Vivaldi 2.8

Vival­di ist ein kos­ten­lo­ser Web­brow­ser des nor­we­gi­schen Unter­neh­mens Vival­di Tech­no­lo­gies, das von ehe­ma­li­gen Ope­ra-Ent­wick­lern gegrün­det wur­de. Er basiert auf der Brow­ser-Engi­ne Blink – einem Fork der Engi­ne Web­Kit –, die im Rah­men des Goog­le-Chro­mi­um-Pro­jek­tes ent­wi­ckelt wird. Er ist für Win­dows 7, 8 und 10 sowie Linux und MacOS X ab Yose­mi­te 10.10 verfügbar.

Vival­di 2.8

In einem Blog­post wer­den die neu­es­ten Fea­tures und Ver­än­de­run­gen erläutert.


Changelog from 2.7 to 2.8


•[New][Bookmarks] Add key­board navi­ga­ti­on to book­mark menu bar (VB-55365)
• [New][Bookmarks] Mana­ger colum­ns width should be resizable (VB-2238)
• [New][Bookmarks][Menu] Add sup­port for hove­ring across hori­zon­tal menu or the book­marks bar (VB-14300)
• [New][Keyboard] Togg­le images via key­board: Ctrl+Alt+Shift+I / ⌥⌘I (VB-12944)

Address Bar

• [Address bar] Can not remo­ve items from the typed histo­ry (VB-57319)
• [Address bar] Colon and a space in a search string would trig­ger navi­ga­ti­on (VB-48208)
• [Address bar] Dot and a space in a search string would trig­ger navi­ga­ti­on (VB-54990)
• [Address bar] Field con­tents not ali­gned (VB-55952)
• [Address bar] Pres­sing Esc doesn’t sel­ect the ori­gi­nal URL (VB-56040)
• [Address bar] Sear­ching for http(s) was not pos­si­ble (VB-56567)
• [Address bar] Shift-Del on drop-down not working relia­bly (VB-54086)
• [Address bar][Bookmarks] Names in mul­ti-byte cha­rac­ters don’t get auto­com­ple­ted (VB-55925)


• [Book­marks] Can’t tell fol­ders and book­marks apart when bar is set to „text only“ (VB-50511)
• [Book­marks] Can­not crea­te a book­mark with Enter key (VB-55841)
• [Book­marks] Cus­tom fol­der images set in Speed Dial are not visi­ble in panel and mana­ger (VB-56657)
• [Book­marks] Edi­tor doesn’t update when data chan­ges extern­al­ly (VB-56295)
• [Book­marks] Free­ze on crea­ting a book­mark with inva­lid URL (VB-56459)
• [Book­marks] The spa­cing on the bar is too wide (VB-56989)


• [Histo­ry] Bad hea­der high­light when hol­ding mou­se but­ton on Date column (VB-36954)
• [Histo­ry] The num­ber of sel­ec­ted files are not shown with sel­ect „All“ opti­on (VB-38739)
• [Histo­ry] View search field not focu­sed (VB-55981)


• [IME] Pres­sing Space and Dele­te evo­kes auto­com­ple­te (VB-57300)
• [Key­board] Shift + F3 + hold Cycle bro­ken (VB-54334)


• [macOS] ⌥ (Option)-Clicking win­dow does not mini­mi­ze all win­dows (VB-51684)
• [macOS][Bookmarks] Redu­ce spa­cing in book­mark bar con­text menu (VB-55983)
• [macOS][Fullscreen] Top part gets hid­den by show­ing menu in Nati­ve Win­dow mode (VB-46868)
• [macOS][IME] Pres­sing Dele­te after a space sel­ects the who­le text (VB-57355)
• [macOS][Quick Com­mands] Not­hing hap­pens when you try to quit (VB-52752)

Reader View

• [Rea­der] Often remo­ves the aut­hor and date (VB-55220)

Spatial Navigation

• [Spa­ti­al Navi­ga­ti­on] Use Shift+Arrows with the Chromium/Blink imple­men­ta­ti­on (VB-55775)

Speed Dial

• [Speed Dial] New default book­marks replace user defi­ned fol­der (VB-56416)


• [Sync][Notes] Dupli­ca­ti­on: To bene­fit from the chan­ge, all syn­ced cli­ents must include this fix (VB-57285)

User Profiles

• [User Pro­files] Chro­mi­um logo in the manage­ment dia­log (VB-54643)
• [User Pro­files] Warn when dele­ting the acti­ve pro­fi­le (VB-54512)


• [Win­dows] Pin to Task­bar breaks short­cut (VB-52406)
• [Windows][Keyboard] Add sup­port for F10 with the menu bar (VB-57235)
• [Windows][macOS] Vival­di does not check if it is the default brow­ser on start­up (VB-55597)


• [Sounds] Manu­al­ly muted tab beco­mes unmu­ted when it beco­mes acti­ve (VB-56457)
• [Crash] Ticking ‚Block ads on abu­si­ve sites‘ with pri­va­te win­dow open cra­s­hes (VB-56994)
• [Zoom] Page zoom rate doesn’t always fol­low your default set­ting (VB-56833)
• [Zoom] con­trols inac­ti­ve after tab rel­oads (VB-53720)
• Pre­vent restart loop if UI dies quick­ly (VB-51539)
• [Wel­co­me page] Sync sub­page in Pri­va­te win­dow stuck at „Get­ting cur­rent sta­tus…“ (VB-43213)
• Simp­ler UI for crash reco­very (VB-56704)
• Upgraded Chro­mi­um to 77.0.3865.78

Down­load: Vival­di
Ver­si­on: 2.8
Datei­grö­ße ver­schie­den
Ver­öf­fent­licht am: 19.09.2019
Betriebs­sys­tem: Win­dows 7/8/10, MacOS 10.10+, Linux
Lizenz: Free­ware
Web­sei­te Vival­di