BIOSTAR RACING Series Motherboard Lineup for AMD RYZEN Announced

AMD AM4 Mother­board Joins the Race to the Future


Febru­ary 17th, 2017 Tai­pei, Tai­wan – BIOSTAR is proud to announ­ce the newest ent­ry in its RACING Series fami­ly of high-per­for­mance mother­board with its debut ent­ry for AMD with the BIOSTAR RACING X370 and B350 mother­board line up. Fea­turing the latest 2nd-gene­ra­ti­on RACING Series tech­no­lo­gy, the race to the future has just beco­me more inten­se with sup­port for the new AMD RYZEN pro­ces­sors. True to the lega­cy of the BIOSTAR RACING series, the new mother­boards for the Super 5 con­cept as well as the BIOSTAR’s revo­lu­tio­na­ry VIVID LED Armor and 5050 LED Fun Zone. In con­junc­tion with this are BIOSTAR’s new impro­ve­ment to com­po­nent sta­bi­li­ty and per­for­mance with its new fea­ture of Digi­tal Power+ for over­clo­cking and M.2 Coo­ling Pro­tec­tion. Also debut­ing with this model is the FLY.NET net­work per­for­mance soft­ware that works in tan­dem with the new DRAGON gam­ing LAN solu­ti­on desi­gned for gamers that want abso­lu­te net­work per­for­mance wit­hout lag when every second counts.




The flag­ship AM4 mother­board for the AMD RACING Series lin­e­up sup­port­ing AMD RYZEN pro­ces­sors, the BIOSTAR RACING X370GT7 fea­tures all the best tech­no­lo­gies from the RACING Series. Fea­turing sup­port for AMD Socket AM4 pro­ces­sors and up to the latest DDR4 memo­ry, the X370GT7 is the next-level of AMD plat­form per­for­mance. Exclu­si­ve to the BIOSTAR RACING series boards, the X370GT7 fea­tures M.2 Coo­ling Pro­tec­tion for opti­mal per­for­mance of SSDs in the most inten­se situations.


The BIOSTAR RACING X370GT7 mother­board will be offe­red with a spe­cial bund­le and will come with a BIOSTAR M200 M.2 240GB solid-sta­te drive.





Joi­ning the fami­ly of RACING Series boards is the RACING X370GT5 / RACING B350GT5 fea­turing the sty­lish VIVID LED Armor as well as the 5050 LED Fun Zone allo­wing gamers and enthu­si­asts to ful­ly cus­to­mi­ze and tail­or their rigs for their per­so­nal style.





Enjoy pre­mi­um RACING series enter­tain­ment with BIOSTAR RACING X370GT3 / RACING B350GT3 fea­turing PURO HI-FI tech­no­lo­gy as well as VIVID LED DJ for your cus­tom light­ing. All BIOSTAR RACING Series mother­boards fea­ture FLY.Net net­work opti­miza­ti­on soft­ware for advan­ced net­work manage­ment tog­e­ther with Bull­Guard anti­vi­rus for your sys­tem protection.


BIOSTAR RACING 2nd-Gen Series Features


The full-wave of fea­tures from the 2nd-gen BIOSTAR mother­boards echo throug­hout the series with M.2 Coo­ling Pro­tec­tion for opti­mal ope­ra­ting con­di­ti­ons for M.2 sto­rage, Light­ning Char­ger for fast char­ging of your mobi­le devices so you can get more of your PC ins­tead of tying up the wall out­let. Ano­ther fea­ture desi­gned for over­clo­ckers is Digi­tal Power+ for sta­ble power deli­very and endu­rance. For added style, all the new mother­boards fea­ture VIVID LED DJ sup­port and 5050 LED Fun Zone with dual hea­der for full cus­to­miza­ti­on freedom.


Break limits and enjoy unin­hi­bi­ted speed with BIOSTAR per­for­mance fea­tures that offer speed that gamers need to domi­na­te their games. The­se new fea­tures will bring a new level of expe­ri­ence for gamers and enthusiasts.


New Fea­tures to Enhan­ce Gam­ing Performance

Break limits and enjoy unin­hi­bi­ted speed with BIOSTAR per­for­mance fea­tures that offer speed that gamers need to domi­na­te their games. The­se new fea­tures will bring a new level of expe­ri­ence for gamers and enthusiasts.


M.2 Coo­ling Protection

BIOSTAR RACING 2nd-gene­ra­ti­on mother­boards will be the first to have an M.2 heats­ink that fea­tures ultra-high coo­ling effi­ci­en­cy to pro­tect M.2 devices con­nec­ted to the onboard M.2 slot and chip­set from ther­mal issues thus expan­ding M.2 device life­span for long-term usa­ge and over­all sta­ble ope­ra­ti­on even under high sys­tem load.


Digi­tal Power+

Per­fect for over­clo­ckers, Digi­tal Power+ uses IR’s digi­tal power con­trol­ler to bring your PC and pro­ces­sor excep­tio­nal­ly high-per­for­mance and ultra-sta­ble ope­ra­ti­on. BIOSTAR RACING mother­boards offer excel­lent sta­bi­li­ty and vol­ta­ge deli­very with excep­tio­nal­ly cool ope­ra­ting tem­pe­ra­tures main­tai­ning gre­at relia­bi­li­ty under load than com­pe­ting designs.


Light­ning Charger

The new 2nd-gene­ra­ti­on BIOSTAR RACING mother­boards will be the first to have the new Light­ning Char­ger which helps the bat­tery of enab­led devices, inclu­ding smart­phones or tablets, to achie­ve up to 75% char­ge in just 30 minu­tes. It sup­ports QC2.0 (12V/1.5A out­put), Apple Mode (5V /2.4A) and BC1.2.



Advan­ced Gam­ing Net­work Optimization



AMD AM4 RACING mother­boards come with the new net­wor­king solu­ti­on for gam­ing: the DRAGON LAN tog­e­ther with FLY.NET band­width manage­ment soft­ware which auto­ma­ti­cal­ly detects the best set­tings for your band­width, maxi­mi­zing prio­ri­ty to tho­se that need it the most mea­ning games will recei­ve a smoot­her expe­ri­ence with impro­ved lower laten­ci­es and an ultra-sta­ble net­work con­nec­tion when run­ning mul­ti­t­ple soft­ware that uti­li­ze the network.


Light­ing up Your Life with RACING Style



The new VIVID LED Armor enhan­ces the Armor pro­tec­tion for the I/O inter­faces and elec­tro­nic audio com­pon­ents wit­hout sta­tic elec­tri­ci­ty. It comes inte­gra­ted with onboard LED light­ing for DIY fun. This fea­ture also enhan­ce per­for­mance as it keeps the sys­tem sta­ble and pro­tec­ted from dust build-up and sta­tic interference.


5050 LED Fun Zone

The brand-new 5050 LED Fun Zone comes with two 5050 LED hea­ders to bring more colorful light­ing opti­ons to DIY lovers. This impro­ves upon the ori­gi­nal fea­ture allo­wing for a much more fle­xi­ble way of adding lights to your system.

Spe­cial Bund­le with your BIOSTAR RACING Series Motherboard


The BIOSTAR RACING X370GT7 mother­board will be offe­red with a spe­cial bund­le and will come with a BIOSTAR M200 M.2 240GB solid-sta­te drive.


BIOSTAR is also giving out to users free invi­te code con­tent bonus packs which includes pre­mi­um gifts for World of Tanks gamers in Asia ser­ver with all BIOSTAR RACING series motherboards.


For more infor­ma­ti­on on the BIOSTAR RACING X370GT7, see offi­ci­al pro­duct page here:


For more infor­ma­ti­on on the BIOSTAR RACING X370GT5, see offi­ci­al pro­duct page here:


For more infor­ma­ti­on on the BIOSTAR RACING B350GT5, see offi­ci­al pro­duct page here:


For more infor­ma­ti­on on the BIOSTAR RACING X370GT3, see offi­ci­al pro­duct page here:


For more infor­ma­ti­on on the BIOSTAR RACING B350GT3, see offi­ci­al pro­duct page here:


Visit the new BIOSTAR web­site at:


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BIOSTAR, is a brand dedi­ca­ted to the pro­duc­tion of mother­boards, gra­phics cards, indus­tri­al com­pu­ting sys­tems, IOT, and health­ca­re solu­ti­on. Sin­ce its estab­lish­ment in 1986, the BIOSTAR GROUP has beco­me a major mother­board sup­pli­er in the IT indus­try as well as in IOT, Inter­net Of Things. In order to pur­sue the best qua­li­ty and aes­the­tic design, BIOSTAR has inves­ted hea­vi­ly in ID design, equip­ment, glo­bal mar­ke­ting rese­arch as well as R & D. With a con­stant empha­sis on qua­li­ty, BIOSTAR always seeks to bey­ond bet­ter and race to the future.