encoding preview. Further details can be found in topic number 737-29937

  • Serious Sam: the Second Encounter Demo: Game play is no longer delayed when playing the game on a system running Windows XP and containing an ATI Radeon™ HD 2400 series of product. Further details can be found in topic number 737-29933
Crysis players should continue using the Crysis hotfix driver.

Die Download-Links führen zu den Support-Seiten, wo man die Treiberpakete einzeln (Windows XP) oder aber komplett (Windows XP & Vista) inkl. CATALYST Control Center (CCC*) beziehen kann.


Links zum Thema:

*) CCC = CATALYST Control Center; Erläuterung siehe hier.

Vielen Dank an Baker für den Hinweis!

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Freitag, 16. November 2007

18:57 - Autor: cruger

ATI Catalyst 7.10 Hotfix

Noch vor Veröffentlichung des November-Catalyst 7.11 hat AMD einen Hotfix für den PC-Ego-Shooter Crysis veröffentlicht. Der Hotfix basiert auf dem Catalyst 7.10 und adressiert folgende Probleme:

Graphic corruption occurs during gameplay

Please download and install the following hotfix file to address this issue.

Crysis hotfix includes the following

  • DirectX 10: Fixes texture flickering in bushes, clouds, trees
  • DirectX 10: Performance improvements
  • DirectX 9: Fixes Anti-Aliasing corruption seen on the ATI Radeon 2900 Series
  • DirectX 9: Anti-Aliasing performance enhancements
  • DirectX 9: Crossfire performance improvements
  • DirectX 9: Fixes random graphics corruption during game play
The information in this article applies to the following configuration(s):
  • Crysis
  • Radeon™ HD3870 series
  • Radeon™ HD3850 series
  • Radeon™ HD2900 series
  • Radeon™ HD2600 series
  • Radeon™ HD2400 series
  • Radeon™ X1950 series
  • Radeon™ X1900 series
  • Radeon™ X1800 series
  • Radeon™ X1650 series
  • Radeon™ X1600 series
  • Radeon™ X1550 series
  • Radeon™ X1300 series
  • Radeon™ X1050 series
  • Radeon™ X850 series
  • Radeon™ X800 series
  • Windows Vista 32-bit Edition
  • Windows Vista 64-bit Edition
  • Windows XP Professional
  • Windows XP Home Edition
  • Windows XP Media Center Edition
  • Windows XP Professional x64 Edition


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Donnerstag, 25. Oktober 2007

12:45 - Autor: cruger

Omega Treiber v3.8.421 für ATI-Grafikkarten

Der Entwickler der alternativen OmegaDriver hat mit der Version 3.8.421 einen neuen Treiber für ATI-Grafikkarten veröffentlicht, der auf dem aktuellen ATI Catalyst 7.10 basiert (wir berichteten), aber auf das .NET basierte CATALYST Control Center (CCC*) verzichtet. Statt dessen gehört eine angepasste Version der ATI Tray Tools zum Lieferumfang der OmegaDriver.

*) CCC = CATALYST Control Center; Erläuterung siehe hier.


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Donnerstag, 11. Oktober 2007

22:12 - Autor: cruger

ATI Catalyst 7.10 veröffentlicht

ATI hat sein CATALYST Grafikkarten- und Chipsatz-Treiberpaket in der Version 7.10 zum Download freigegeben. Voraussetzung für das CATALYST Control Center (CCC*) ist unter Windows XP ein installiertes Microsoft .NET Framework. Eine aktuelle Version des .NET Framework kann man über die Microsoft Windows Update Seite beziehen.

New Features

Catalyst™ 7.10 introduces the following new features:

  • Adaptive Anti-Aliasing support for the ATI Radeon™ X1000 Series of products
  • Software CrossFire™ support for the ATI Radeon™ HD 2600 and ATI Radeon™ HD 2400 Series
Adaptive Anti-Aliasing support for the ATI Radeon™ X1000 Series of products

This release of Catalyst™ introduces Adaptive Anti-Aliasing support for the ATI Radeon™ X1000 Series of products. Adaptive Anti-Aliasing substantially improves image quality by anti-aliasing transparent textures.

Software CrossFire™ support for the ATI Radeon™ HD 2600 and ATI Radeon™ HD 2400 Series

This release of Catalyst™ introduces software CrossFire™ support for the ATI Radeon™ HD 2600 Series and ATI Radeon™ HD 2400 Series. Software CrossFire™ is only available when two graphics accelerators from the same family (i.e. 2 ATI Radeon™ HD 2600 products) are plugged into a CrossFire™ compatible motherboard with no hardware interconnect between the two graphics accelerators.

Performance Highlights

The following performance improvements are noticed with Catalyst™ 7.10:

  • Battlefield 2142: CrossFire™ performance improves 5-23% on ATI Radeon™ HD2600, HD2400 and ATI Radeon™ X1300/X1550
  • BioShock DX10 CrossFire™ performance improves 70% or more on all ATI Radeon™ HD2x00 series of products
  • Call of Duty 2: performance improves up to 6.7% on both single card and CrossFire™ ATI Radeon™ HD2600 and ATI Radeon™ HD2400 configurations
  • Call of Juarez DX10: CrossFire™ performance improves up to 42% and single card performance improves up to 34% on all ATI Radeon™ HD2x00 series of products
  • Company of Heroes DX10 CrossFire™ performance improves up to 80% on all ATI Radeon™ HD2x00 series of products and single card performance improves as much as 31% on ATI Radeon™ HD2900 and ATI Radeon™ HD2600 products
  • Enemy Territory: Quake Wars CrossFire™ performance improves as much as 23% on ATI Radeon™ X1x00 series products and single card performance improves as much as 23% on both ATI Radeon™ HD2x00 and ATI Radeon™ X1x00 series of products
  • FEAR CrossFire™ performance improves as much as 16% on ATI Radeon™ X1950XTX, X1650XT, HD2400 and X1300/X1550
  • Lost Planet DX10 CrossFire™ performance improves 20% or greater on all ATI Radeon™ HD2x00 series of products
  • Supreme Commander CrossFire™ performance improves up to 30% on all ATI Radeon™ HD2x00 and ATI Radeon™ X1x00 series products. ATI Radeon™ X1650 and X1300/X1550 see even greater improvements of 82% or more
  • World In Conflict DX10 CrossFire™ performance improves 14-67% or more and single card performance improves 20% or more on ATI Radeon™ HD2900XT and ATI Radeon™ HD2600 products
  • World in Conflict DX9 CrossFire™ performance improves up to 70% or more on all ATI Radeon™ HD2x00 products

Die Download-Links führen zu den Support-Seiten, wo man die Treiberpakete einzeln (Windows XP) oder aber komplett (Windows XP & Vista) inkl. CATALYST Control Center (CCC*) beziehen kann.


Links zum Thema:*) CCC = CATALYST Control Center; Erläuterung siehe hier.

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Dienstag, 2. Oktober 2007

08:56 - Autor: cruger

Omega Treiber v3.8.413 für ATI-Grafikkarten

Der Entwickler der alternativen OmegaDriver hat mit der Version 3.8.413 einen neuen Treiber für ATI-Grafikkarten veröffentlicht, der auf dem aktuellen ATI CATALYST 7.9 Hotfix basiert (wir berichteten), aber auf das .NET basierte CATALYST Control Center (CCC*) verzichtet. Statt dessen gehört eine angepasste Version der ATI Tray Tools zum Lieferumfang der OmegaDriver.

*) CCC = CATALYST Control Center; Erläuterung siehe hier.


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