DisplayPort Adds DockPort Extension to Royalty-Free VESA Standard

A Sin­gle Dis­play­Po­rt Con­nec­tor Will Car­ry Video, USB Data and Power

 INTERNATIONAL CES, LAS VEGAS (7 Janu­ary 2014) – The Video Elec­tro­nics Stan­dards Asso­cia­ti­on (VESA®) announ­ced today that Dock­Port will be added as an offi­ci­al exten­si­on to the exis­ting Dis­play­Po­rt stan­dard. Dock­Port is an emer­ging tech­no­lo­gy that enables high-speed USB 3.0 data over the exis­ting Dis­play­Po­rt con­nec­tor. Ori­gi­nal­ly deve­lo­ped by AMD, Texas Instru­ments, and other VESA mem­ber com­pa­nies, the Dock­Port exten­si­on will allow note­books, tablets and other small form fac­tor com­pu­ters to aggre­ga­te the dis­play, data and power inter­faces into a sin­gle con­ve­ni­ent connector.

Com­pu­ters and other smart devices requi­re high-speed I/O ports to share high-reso­lu­ti­on video with exter­nal dis­plays, high band­width data with exter­nal sto­rage and other peri­pherals, and power for bat­tery char­ging. As note­books and tablets beco­me thin­ner and more por­ta­ble, con­su­mers want to com­bi­ne the­se three com­mon inter­faces into a sin­gle port on their mobi­le device. With a sin­gle Dis­play­Po­rt con­nec­tion using the new Dock­Port exten­si­on and enhan­ced power capa­bi­li­ties under deve­lo­p­ment, con­su­mers will be able to attach their com­pu­ters or tablets to a docking sta­ti­on and have instant, hass­le-free access to a wide array of exter­nal resources.

Con­su­mers are hap­piest when they can per­so­na­li­ze their elec­tro­nics sys­tems and redu­ce the num­ber of cables they need to deal with at the same time,” explai­ned Ste­ve Belt, AMD’s cor­po­ra­te vice pre­si­dent of stra­te­gic alli­ances. “We iden­ti­fied Dis­play­Po­rt as an ide­al start­ing point and began col­la­bo­ra­ting with other indus­try lea­ders to crea­te Dock­Port as an exten­si­on of DisplayPort’s capa­bi­li­ties. With just one inex­pen­si­ve con­nec­tor, users can now access power, a mou­se, key­board, exter­nal opti­cal and hard disk dri­ves, prin­ters, gam­ing con­trol­ler, and up to four exter­nal moni­tors. That’s a lot of capa­bi­li­ty from a sin­gle, stan­dar­di­zed connector.”

AMD’s Dis­co­very Tablet refe­rence design, which uti­li­zes Dis­play­Po­rt with the Dock­Port exten­si­on to enable video, data and power over one con­nec­tor, won two 2014 CES Inno­va­ti­on Awards.

VESA’s decis­i­on to aug­ment the popu­lar Dis­play­Po­rt stan­dard with the sin­gle-con­nec­tor capa­bi­li­ties of TI’s inno­va­ti­ve Dock­Port con­trol­ler is a win for end equip­ment desi­gners and con­su­mers,” said Wes Ray, sys­tems and appli­ca­ti­ons mana­ger for Con­su­mer and Com­pu­ting Inter­face at TI. “As an open stan­dard, Dock­Port will be rea­di­ly available for desi­gners to imple­ment and more quick­ly deli­ver the con­ve­ni­ence of a sin­gle con­nec­tion in devices such as tablets, note­books, docking sta­ti­ons and dongles.”

Dis­play­Po­rt is the world’s most advan­ced, high data rate video inter­face stan­dard. It con­nects com­pu­ters and other video sources to tele­vi­si­ons and dis­plays, while main­tai­ning back­ward com­pa­ti­bi­li­ty with VGA, DVI and HDMI. The glo­bal stan­dard is backed by more than 200 tech­no­lo­gy lea­ders worldwide.

Desi­gned to be robust­ly ‘future pro­of’ as well as back­ward com­pa­ti­ble, Dis­play­Po­rt allows a video source to dri­ve up to four dis­plays, and it is the only video inter­face that can sup­port 4K UHD TVs and dis­plays with deep color at 60 frames per second. Dis­play­Po­rt with the Dock­Port exten­si­on will con­ti­nue to be a royal­ty-free stan­dard. Dis­play­Po­rt-cer­ti­fied sys­tems are available from every lea­ding dis­play manu­fac­tu­rer, and con­su­mers purcha­se mil­li­ons of Dis­play­Po­rt pro­ducts every year.

Being a modern, high-speed, packet-based digi­tal inter­face, Dis­play­Po­rt was desi­gned to be exten­si­ble while also pro­vi­ding back­ward com­pa­ti­bi­li­ty,” said Craig Wiley, Sr. Direc­tor of Mar­ke­ting for Para­de Tech­no­lo­gies, and Chair of the VESA Board of Direc­tors.  “Simi­lar to Thun­der­bolt and MyDP, the new Dock­Port exten­si­on will uti­li­ze the fle­xi­bi­li­ty of Dis­play­Po­rt tech­no­lo­gy to crea­te a sin­gle dis­play, data, and, in the near future, power con­nec­tor, while still being back­ward com­pa­ti­ble with all other Dis­play­Po­rt devices.   We expect the Dock­Port fea­ture will appear in main-stream pro­ducts sin­ce its per­for­mance is tail­o­red for stan­dard con­nec­tors and pas­si­ve cables.”

VESA anti­ci­pa­tes fina­li­zing the Dock­Port exten­si­on spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­on by Q2 2014,” accor­ding to Bill Lem­pe­sis, Exe­cu­ti­ve Direc­tor of VESA. “Our rigo­rous stan­dar­diza­ti­on pro­cess will include the deve­lo­p­ment of a com­pli­ance test, and devices clai­ming to sup­port the Dock­Port exten­si­on will be tes­ted as part of the Dis­play­Po­rt logo pro­gram to ensu­re interoperability.”

Dis­play­Po­rt with Dock­Port exten­si­on demos are curr­ent­ly on dis­play at CES 2014 in Las Vegas, Janu­ary 6–10, booth 21324 LVCC South Hall 1/2 Ground Level.

For more infor­ma­ti­on on VESA, plea­se visit http://www.vesa.org/. For more infor­ma­ti­on about Dis­play­Po­rt, plea­se visit http://www.displayport.org or con­nect with us on You­Tube.