Dell EMC Expands Server Capabilities for Software-defined, Edge and High-Performance Computing

ROUND ROCK, TEXAS, FEB. 6, 2018 — 

Dell EMC announ­ced three new ser­vers desi­gned for soft­ware-defi­ned envi­ron­ments, edge and high-per­for­mance com­pu­ting (HPC). The PowerEdge R6415PowerEdge R7415 and PowerEdge R7425 expand the 14th gene­ra­ti­on of the Dell EMC PowerEdge ser­ver port­fo­lio with new capa­bi­li­ties to address the deman­ding workload requi­re­ments of today’s modern data cen­ter. All three rack ser­vers with the AMD EPYC™ pro­ces­sor offer high­ly sca­lable plat­forms with out­stan­ding total cost of owner­ship (TCO).

As the bed­rock of the modern data cen­ter, cus­to­mers expect us to push ser­ver inno­va­ti­on fur­ther and fas­ter” said Ash­ley Gorakh­pur­wal­la, pre­si­dent, Ser­ver and Infra­struc­tu­re Sys­tems at Dell EMC. “As cus­to­mers deploy more IoT solu­ti­ons, they need high­ly capa­ble and fle­xi­ble com­pu­te at the edge to turn data into real-time insights; the­se new ser­vers that are engi­nee­red to deli­ver that while lowe­ring TCO.”

The com­bi­ned inno­va­ti­on of AMD EPYCTM™ pro­ces­sors and pio­nee­ring PowerEdge ser­ver tech­no­lo­gy deli­ver com­pu­te capa­bi­li­ties that opti­mal­ly enhan­ce emer­ging workloads. With up to 32 cores (64 threads), 8 memo­ry chan­nels and 128 PCIe lanes, AMD’s EPYCTM™ pro­ces­sors offer fle­xi­bi­li­ty, per­for­mance, and secu­ri­ty fea­tures for today’s soft­ware defi­ned ecosystem.

We are plea­sed to part­ner again with Dell EMC and inte­gra­te our AMD EPYC pro­ces­sors into the latest gene­ra­ti­on of PowerEdge ser­vers to deli­ver enhan­ced sca­la­bi­li­ty and out­stan­ding total cost of owner­ship,” said For­rest Nor­rod, seni­or vice pre­si­dent and gene­ral mana­ger of the Dat­a­cen­ter and Embedded Solu­ti­ons Busi­ness Group (DESG), AMD. “Dell EMC ser­vers are pur­po­se built for emer­ging workloads like soft­ware-defi­ned sto­rage and hete­ro­ge­neous com­pu­te and ful­ly uti­li­ze the power of AMD EPYC. Dell EMC always keeps the ser­ver eco­sys­tem and cus­to­mer requi­re­ments top of mind, this part­ner­ship is just the begin­ning as we work tog­e­ther to crea­te solu­ti­ons that unlock the next chap­ter of data cen­ter growth and capability.”

Tech­no­lo­gy is at a relent­less pace of sca­le and record adop­ti­on, which has resul­ted in emer­ging workloads that are gro­wing in sca­le and scope. The­se workloads are dri­ving new sys­tem requi­re­ments and fea­tures that are, in turn, advan­cing deve­lo­p­ment and adop­ti­on of tech­no­lo­gies such as NVMe, FPGAs and in-memo­ry data­ba­ses. The PowerEdge R6415, PowerEdge R7415 and PowerEdge R7425 are desi­gned to sca­le-up as cus­to­mers’ workloads increase and have the fle­xi­bi­li­ty to sup­port today’s modern data center.

Like all 14th gene­ra­ti­on PowerEdge ser­vers, the new ser­vers will con­ti­nue to offer a sca­lable busi­ness archi­tec­tu­re and intel­li­gent auto­ma­ti­on with iDRAC9 and Quick Sync 2 manage­ment sup­port. Inte­gra­ted secu­ri­ty is always a prio­ri­ty and the inte­gra­ted cyber resi­li­ent archi­tec­tu­re secu­ri­ty fea­tures of the Dell EMC PowerEdge ser­vers pro­tects cus­to­mers’ busi­nesses and data for the life of the server.

The­se ser­vers have up to 4TB memo­ry capa­ci­ty enhan­ced for data­ba­se manage­ment sys­tem (DBMS) and ana­ly­tics workload fle­xi­bi­li­ty and are fur­ther opti­mi­zed for the fol­lo­wing environments: 

  • Edge com­pu­ting deploy­ments – The high­ly con­fi­gura­ble, 1U sin­gle-socket Dell EMC PowerEdge R6415, with up to 32 cores, offers ultra-den­se and sca­le-out com­pu­ting capa­bi­li­ties. Sto­rage fle­xi­bi­li­ty is enab­led with up to 10 PCIe NVMe drives.
  • Soft­ware-defi­ned Sto­rage deploy­ments – The 2U sin­gle-socket Dell EMC PowerEdge R7415 is the first AMD EPYCTM-based ser­ver plat­form cer­ti­fied as a VMware vSAN Rea­dy Node and offers up to 20% bet­ter TCO per four-node clus­ter for vSAN deploy­ments at the edge1. With 128 PCIe lanes, it offers acce­le­ra­ted east/west band­width for cloud com­pu­ting and vir­tua­liza­ti­on. Addi­tio­nal­ly, with up to 2TB memo­ry capa­ci­ty and up to 24 NVMe dri­ves, cus­to­mers can impro­ve sto­rage effi­ci­en­cy and sca­le quick­ly at a frac­tion of the cost of tra­di­tio­nal-built storage.
  • High per­for­mance com­pu­ting – The dual-socket Dell EMC PowerEdge R7425 deli­vers up to 24% impro­ved per­for­mance ver­sus the HPE DL385 for con­tai­ners, hyper­vi­sors, vir­tu­al machi­nes and cloud com­pu­ting2 and up to 25% abso­lu­te per­for­mance impro­ve­ment for HPC workloads like com­pu­ta­tio­nal flu­id dyna­mics (CFD)3. With up to 64 cores, it offers high band­width with den­se GPU/FPGA capa­bi­li­ty. On stan­dard bench­marks, the ser­ver with supe­ri­or memo­ry band­width and core den­si­ty pro­vi­ded excel­lent results across a wide ran­ge of HPC workloads.

The new line of PowerEdge ser­vers powered by AMD EPYC™ pro­ces­sor will be available to chan­nel part­ners across the glo­be, so they can cover a broad spec­trum of con­fi­gu­ra­ti­ons to opti­mi­ze diver­se workloads for customers.


  • Dell EMC PowerEdge R7425, R7415, R6415 are available now worldwide.
  • vSAN Rea­dy Nodes are available now with the PowerEdge R7425, R7415 and the R6415.

Cus­to­mer quote(s):

Jacob Smith, seni­or vice pre­si­dent, Enga­ge­ment, Packet Hos­ting Inc.

Packet is com­mit­ted to brin­ging the latest and grea­test infra­struc­tu­re solu­ti­ons to mar­ket, mee­ting the demands of per­for­mance-hun­gry SaaS plat­forms and Enter­pri­se users around the world. We’­re thril­led to col­la­bo­ra­te with AMD and Dell EMC to intro­du­ce the Dell EMC PowerEdge R6415 which will power the first bare-metal cloud solu­ti­on run­ning AMD EPYC™ on the #1 ser­ver plat­form4and a foun­da­ti­on of both our sca­le-out and edge deployments.”

David Chaf­fin, direc­tor of HPC, Uni­ver­si­ty of Arkan­sas –Fay­et­te­ville

The Advan­ced High-Per­for­mance Com­pu­ting Cen­ter at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Arkan­sas Fay­et­te­ville runs Mole­cu­lar Dyna­mics simu­la­ti­on the open-source code: LAMMPS (Lar­ge-Sca­le Atomic/Molecular Mas­si­ve­ly Par­al­lel Simu­la­tor). We found the Dell EMC PowerEdge 7415 sin­gle socket ser­ver with the AMD EPYC pro­ces­sor runs fas­ter than exis­ting dual socket ser­vers, allo­wing us to sup­port our con­tin­ued need for more band­width and addi­tio­nal cores, but using less power in a smal­ler space.”

HPC and Rese­arch Team, Nik­hef (Dutch Natio­nal Insti­tu­te for Sub­ato­mic Physics)

The Dell EMC ser­vers with AMD’s new EPYC pro­ces­sor have pro­ven to be excel­lent for mul­ti-core appli­ca­ti­ons. Per­for­mance sca­les out very nice­ly for par­al­lel code as well as OpenMP-based code. With the avai­la­bi­li­ty of the mas­si­ve amount of PCI‑e lanes, the­se ser­vers pro­vi­de us with a lot more sto­rage and net­work through­put per socket. Also, the fact that the new EPYC pro­ces­sor con­ta­ins hard­ware sup­port for both AES encryp­ti­on and SHA‑2 enco­ding makes it a good can­di­da­te for hos­ting VPN services.”

Chan­nel Part­ner quote:

Char­lie Bell­ord, Chief Com­mer­cial Offi­cer, Hard­ware Group

Today’s modern data cen­ter demands an infra­struc­tu­re than can hand­le a varie­ty of workloads, and the­se new ser­vers pro­vi­de the capa­bi­li­ties for their ser­vers to grow with their data cen­ter needs. Also, the Dell EMC PowerEdge R6415 and R7415 sin­gle socket ser­vers speaks to the inno­va­ti­on and part­ner­ship of Dell EMC and AMD, and how they work tog­e­ther to bring enter­pri­se class solu­ti­ons to market.”

Addi­tio­nal resources

  • Direct2DellEMC blog by Ash­ley Gorakh­pur­wal­la: Whe­re Chan­ge Meets Its Match: PowerEdge Ser­vers with AMD EPYC Pro­ces­sors Have Arrived
  • Direct2DellEMC blog by Ravi Pen­de­kan­ti: Watch Out! Edge Com­pu­ting Is Shar­per Than You Think: 3 Key Requi­re­ments to Consider
  • Con­nect with Dell EMC via Twit­terFace­bookYou­TubeLin­ke­dIn and DECN
  • Fol­low the latest news on Twit­ter from @DellEMCNews

About Dell EMC

Dell EMC, a part of Dell Tech­no­lo­gies, enables orga­niza­ti­ons to moder­ni­ze, auto­ma­te and trans­form their data cen­ter using indus­try-lea­ding con­ver­ged infra­struc­tu­re, ser­vers, sto­rage and data pro­tec­tion tech­no­lo­gies. This pro­vi­des a trus­ted foun­da­ti­on for busi­nesses to trans­form IT, through the crea­ti­on of a hybrid cloud, and trans­form their busi­ness through the crea­ti­on of cloud-nati­ve appli­ca­ti­ons and big data solu­ti­ons. Dell EMC ser­vices cus­to­mers across 180 count­ries – inclu­ding 98 per­cent of the For­tu­ne 500 – with the industry’s most com­pre­hen­si­ve and inno­va­ti­ve port­fo­lio from edge to core to cloud.

About Dell Inc.

Dell Inc., a part of Dell Tech­no­lo­gies, pro­vi­des cus­to­mers of all sizes – inclu­ding 98 per­cent of the For­tu­ne 500 – with a broad, inno­va­ti­ve port­fo­lio from edge to core to cloud. Dell Inc. com­pri­ses Dell cli­ent as well as Dell EMC infra­struc­tu­re offe­rings that enable orga­niza­ti­ons to moder­ni­ze, auto­ma­te and trans­form their data cen­ter while pro­vi­ding today’s work­force and con­su­mers what they need to secu­re­ly con­nect, pro­du­ce, and col­la­bo­ra­te from any­whe­re at any time.