AMD Redefines High-Performance Computing with New Processor and Graphics Products Preview at CES 2018


New Gene­ra­ti­on of Ryzen CPUs, New Ryzen APUs, New Rade­on Vega Mobi­le GPUs Coming in 2018

Las Vegas – 2018 CES 1/7/2018

Buil­ding on the glo­bal enthu­si­asm gene­ra­ted in 2017 by Ryzen™ pro­ces­sors and Rade­on™ gra­phics tech­no­lo­gy, AMD (NASDAQ: AMD) today detail­ed its forth­co­ming roll-out plan for its new and next gene­ra­ti­on of high-per­for­mance com­pu­ting and gra­phics pro­ducts during an event in Las Vegas just pri­or to the ope­ning of CES 2018. Along­side announ­cing the first desk­top Ryzen™ pro­ces­sors with built-in Rade­on™ Vega Gra­phics, AMD also detail­ed the full line up of Ryzen™ mobi­le APUs inclu­ding the new Ryzen™ PRO and Ryzen™ 3 models, and pro­vi­ded a first look at the per­for­mance of its upco­ming 12nm 2nd gene­ra­ti­on Ryzen™ desk­top CPU expec­ted to launch in April. In gra­phics, AMD announ­ced the expan­si­on of the “Vega” fami­ly with Rade­on Vega Mobi­le and that its first 7nm pro­duct is plan­ned to be a Rade­on “Vega” GPU spe­ci­fi­cal­ly built for machi­ne lear­ning applications.

We suc­cessful­ly accom­plished the ambi­tious goals we set for our­sel­ves in 2017, reestab­li­shing AMD as a high-per­for­mance com­pu­ting lea­der with the intro­duc­tion and ramp of 10 dif­fe­rent pro­duct fami­lies,” said AMD Pre­si­dent and CEO Dr. Lisa Su. “We are buil­ding on this momen­tum in 2018 as we make our stron­gest pro­duct port­fo­lio of the last deca­de even stron­ger with new CPUs and GPUs that bring more fea­tures and more per­for­mance to a broad set of markets.” 

Technology Updates

AMD CTO and SVP Mark Paper­mas­ter shared updates on AMD’s pro­cess tech­no­lo­gy road­maps for both x86 pro­ces­sors and gra­phics architectures.

  • x86 Pro­ces­sors
    • The “Zen” core, curr­ent­ly ship­ping in Ryzen desk­top and mobi­le pro­ces­sors, is in pro­duc­tion at both 14nm and 12nm, with 12nm samples now shipping.
    • The “Zen 2” design is com­ple­te and will impro­ve on the award-win­ning “Zen” design in mul­ti­ple dimensions. 
    • AMD is on track to deli­ver per­for­mance and per­for­mance-per-watt impro­ve­ments through 2020.
  • Gra­phics Processors 
    • Expan­ding  the “Vega” pro­duct fami­ly in 2018 with the Rade­on Vega Mobi­le GPU for ultrath­in notebooks.
    • The first 7nm AMD pro­duct,  a Rade­on “Vega” based GPU built spe­ci­fi­cal­ly for machi­ne lear­ning applications. 
    • A pro­duc­tion-level machi­ne lear­ning soft­ware envi­ron­ment with AMD’s MIO­pen libra­ri­es sup­port­ing com­mon machi­ne lear­ning frame­works like Ten­sor­Flow and Caf­fe on the ROCm Open eCo­sys­tem plat­form. The industry’s first ful­ly open hete­ro­ge­neous soft­ware envi­ron­ment, which is making it easier to pro­gram using AMD GPUs for high per­for­mance com­pu­te and deep lear­ning environments.

Client Compute Updates

AMD SVP and Gene­ral Mana­ger, Com­pu­ting and Gra­phics Busi­ness Group Jim Ander­son detail­ed upco­ming AMD cli­ent com­pu­te pro­ces­sors including:

  • The Ryzen™ desk­top pro­ces­sor with Rade­on™ graphics 
    • Desk­top Ryzen™ APUs com­bi­ne the latest “Zen” core and AMD Rade­on™ gra­phics engi­ne based on the advan­ced “Vega” archi­tec­tu­re, bringing: 
      • The hig­hest per­for­mance gra­phics engi­ne in a desk­top pro­ces­sor1
      • Advan­ced quad core per­for­mance with up to 8 pro­ces­sing threads
      • 1080p HD+ gam­ing per­for­mance wit­hout a dis­crete gra­phics card
      • Beau­tiful dis­play fea­tures with Rade­on™ Free­Sync tech­no­lo­gy2
      • Full bene­fit of Rade­on™ soft­ware dri­ver fea­tures inclu­ding Rade­on™ Chill, Enhan­ced Sync and Rade­on™ ReLive
    • Plan­ned to be available start­ing Febru­ary 12, 2018.

Ryzen™ Desktop Processors with Radeon™ Vega Graphics:

Model CPU Cores Threads Max Boost Clock (GHz) Gra­phics Com­pu­te Units1 Max GPU Clock (MHz) L2/L3 Cache (MB) cTDP (Watts)
Ryzen™ 5 2400G with Rade­on™ RX Vega11 Graphics 4 8 3.9 11 1250 6 45–65W
Ryzen™ 3 2200G with Rade­on™ Vega8 Graphics 4 4 3.7 8 1100 6 45–65W

Ryzen™ PRO mobile processors with Radeon™ Vega Graphics:

Model CPU Cores Threads Max Clock (GHz) Gra­phics Com­pu­te Unitsiii Max GPU Clock (MHz) L2/L3 Cache (MB) cTDP (Watts)
Ryzen™ 7 PRO 2700U with Rade­on™ Vega10 Graphics 4 8 3.8 10 1300 6 15W Nomi­nal
Ryzen™ 5 PRO 2500U with Rade­on™ Vega8 Gra­phics 4 8 3.6 8 1100 6 15W Nomi­nal
Ryzen™ 3 PRO 2300U with Rade­on™ Vega6 Gra­phics 4 4 3.4 6 1100 6 15W Nomi­nal
  • Ryzen™ Mobi­le Pro­ces­sor with Rade­on™ Vega Graphics 
    • AMD expan­ded the Ryzen Mobi­le Pro­ces­sor fami­ly, fea­turing the world’s fas­test pro­ces­sor for ultrath­in note­books line up, with the intro­duc­tion of the Ryzen 3 mobi­le processor.

Ryzen™ mobile processors with Radeon™ Vega Graphics:

Model CPU Cores Threads Max Clock (GHz) Gra­phics Com­pu­te Unitsiii Max GPU Clock (MHz) L2/L3 Cache (MB) cTDP (Watts)
Ryzen™ 7 2700U with Rade­on™ Vega10 Graphics 4 8 3.8 10 1300 6 15W Nomi­nal
Ryzen™ 5 2500U with Rade­on™ Vega8 Graphics 4 8 3.6 8 1100 6 15W Nomi­nal
Ryzen™ 3 2300U with Rade­on™ Vega6 Graphics 4 4 3.4 6 1100 6 15W Nomi­nal
Ryzen™ 3 2200U with Rade­on™ Vega3 Graphics 2 4 3.4 3 1000 5 15W Nomi­nal


Gra­phics & Gam­ing Updates

AMD dis­cus­sed its first mobi­le dis­crete gra­phics solu­ti­on based on the “Vega” archi­tec­tu­re. This razor-thin Rade­on Vega Mobi­le GPU is desi­gned to enable new, powerful gam­ing note­books in 2018 with extra­or­di­na­ry per­for­mance and incre­di­ble efficiency.

AMD also announ­ced that Rade­on™ Soft­ware will add sup­port for HDMI 2.1 Varia­ble Refresh Rate (VRR) tech­no­lo­gy on Rade­on™ RX pro­ducts in an upco­ming dri­ver release. This sup­port will come as an addi­ti­on to the Rade­on™ Free­Sync tech­no­lo­gy umbrel­la, as dis­plays with HDMI 2.1 VRR sup­port reach market.

Ubi­s­oft announ­ced that Far Cry 5 will sup­port Rade­on™ RX Vega spe­ci­fic fea­tures like Rapid Packed Math as well as Rade­on™ Free­Sync 2 tech­no­lo­gy. Rade­on RX Vega owners will be able to enjoy Far Cry 5 at excep­tio­nal fide­li­ty, with stun­ning frame rates and beau­tiful image quality.

Supporting Resources

About AMD

For more than 45 years, AMD has dri­ven inno­va­ti­on in high-per­for­mance com­pu­ting, gra­phics, and visua­liza­ti­on tech­no­lo­gies ― the buil­ding blocks for gam­ing, immersi­ve plat­forms, and the dat­a­cen­ter. Hundreds of mil­li­ons of con­su­mers, lea­ding For­tu­ne 500 busi­nesses, and cut­ting-edge sci­en­ti­fic rese­arch faci­li­ties around the world rely on AMD tech­no­lo­gy dai­ly to impro­ve how they live, work, and play. AMD employees around the world are focu­sed on buil­ding gre­at pro­ducts that push the boun­da­ries of what is pos­si­ble. For more infor­ma­ti­on about how AMD is enab­ling today and inspi­ring tomor­row, visit the AMD (NASDAQ: AMD) web­site, blog, Face­book and Twit­ter pages.

AMD, the AMD logo, Ryzen, Rade­on, Thre­ad­rip­per, and com­bi­na­ti­ons the­reof, are trade­marks of Advan­ced Micro Devices, Inc.


Sophia Hong
AMD Communications
(512) 940‑9342

Ali­na Ostrovsky
AMD Inves­tor Relations
(408) 749‑6688