Thunderbird 78.8.1

Thun­der­bird (Don­ner­vo­gel) ist ein frei­es E‑Mail-Pro­gramm und Per­so­nal Infor­ma­ti­on Mana­ger, Feed­rea­der, News­rea­der sowie Chat Cli­ent. Nun wur­de Ver­si­on 78.8.1 veröffentlicht.

Bit­te die Thun­der­bird Release Notes beach­ten, vie­le Add-ons funk­tio­nie­ren nicht mehr mit Ver­si­on 78.8.1.  In Thun­der­bird (auch in Ver­si­on 68 wird 78.x nun als Update ange­bo­ten) sel­ber gibt es nun auch eine inter­ne Updatefunktion.

Update auf Ver­si­on 78.8.1 mit eini­gen Fehlerbehebungen:


• New mail noti­fi­ca­ti­on did not occur for new­ly arri­ved mes­sa­ges if pre­vious­ly recei­ved mail was unread
• Direc­to­ry for saving mul­ti­ple attach­ments was not remem­be­red bet­ween saves
• Ope­ning a mes­sa­ge from the com­mand-line using “-mail <URL>” failed
• Auto­ma­tic account set­up did not use the pro­vi­der email and dis­play name
• New­ly-added iden­ti­ties were not lis­ted in the account mana­ger until it was clo­sed and reopened
• Account pro­vi­sio­ner did not pro­per­ly hand­le UTF‑8 data
• Copy­ing a lar­ge mes­sa­ge to an IMAP ser­ver would some­ti­mes pre­ma­tu­re­ly dis­play a time-out error
• OpenPGP: Various errors when import­ing keys
• OpenPGP: Public keys atta­ched to an out­go­ing email did not have “Con­tent-Descrip­ti­on” set
• Address Book: Card­DAV sync errors did not retry until Thun­der­bird was restarted
• Calen­dar: Chan­ging the cache mode of a Cal­DAV calen­dar con­nec­tion would lose the user­na­me of the account
• Calen­dar: Add-on calen­dars were some­ti­mes not visi­ble after restarting
• Calen­dar: The pre­view for a recur­ring task did not use all available space in the dia­log window
• Instal­ler: Opti­on to keep dis­tri­bu­ti­on direc­to­ry on upgrade did not work


Ver­si­on: 78.8.1
Datei­grö­ße ver­schie­de­ne
Ver­öf­fent­licht am: 8 März 2021
Betriebs­sys­tem: Win­dows, MAC OS, Linux
Lizenz: Mozil­la Public License